Monday, 30 November 2015


Many times we are faced with challenges and trials that seem to overwhelm. It could be in your Academics, Finance, Relationships, Family etc. When this happens it may appear as though all hope is lost and that you'd drown in it. However, when you look at the men and women in scripture you'd realise that out of adversity came opportunities.

Today, we'd look at the riddle Samson put forth. It is recorded thus:"And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle". The first part says "out of the eater came forth meat". Now, in the natural sense the lion was supposed to tear Samson to pieces. The natural strength of man cannot match that of a lion. Through God's Divine energy, Samson killed the lion and then he made the riddle-Out of the eater came forth meat. In other words, what was supposed to destroy him became something that benefited him in the end. Meat came out of the eater(the lion) .

Can I say to you, that that situation in your life, or challenge you're currently facing, if you'd engage God's power already resident in you, it would become something which would bring forth great testimonies. Let God's power flow through you to transform your adversities into opportunities.

Central Truth: God can bring out great testimonies from your biggest challenges.


LORD, endue me with power from on high to do the impossible. Bring opportunities out of my adversities in Jesus Name.

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Friday, 27 November 2015


Taking a cue from the great men seen in scriptures, you'd realise that they accomplished so much for God in their little lives. They lived for God and affected mankind so much so that they're still remembered today. To those who consistently stay on the path of purpose there always seems to be more and more doors of responsibility opened up to them.

To the lazy and those who complain, they do so because they choose not to walk through the open doors of responsibility. You've been given much by God, God has invested so much into you as his creature. However, it's through responsibility that the Grace God has put into you would manifest to your world.

As long as you stay on the path that God has placed you in, be sure that many more responsibilities would come knocking on your door. At one time it was said of Dr. Myles Munroe that he had over 900 invitations to minister around the world in one year. When you look at the number of days in the year-365, you'd already realise that he practically wouldn't have a day off. He might not have honored the whole invitations, but knowing that he is needed world over wouldn't just be something to be celebrated but something that would require the might to God to accomplish.

In this season, be ready to take on more for God, be ready to do more as it relates to God's vision for your life. Don't stay where you've always been. Jesus clearly stated this when he said: For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

Central Truth: Be ready to take on more. God would be there to supply the Grace.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Matthew 13: 12

LORD, as I take on more as led by you, let your strength me made available to me in Greater measure in Jesus Name.
The Launching is tomorrow. It's time TO SEIZE THE FUTURE. You're invited. It's time to get empowered for the days ahead.
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Thursday, 26 November 2015


When you give honor you position yourself to be a recipient of the same. Arrogance is detrimental to destiny. You cannot go far in life without honoring the vessels that God has positioned to be a blessing to you.

While returning home yesterday, a conversation broken out in the bus, people were talking about the fact that they don't want another war in the country. It so happened that a man who had been recruited as a fighter during the war was in the bus. He narrated the experience they had during the war, how that he lost contact with his parents, people being maimed and killed daily. From the conversation it now became apparent that our Leaders during that period did their best to keep the nation together. Nigeria is a nation with a unique destiny. I'm proud to be born here. In the end, I began to respect the likes of Rtd. Gen Yakubu Gowon, Rtd Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo, who were young when they took up the mantle of Leadership of the nation. Their sacrifices and contributions are well received and they should be honored.

This also filters into the Kingdom as well. The anointing is needed to make a difference in the lives of others. There is a need to respect and honor the vessels God has positioned in your life. Pray for them, serve them, sow into their lives. It would bring tremendous blessings to you. In Romans 13 the Scripture says "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.......Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."

Central Truth: Give Honor.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Romans 13:1,7
2 Days to go. It's time to SEIZE THE FUTURE. Jeremiah 29:11, 2 Corinthians 4:18

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Wednesday, 25 November 2015


While growing up, I used to think things got better with time. I thought as time goes on improvements will automatically happen and then we'd all be happy. It's more like having 'your head in the clouds'. If this were true, then we shouldn't be having 70year old men and women who are still unsaved. We shouldn't be having people engaging in destructive habits since they know it's been affecting their health. Why would a man who has heard the gospel preached until now remain unsaved? Thought it was all about age. No its not.

