Saturday, 30 April 2016


"A Song of degrees. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

The help needed in birthing that Awesome Future that we all hope for  isn't going to come from a Democracy, a Monarchy or a Despot. It won't even come from any Religion. it will have to come from ABOVE.

Amidst the darkness, the gross darkness and evil that walks through our land Nigeria and other nations of the earth, we must keep our gaze up on high looking for our help from heaven where Christ is King.
At this time as we draw the curtains for the focus on APRIL (A Secured Future) we must realize that it's up to us. As we partner with God we would surely possess the earth for his Kingdom.

Shall We Pray the Lord's Prayer with a Renewed Understanding...

9.   ...Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

 10  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

 11  Give us this day our daily bread.

 12  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

 13  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
 -Matthew 6:9-13

Please do share your thoughts, comments, suggestions, Questions and prayer requests. How has this helped you??

Do remember to download the NEW Daily Dealings CLASSIC for March titled: BUILDING A GODLY CHARACTER which was authored by Oluwatobi Adesanya and Omotola Fatunsin.

Here's the link:

Do have A Blessed Day!

Monday, 25 April 2016

No More Headaches

A long time friend came around over the weekend and he got talking and spoke at length about the different issues affecting Nigeria. He has such an overwhelming perspective of the problems that everything actually looked gloomy and it seemed there was no hope again for Nigeria and indeed the rest of the world.

It got to a point that I just felt like leaving the conversation and go do something else. But for friendship sake and all... I endured... While he spoke I suddenly realized that I began to have a headache. Even mum who was around said the same as well. I scarcely have headaches and when I do I can always trace the source. On this day it was obvious that the different problems he outlined and talked about for well over an hour caused it all. Yes it Did.

When he left I literally had to pray the headache away. It didn't leave easily, I had a leading to do something Strange to cast out the spirits behind the words I had heard. Behind every news we hear there is a spirit behind it. In this case it was depression, hopelessness, doubts about the  future, unbelief. I literally had to mention those names, only then did the headache leave.

I then prayed a prayer for him. I asked that just as he has a passion for talking about challenges and problems, God should grant him a genuine burden for the solutions to those problems. Left to him he'd like to just live a simple life with his family avoiding trouble.

That's not God's intention for our lives. We are Much More. Irrespective of the happenings God wants "to GIVE US A FUTURE and A HOPE" - Jeremiah 29:11


No More Headaches! It's Time to Be the Solution to all the Problems known to us.

It's time Rise from your knees to implement what God has shown in the watches of the night. It's time to fight the good fight of faith. Stop spreading headaches.... Start Implementing Divine Solutions.


Lord, plant in my heart a burden for solving problems. I refuse to spread
messages of doom, but of Peace and Hope in Jesus Name.
Daily Dealings Classic last month (March) will be released on Thursday. Apologies for the Delay.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Are You Current??

The Word Current as a word could mean the waves of the sea, it could also be use in a sense to describe electricity....But.... I'd like to bring it from the perspective of being on-course and updated about the ongoings around you.

Today there are Newspapers, Blogs, TV and Radio Stations that publish News at intervals to keep the populace updated about events and happenings locally and internationally as well.... The challenge remains that....anyone who FOCUSES  Extremely on being current/updated with news in the world as reported by the different media sources will be automatically signing up to a Compulsory Course Called Depression. The deaths, murders, Scarcity, Poverty and evil that prevails in the world has reached high levels.

Yes being current has its benefits of bringing an awareness of opportunities that can be Tapped into but it isn't enough.

Even if you and I could know the news that would be broadcasted 50years, it would still be obsolete compared to one Revelation from God about you. The Word is more current than what the media will report decades from now.

Believe It.

The Only Hope the world has isn't in Religion, it isn't in Governments (at least not an earthly one), our only hope is in the Government from Heaven. This Scripture makes it clear that Government is the answer in Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and THE GOVERNMENT shall be upon His Shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"

God intentionally arranged that when you were saved you didn't just arrive in heaven. He needed you here. It's time to snap out of waiting for the Kingdom Of God to come when it's already Here and Now. In fact, Jesus said "The Kingdom of God is within you"- Luke 17:21

Stay Current, Not with Tabloids and Blogs, but with Information from the Spirit.

God Help Us!


Lord, help me stay updated with what the Spirit is saying Day by Day. Help me to be more focused on what God says than News Reports in Jesus Name.


How has the Devotional for this month helped you? Kindly send in your comments, questions, and prayer points.

Stay Blessed!

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Get Grace

Man may be inadequate in forecasting the events to come and we are also incapable of fully knowing the events to come in our lives personally, but we can be sure that in God's will there is Rest, Peace and Prosperity for us.

However God will have us take a cue from Noah tonight. It was recorded that "Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord". Amidst the crookedness and perverseness of his time, one man found Grace with God which led to the Salvation of his entire family and the preservation of the entire human race.

The Grace of God that he found secured his future.

