Friday, 30 October 2015


There's a book by Napoleon Hill titled Think and Grow Rich. I was in a business centre once and a man saw me with the book. He said he had been thinking but he wasn't yet rich. Later on I began to realise that what most people do is worry and ruminate about the things that aren't right. They're not necessarily thinking. Any thoughtful process always brings positive result.

Proverbs says "for as he thinks in his heart, so is he" . You are equal to the thoughts that you think. The charge today is to engage the mind of Christ which we have access to its operations, through the Word of God. You can't fill yourself with the Word and not be transformed. Let your thoughts flow with the abundance of God's word and not the abundance of news that flies around.

You're rich in glory, crowned with honor and you're destined an eternal excellency. It is as you plant the Word deliberately in your heart that you experience a change. While ministering in my School Fellowship some weeks ago, I made mention of the fact that every believer must have a confident expectation of Good. One thing that God's word does to your mindset is that it makes you know that whatever happens to you must result in a positive testimony.

So think the thoughts of God.

Central Truth: Your thoughts affect your life. Watch it.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 23:7

My Thoughts are refined by the Word.
I'm not carried away by what I hear and see.
I discipline my mind to think pure, just, true and virtuous thoughts.
My Life is continually transformed as I absorb God's word daily.
God is taking us to heights unimaginable. Join the chariot by praying for the launching of our Non-profit organization in November.

Youth Devotional
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