QUOTE: It is Decision not Time that causes Change.

As a matter of fact the scriptures says that "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold". Apparently things won't automatically get better. This season is one where life altering decisions must be taken. God is not going to override your will in bringing his will to pass. God wants to partner with you to make great things happen through you for the advancement of His Purpose.

It's been over two thousand years since The Lord Jesus Christ completed his assignment on earth and the church is still waxing stronger. Amidst this is a generation that chooses to disprove the existence of God. You'd have thought after 2000 years the whole world would be converted.

These are the last days and God is revealing more of Himself to those who are ready to live for him. Don't expect your life and those of others to automatically get better. Start with a Decision today. It could be praying more, interceding for someone, giving a gift, etc. Make that decision and follow-through. You'd be blessed as you do so.

Central Truth: Things don't automatically change. Change begins with a decision.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:12

LORD,lead me as I take life changing decisions in this season in Jesus Name.
3 Days to go for the Launching. The future isn't designed to be left to chance but to be SEIZED. Pray along with us.

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Tuesday, 24 November 2015


We all want to learn, at least most people do. There's a quest to know and discover what is out there. There such vast knowledge in the world today that it would take eternity to digest all of them. However, there are two kinds of learning. Learning before an experience and Learning after an experience. Both are inevitable. What matters is your perspective in using both.

When you learn before an experience you position yourself to gather all the needed information, resources and contacts that would make what you're about venturing into result in a huge success. When you learn from an experience you gather insight from what you've done, both from the successes and the mistakes you made. It's important to engage the two forms of learning.

One reason why people make lots of mistakes is that they refuse to engage either forms of these learning methods. Some over prepare and may hit their mark only to just jump off to something else. Others don't prepare well and fail and give up in the process. You must leverage the two kind of learning in every area of your life.

The way to learn before an experience is through books, messages, attending conferences, connecting with mentors and influencers. The way to learn after an experience is to have a personal evaluation via reflection. I've learnt from John Maxwell that engaging the Law of Reflection transforms experience into insight. So, in essence there's no bad experience and you cannot be over prepared for an experienced. Just stick to the Learning Principle.

Keep Learning.

Central Truth: What determines whether an experience is good or not is judged by your choice to learn from it.

1. Identify something you want to venture into-a relationship, a career pursuit, business etc . begin to learn all you can through books and other avenues outlined above and practice accordingly.

2. Point to an event in your life and begin to engage the law of reflection. Turn your experience into Insight.
4Days to the Launching. Find out more on Facebook by Liking the page House of Living Oracles. KEEP PRAYING FOR US.
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Monday, 23 November 2015


While growing up, my Grandparents usually did something. Whenever they were to go out, they based the success and the outcome of their day on whether they met the opposite sex on their way out. Once my grandma steps out and meets a man she says confuses it would be a great day. Same also for grandpa. When he met a female first, he'd conclude that his journey would be favourable. They got more certain about the success of each outing by the number of the opposite sex they meet. Funny right?

In the beginning we see God making great things each day. Everyday God saw everything that he had made and he called it GOOD. There's a popular song we usually sing "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it". This ought to be your attitude every single day. Even day is God's day. Enjoy it. Do your best with it. Expect the Best everyday because God has promised to load you daily with his benefits.

The wordings of that song was expressed in Psalms 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoicing here is a conscious action. It's something you do deliberately. Don't look at your feelings or what is going on around you. JUST REJOICE!

Central Truth: Everyday is God's day so rejoice and be glad in it.


My day is Blessed.
Today is God's day I would rejoice and be glad in it.
Nothing weighs me down because I walk by faith of the word of God and not by what I see.
My joy is unspeakable and will know no bounds in Jesus Name.
5 Days to go for the LAUNCHING. It's time to Seize the Future.

