Thursday, 22 August 2013


Your bad days are your best days. The times which are unseemly negative are only pointers to the fact that there is a rising at the end of the valley.
The problems we face shouldn't be a setback towards our growth and development. When we experience a setback then that is only a preparation for a comeback. Before every show there is a backstage, so the sets at the back inotherwords the set-backs are only a demonstration of the fact that there should be a performance of an exploit.
Face your Fears. The Heights are for those who dared not those who doubted. Faith is a fight and as well an Ever-Winning Force which we all cannot deny. It can only be to you according to the proportion of your Faith.
The days we are in require a force, a creative force at that to initiate the things that we desire. Faith makes the day bring forth whatsoever is spoken into it.