Thursday, 14 May 2015


"... It is he that made us and not we ourselves...."

God is the manufacturer of everything including you. We are a product of the initiative of God, we find our existence in him. The purpose for Living is found in God and God alone, the pursuit of success, ambition, fame and wealth weighs only little in comparison to the impact and effect of Living a Purpose Driven life.

I'd like you to know three things about being a product:

1. The product is made by the manufacturer: a product is a creation of another. Nothing exists by itself. A thing cannot bring itself into being. It must be created. You are a product of God, means that your existence is tied to him. God MADE man in his own image.

2. The Product does not derive it's Purpose from another Product:
There are thousands of products in existence, but one differs from another in function and glory. You cannot discover your purpose by asking or copying the functions of another product,rather purpose is unique and is as revealed by the manufacturer. God has a purpose for you, a UNIQUE one at that. Ask and it shall be given to you....

3. The glory belongs to the Manufacturer not the product: irrespective of how much benefits or quality a product has, the appreciation always goes to the maker not the product. The existence of the product is tied to its creator. You have no business sharing in God's glory, King Herod did so and he was eaten by worms instantly. Give ALL the Glory to God for all he Exploits He has done through you...

Central Truth: You are a product, don't loose your Uniqueness.


Lord, let my life reflect the purpose for its creation in Jesus Name. Amen.

Youth Devotional
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