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Sunday, 22 November 2015


In many places where prayers are raised, one of the many things prayed about is breakthrough. People are eager to get into a different level in life, to enter a new phase which is considerably better than the previous one. When you split the word in two, you'd have Break-Through. Now, what does the word break mean? It means to fracture or to split something into pieces. For that to happen, there must be conscious effort, force must be applied and exerted on something for it to be split. Take for instance cracking a coconut, it often requires continuous effort before it finally cracks open. Now that's Break Through. The consistent application of force eventually opens the nut.

QUOTE: He who desires to see breakthroughs should at least be breaking Something.
- Oluwatobi Adesanya

Favor is never an excuse for refusing labour. As a matter of fact, man (Adam) was a workaholic before the fall. Everything he did was wonderful, in fact God had to see what he would call the animals. Adam was so hard working that God practically had to put him to sleep to bring out a wife for him.

This is the Truth therefore:For whatsoever area you desire breakthroughs, begin to apply consistent effort in that area. God's grace comes upon what you're doing and not otherwise. Grace makes work sweet, enjoyable and easy. While those in the world call it struggling, you would be producing mind blowing results that beats those in the world.

Labour with Grace. Work with Grace. Your breakthroughs would not come by prayers only, it would be by the combo of prayer and consistent action(Diligence). What nuts are you cracking?
Can you imagine sitting by the coconut and praying in tongues for it to open? It won't. When God has given you the brain, the strength in your arms why would he expend his power in such a venture. You can have that breakthrough now if you begin to ask for wisdom on what you're supposed to be doing consistently to have your desired results. Remember what the word says "Seest thou a man DILIGENT in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men".

Central Truth: You can have that breakthrough now if you begin to ask for wisdom on what you're supposed to be doing consistently to have your desired results.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 22:29

LORD, Grant me the required wisdom to know what I need to do to consistently to birth my breakthroughs in Jesus Name.
The lines are fallen in pleasant places for us at this moment. God is Preparing the way for Impact this weekend. Join us for the Launching the NGO this weekend. November 28. There's room for sponsors, volunteers and Partners.

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Thursday, 19 November 2015


The relationship Jesus had with his disciples must have been so great. It's great know that God, who was in Christ, was dwelling amongst men. Certainly at one point or another in your life, you've thought of how amazing it would be if Jesus were to always be by your side. Right?

One time I got an understanding from the scriptures. When Jesus was exiting earth, he said "......lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world...". In other words, Jesus is as close to you now as he was with his disciples. Indeed even more close. You've got to understand the fact that you've got God on your inside. The fellowship with the Father and Son cannot be closer than that.

You shouldn't experience a broken fellowship with God because, He is ALWAYS with you. Look at it this way, When Jesus were here in person, there is certainly a limit to how involved he would be with you. For instance, he wouldn't have followed his disciples into the restroom, he wouldn't have been able to be with them 'always' in that sense. But today, you and I can enjoy unbroken fellowship even in the most unlikely places.

So, Walk in His consciousness always. Even NOW!

Central Truth: Walk in the consciousness of the Presence of God in your life.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Matthew 28:20

LORD, help me to always walk in the consciousness of your presence daily in Jesus Name.
8 Days to go for our Launching. We are going to be equipped to SEIZE THE FUTURE.

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It is very much possible to begin to think that you've got it all worked out. Many times when the thought comes that you can make things happen whenever you wish, it is often a product of inconsistent fellowship with God. The farther you drift away from God, the more you begin to think you can survive on your own. However, the moment you choose to reconnect back to God, to pick up where you left off, you wouldn't only realise that God is faithful but you'd realise that you are NOTHING without him. You'd see your emptiness, as a matter of fact whatsoever we do without God is bound to flop.

David wrote in Psalm 127 thus: "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain". When God is involved all is bound to go well. It's not enough to run on natural energy, let the divine energy of God flow through you ALWAYS. Except God helps you, you are bound to accomplish nothing.

Haven't you wondered? Jesus said "Without me you can do nothing". There are folks today who are not believers but are accomplishing great things. Many of them do not even believe in Jesus, but they are celebrated. This brings one thought to mind: all that they have accomplished in the sight of God is NOTHING. Why? Because God wasn't part of its accomplishment.

There's no success outside of God. If you plan to have good success it would be in partnership with God.

Central Truth: Without God you can do nothing.


LORD, as I stay in constant fellowship with you, help me to always acknowledge you in Jesus Name.
The 28th of this month is reserved as our Launching. God is helping us. We are bound to succeed. The future is ours.

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Wednesday, 18 November 2015


There is the tendency to get carried away with all that life throws at us. That's why it is necessary to be able to discern between failure marks that appear as opportunities. Having a great following and Praises from people doesn't directly related to what God intends or expects from you.

Where I currently work, many times I have to refer to the employment letter I was given to re-read my job description. This reconnects me with what is important and I get to know how to prioritize and do what's necessary.

In the book of Acts, the apostles of old were faced with a challenge of feeding the people. In solving this challenge, it was recorded thus: "Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables......But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word". They figured out what the problem was and solved it by appointing deacons. They understood the main thing, which was the Word and Prayer and stuck to it. Serving tables wasn't part of their job description.

You've got to always read God's job description for your life, your vision and mission in life. As you do so, you would be directed to stay on the main thing and do it according to God's intention.

Central Truth: Find out God's main thing and stick to it.

LORD, help me to stick to the main thing everyday. Let me not loose sight of what is important in life in Jesus Name.
Keep on praying for our Launching. There's room for Sponsors, Partners and volunteers.
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Monday, 16 November 2015


God is Spirit and He dwells in the realm of the Spirit and everything he does is spiritual. When he blesses it's not always tangible but immaterial, though the blessings may be unseen but they're very real. Our responsibility is to convert those invisible blessings into reality in our lives.
As a matter of fact, to be Blessed means 'being empowered to Prosper'

The conversion system for making spiritual blessings real in your life is FAITH. When you start to really believe that you are Blessed by God, then you'd begin to act Blessed. You'd begin to see that whatever you do prospers. The blessings of God always makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. In Ephesians Paul writes to them saying "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ".

One time I got thinking about tithing and thought about the blessing God promised to pour out on us. He promised to open up the windows of heaven to pour us out a blessing of which there wouldn't be enough room to contain it. I had to ask God how true, He created a picture in my heart. A picture of a cloud, a cloud which represents the blessing that surrounds the believer who tithes. When you tithe you are surrounded by a cloud of blessing. So as you walk in this consciousness you can be sure that you would succeed in your Academics, your finances would improve, your business will rise and all things will work together for your good.

Central Truth: You are Blessed!

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 1:3

LORD,open my eyes to see how Blessed I am in Christ. Help me to walk in the consciousness of your Blessing in Jesus Name.
The Launching still goes on as planned. Pray for great impact as we proceed.
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Sunday, 15 November 2015


I once watched Nick Vijucic deliver a message and he made some profound statements. He said being BUSY means "Being Under Satan's Yoke". Those words haven't left me up till now. This morning God reminded me that He was more interested in being productive than busy. Looking at the past few months, I've been more occupied than ever before. I was asking a brother yesterday if there was really any rest on earth. It seems as though there's so much to do in so little time.

However, in our quest to be all God wants us to be, it's needful to take a break daily to reflect on our work and activities and see how we've been productive for God and how we've worked on our relationship with Him and advanced his cause amidst other things.

Don't get under Satan's yoke. Stay in the realm of being productive always. Produce good works!

Central Truth: Being productive differs from being busy. Evaluate yourself daily in the light of these.

LORD, help me to be productive always and not busy with things that do not have eternal value in Jesus Name.
The Launching goes on as planned. Keep praying for us.

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Thursday, 12 November 2015


In the real world, it's the less that seek the greater. Those who are aspiring to be successful seek out those who are. Those wanting to gain a favor, go seeking  for it from those whom they believe have the capacity to grant their request.

From the beginning, we've always been told that mankind needs God. That's True!  But this isn't the whole truth, it's just one side of the coin. There are two sides to every coin, yes, You need God, but do you know God Needs You? Why would He send his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die without you asking?  It's recorded that "in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly"

One major reason why I've come to realise that God Needs us is this: it's recorded in Revelations 3:20 "Behold, I STAND at the DOOR, and KNOCK: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me". How would you feel if the President of your country were to come knocking on your door everyday just to have an audience with you? It would make you feel extremely special and honored.

Now how much more then God who created all Presidents and made them so? Jesus, the Son of God and indeed God, stands, he is not planning to leave your doorstep,  which here signifies your heart.
It's love that conquers the heart and transform it into what God would have it be. Respond to him today. This would be the focus of Teens Frank Talk With Tobi this weekend.

Central Truth: God Needs You. He's right there seeking you.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Revelations 3:20

LORD, I yield to your love today. Come in to my heart..
The Launching is still been planned. We'd be having our Leaders Team meeting this weekend to proceed in our plans. Keep praying for us.
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015


While returning home yesterday, I passed by a place where a man had some books for sale. A particular book caught my attention amongst those displayed. I went back to find out the price. While seeking to bargain for a good price, he began to talk about the book selling business. He made mention of the fact that many people do not read today, he made me understand that most of his sales come from supplying books directly to people who have libraries. The most notable and striking statement he made was that it was a risk for those in the book business to engage in the trade.
It then dawned on me that if books, as valuable as they are, have low sales it then means that many people today are living in Ignorance.

Ideas shape the world. Paul when writing to Timothy said, "Give attendance to READING....". Knowledge adds value to you. There's nothing like too much knowledge. As it bothers on our relationship with God it's impossible to unravel all of Him. The book of Proverbs says something very significant about today's focus. It says: "WHEN wisdom entereth into thine heart, and KNOWLEDGE is pleasant unto thy soul; DISCRETION shall preserve thee, UNDERSTANDING shall keep thee"

Only wise people value knowledge, as you absorb knowledge, what happens? You'd begin to demonstrate discretion in matters of life. You'd have unusual understanding about things that your peers and many others may not know.

When I was to carry out PROJECT IGNITE during my service year, Prayer was greatly involved. However, there was a little book by John C. Maxwell I kept reading over and over, it was titled "How Successful People Think". I kept referring back to it through the process of planning and execution. The knowledge derived from that little book is priceless. It gave me discretion on how to handle matters. When you read, you receive the tools needed to succeed in life.

If you value having discretion and understanding then pursue knowledge at all cost.

Central Truth: Knowledge is Valuable.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 2:10-11

LORD, create a desire for more knowledge in me that would improve my life in Jesus Name.
The Launching still goes on as planned. Also Teens Frank Talk with Tobi holds this Sunday. Pray along with us.
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015


There are waves of frequency constantly travelling through the air waves, it impossible to see then but with the appropriate device you'd be able to receive the signals that are being sent across. The fact that right now unaware of what program is ongoing on a particular radio or TV station doesn't mean that they aren't broadcasting. The only reason why you're not receiving the broadcast is because you're not tuned.

This is no different in the realm of the Spirit. God is out there making known the good pleasure of His will through His Spirit and as many as are in Fellowship with God are constantly updated on what's trending on God's mind. M

As young people more than ever we've got to position ourselves to receive these signals. We are the ones God is counting on to create a bright future, it takes a flow with the Holy Spirit who reveals things to come to get a hold of what God is saying in this season. It's time to be aligned to the Spirit.

Paul expresses this when writing to Timothy, it is written:"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly" God isn't quiet about his agenda for your life. Keep a close ear to His heart. It would make a huge difference in your life both in the short run and long run. From my time out with God, I've come to realise that I'm in a phase right now and that this one is a step towards another greater one and the another. It's as clear as crystal, it's not blurred or tainted.

Fellowship positions you to receive these signals from Heaven through the Holy Spirit. You cannot afford to be in the dark.

Central Truth: Be Connected.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: 1 Timothy 4:1

LORD, as I become constant in Fellowship with you, I receive the needed information about my journey in life in Jesus Name.
We would be having another Teens Frank Talk with Tobi this Sunday. We are talking on GOD NEEDS YOU. Trusting God for their hearts to be opened to the unique invitations of God. Pray for us. Our Launching is still in view.
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While returning home yesterday, I looked at one of the Big Buses on the road and saw its emergency door. It dawned on me that there is also an emergency exit in the realm of the Spirit to escape temptations when they come. The scripture says:  "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

God is sure to make a way for you out of temptations, trials and struggles. You don't have to bribe your lecturer or agree to his/her immoral advances, you don't have to cheat your way through an exam, you don't have to give up on that vision, you don't have to succumb to the pressure that the world gives you. God is bound to make a way, if you endure enough you would find out the way as always been waiting for you to find it.

When you see the story of the three Hebrews, they refused to bow to the image Nebuchadnezzar had set, they chose death rather than the easy way of following the crowd. In the end, a mind blowing miracle was seen that brought the king to Reverence God. Joseph chose to stand the test and the way of escape was opened for him even though he had to loose his garment and go to prison.

Let it be know today that the door that God opens for you out of your running away from temptations, or standing through trials, will surely lead to higher levels in life. So stay true to your vision, irrespective of the present difficulties, stand firm, immovable you'd surely find that emergency door of opportunity.

Central Truth: Ways are bound to open up even in the midst of great temptations and adversity. Remember the Red Sea?

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 10:13

LORD, I receive strength to stand the test of trials and temptations. Open my eyes to see the doors you've for me for escape in Jesus Name.
Keep praying for greater open doors of opportunities for us. The Launching is fast approaching.

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Sunday, 8 November 2015


There are pictures and videos whose quality is an eye sore to view, they look blurred, dark and unattractive. On the other hand, there are High definition pictures and videos, that show intricate details of events and moment captured and such are beautiful to behold as they are a reflection of excellence. To me HD. Means Heavenly Defined. The quality of your vision speaks about clarity. How clear is your vision?

My friend, a Visionary Olaniyi Ayeni was recently invited for an interview on radio, he was invited to talk about his NGO which focuses on teaching young kids basic coding and programming skills. He had just a short time on air, but he was able to clearly communicate his vision with the audience that it was impossible not to understand. I called him yesterday after listening to the recorded interview, I commended on the accuracy and clarity of his delivery. You know, if you have to take 60 minutes to explain your vision to people then it's not clear yet.

The Word says "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may RUN that readeth it". It isn't possible to read a textbook while running. For you to run while reading it means what is written is concise and precise that it accurately describes the future in view. God is saying here that we've got to be considered and precise.

Personally, for everyone I meet, I tell them simply that I was born to add value to the next generation and the generation here connotes teenagers and youths. Through the gifts and talents that God has given me, I speak and write constantly to inspire and affect that generation and through the NGO that we run we are course to create a future that is God defined. Through our initiatives we see God positioning us as a voice for young people all over the world.

Can you describe your life's purpose in one sentence? Can you describe your vision in a couple of minutes? The quality of the picture of your vision is as determined you, get clarity today on the path that God would have you follow.

Central Truth: Seek for a Heavenly Defined (HD) quality of Vision.


LORD, give clarity to your vision for my life in Jesus Name.
God is more than ever in the fulfilment of His purposes. Keep praying for us in the direction of the Launching. God Bless You.

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The time athletes spend in practice is far greater than that used in performance. Practice time cannot be estimated, it is not timed. Performance and execution is timed and limited. The quality of your performance is tied to the quality of your preparation.

In this season God would have you Know that it is time to get ready, to be set to run the race of destiny, to follow on the path of purpose. More than ever, you must understand that this isn't the time to be asleep. It's time to take up your Bed, to buckle your shoe laces, put on your kits because the time for the unveiling of your glory is set. While praying with another Visionary yesterday, God began to show us that we've got to the prompt. You know,  athletes on the touch line don't run before the shut, neither do they wait a second longer after the shot is fired. That's being prompt. They're ready, they're set. They've practiced and they are here for performance.

There's no doubt that you're destined for greatness, the charge today is to get ready. Take the study of God more seriously, pray more, take responsibility for things in your environment, align yourself with great people. It's time to GET READY. That's why we are having the Formal Launching of our NGO. God is daily giving direction to our efforts, causing people to align with the vision. He keeps showing us things to come by his spirit. We are getting ready,we can clearly see what is ahead of us.

Finally, in Paul's story we see how he went for 3 years into Arabia, he met with Peter all in preparation for the heavenly vision he had seen. He got himself ready.

Central Truth: This is the time to Get Ready.


LORD, I receive grace to prepare properly for the race of destiny that you've set before me in Jesus Name.
Keep Praying for us towards our Launching. As God supplies the Grace, we are set to Seize the Future.

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Friday, 6 November 2015


Vision is a language unfortunately many do not speak it. Just as there are many languages in the world that you do not understand, even so it is for many who don't have a vision. If you're a visionary you would notice that some persons cannot keep a conversation with you long enough. They'd feel as though they are being outrun or try to switch the conversation into something they are more comfortable with.

Vision is a language and so it must be spoken. The only way we can recognise different languages is by its sound and tone being used by its speaker. In like manner, your vision becomes known by all when it is on your lips. I learnt this morning that your silence can kill your destiny. The devil cannot kill your vision, why? Death and life, the Word says, lies in the power of the tongue. Jesus has also told us that he now has the key of death and life and If God be for you, who can against you?

Look at it his way: Can anyone steal your mother tongue? NO! The only way to loose your mastery of a Language is to stop speaking it and probably adopt a new one, and this can happen where there is no one to speak it with.

So, lastly Vision is Language, it must be Spoken and it must be Spoken with those who understand it. Yesterday, my Friend Leke Ademo, a Lover of God, an Author, an Inspirational Speaker came around to my office and we spent quality time together talking about vision. We didn't spend time talking about what was wrong in the country or what things were not right, we kept speaking back and forth about vision and right there we set in motion plan for his Vision Conference which would take off in January 2016. That's what happens when Visionaries meet, they speak the Language of Vision.

Central Truth: Vision is a Language, it must be Spoken, it must be spoken with those who understand it.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Proverbs  18:21

LORD, help me to keep speaking the Language of Vision in Jesus Name.
We've been speaking the Language of Vision where our NGO is concerned. God is positioning to be a voice for youth development in the nation. Keep praying for us towards our Launching few days from today.
Youth Devotional
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Thursday, 5 November 2015


Many times I get to wonder how people without Christ live their lives. When I get to fellowship with God and with other brethren I see the indispensability of God. In other words, I keep realising the fact that we can't do without him. Yet it seems many can bare to live outside of God's influence.

The question today is are you outside? Not outside of your room, or country, but outside of God's influence? There's a gap, a hole in your life that nothing can fill except the presence of God. The scriptures rightly define the body as the temple of God. In other words, only God has the right to dwell in you.

The latter part of 1 John 1:3 says "... and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ". Truly our fellowship is with our Heavenly Father. What's your excuse for being outside of the fold of God? Is it the theories of men or the troubles of life?

Irrespective of what holds you back, it's time for you to arise and come to the father. There are no rules and regulations, he just says COME. You still have a great chance while here on earth, you can't afford to be outside after you leave earth, it would mean an eternal separation in hell which wasn't designed for you.

It's time to come Inside. There's Love, Joy, Peace and the Presence of God would make the whole difference.

Central Truth: Being with God is more valuable than being without Him.


LORD, I come into your fold today, I choose to be with you now and till eternity in Jesus Name.
Things are taking off gradually. Keep praying for us for out Launching few weeks from now.
Youth Devotional
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015


"Simplify your life", I think that's the most important lesson everyone needs to learn. Life wasn't designed by God to be hard, full of identity crises, inferiority complex and all. God intended us to have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus made this clear when he said "I have come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly". There's no joy in living a life that isn't yours. Imagine if you wore the clothes of someone three times your size, or two times smaller than your present size. How uncomfortable would that be?

When we choose to live life by the Spirit we enter into a life of rest. More so when the Word gets a grip over our minds and heart, it cuts out  the habits and mindsets that make us live a life that doesn't bring glory to God. I particularly loved my Zonal Coordinator while serving in NCCF. He demonstrated simplicity. He was the same while preaching as he was while relating with fellow Corps members. He spoke the Word fervently and yet knew how to be just like everyone else.

With this, it can be said that Simplicity breeds humility. Don't envy, hate or try to impress others. You've got to be comfortable in your own skin. Walk in the reality of your identity. It isn't that complicated to live this life.

Also, in relating with our Father God, it is necessary that we understand the simplicity. Remember what Paul wrote: "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ". When it becomes hard to relate with God, it might just be you've added man made theories to God's simple injunction to COME. Every time Jesus was amongst the people he did not refuse anyone that came to Him. He RECEIVED them.

Come Boldly to Him today. Call Him Father!

Central Truth: In Christ life is simplified.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 11:3

LORD, I come based on your injunction. Through your word cut out every mindset that doesn't please you in Jesus Name.
Keep Praying for us for our Launching coming up few days from now.
Youth Devotional
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015


In the world system today, whenever a man has been convicted and served his sentence in jail, he still, despite being free, has restrictions and limitations. He wouldn't be able to contest for political office, he'd always be known as an ex-convict. Howbeit in the Spirit it is a different story. When we come to Christ ALL records are not only cancelled, the records of all your sins and wrong doings ceases to exist. You become someone who has never sinned. All Divine rights and Privileges are transferred to you through Christ.

How come? It is because it is written "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him". Jesus became everything that you once were so that you could become all that He is-RIGHTEOUS. You are Justified by Faith in the Finished work of Christ.

Understand today that there's no and will never be any record of sin against you. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. God has Covenanted through the blood of His Beloved Son not to remember your sins and iniquities any more-Hebrews 8. You can access the throne of God boldly via the blood of Jesus and enjoy all the benefits a relationship with the Father provides.

Are you struggling with condemnation, guilt, or worries of the failures of the past or even besetting sins? You need not be. All the wrath that God could ever have has been contained by Jesus through his death. That hymn says "Till on the cross as Jesus Died, the wrath of God was satisfied, for every sin on Him was laid. Here in the death of Christ I live". God is not angry with you and will never be, all His anger has been absorbed in the body of Jesus.

It is too good to be true. If it is not then it isn't the Gospel. YOU ARE FREE. LIVE IN IT.

Central Truth: You are set free by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and so you are justified and given a new status that has no trace of your sins and wrong doings. You're not an ex-convict!

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 5:21
Further Study: Romans 8

LORD, give me a deeper understanding of this eternal reality. I Praise you because I'm set at Liberty to live the life of Righteousness as aided by your Spirit in Jesus Name.
Ask that God makes real all He is revealing to us. In the end the vision will certainly speak. Keep praying for our Launching for November 21.

Youth Devotional
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