Paul wrote "The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all men". Yes it has!  God's grace which is a sure security for your Future has appeared. Search and Locate the Grace needed to Live Your Purpose, to accomplish your destiny. Tap enough Grace that will impact your generation positively.

We can guarantee a future of bliss and plenty when God's Grace is available to steer us through the times that we live in.



Lord. I ask for the Grace that would help me in affecting my generation positively in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Friday, 15 April 2016


Our Provincial Youth Convention started today... It's Tagged INSPIRED. Specifically the Theme for tonight was INSPIRED TO PRAISE.

While we were praising God, the Praise Leader raised a Song.. "Jesus you're My Firm Foundation, In you I can stand secured....". As the song resounded through the congregation, my Heart was lifted as I saw the revelation in that song.

Jesus is indeed our firm foundation. Our Future is Secured when we STAND, Deeply Rooted in that  Rock. Jesus told a parable about those who built on the sand and the rock, when the wind (A representation of the storms of Life) the house fell completely... But the one founded on the rock stood.

I again saw a picture in my heart, it was as though my entire being was enclosed in the confines of the Bible. Where else can be more secure than in the Word? Joyce Meyer said 'The Safest Place to be is in the Perfect Will OF God. God's word is Perfect.'

Get a Sure Word for your Life. One of my mentors calls this sure word A LIFE VERSE. Get a LIFE VERSE that you can always fall back on when troubles, trials and temptations come your way. For me I have Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 21:15, Romans 8:18.

Is there a LIFE VERSE you always hold on to.... Please do Share to Bless others.


Get a Life Verse that you can always hold on to. If you have one share it here and with others around you and encourage them to have theirs as well.


Lord, help me to be firmly rooted in you (The Rock Of Ages) in Jesus Name.

Be Blessed.

Oluwatobi Adesanya.

Dealing with Anxiety 3

We take off from yesterday.... The third step is Thanksgiving. We explored Prayer and Supplication previously...

Whenever you choose to give thanks your 'nothing' suddenly becomes 'something'. I can imagine that the disciples considered the 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes as nothing compared to what they really needed. See what they said "There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but WHAT ARE  THEY AMONG SO MANY? " - John 6:9

We must learn to give thanks in every situation. The Word also says "Giving thanks ALWAYS  FOR ALL THINGS unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" - Ephesians 5:20

Jesus knew better, he wasn't anxious, his first response was to tell the people to sit down, he actually calmed things down and he then GAVE THANKS. He gave thanks for what we would call 'nothing' among so many people. One reason why we not be experiencing the good things of God may be because we have called 'something' as 'nothing'.

You would remain anxious as long as you do not recognize and thank God for that which you do have. Remember we talked about Taking One day at a time, if you do that, you'd realize that God has daily loaded you with benefits, his mercy preserves you daily and endures, his banner of love is over you daily and many more specific things that God does for you. Learning to take a moment each day to thank God will delete anxiety from your life forever. If you can recognize that that which you have is Something, if you can recognize that you already have something then you're already on your way to the Peace that Passes Human Understanding. (Phillipians 4:6)

I charge you Tonight, Let your Thanksgiving be more than your complains.

Action Point/Prayer

Take a moment Now To give God thanks for those things he has done in relation to the situations that makes you anxious.

Be Blessed,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Dealing with Anxiety 2

Yesterday we learnt about the place of Prayer in dealing with anxiety, today we proceed to Supplication. I'd not really gotten clear what it meant until light came in that  direction yesterday....

The story of Daniel clearly exemplifies this...

The other leaders in the Babylonian empire had chosen to conspire against Daniel to see his end. Do you know what they did? They appeared before the King saying:

"All the presidents of the Kingdom, the Governors, and the Princes, the Counsellors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

Now, O king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it be not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not." - Daniel 6:2-3

These Top Officials of the Babylon agreed together, and came with one mind and for one motive- to sign a petition that would indite Daniel.

What those officials did was SUPPLICATION. They came to the king under an irresistible pressure to have their needs met. If there was a disagreement within the caucus there is a high tendency that the law would have not been signed. But they were all in agreement....

In Dealing with issues that awakes anxiety within you (Remember Anxiety is only a Wrong Response to a Particular thing you're anticipating/hoping for) you may need to come into agreement with a Fellow Believer,  a Brother /Sister in Christ. It's time to petition the King of Kings. That issue cannot keep lingering for long. Why should you be anxious about a situation when God has all it takes to answer it?

Engage the Scripture that says "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 18:19. This is a Kingdom Principle to be engaged.

Why not find a fellow to agree with on that issue? Put God to test. Remember, the focus for the Month is A Secure Future. Your faith about the reality of your secured future will be undermined by your Anxiety.

Let's work it out. Let's agree with ourselves first,  and then with another Kingdom Citizen like you.. See what happens...

See. LUKE 18:1-6 for More!

We proceed from here tomorrow.


Lord, help me to apply the necessary Kingdom principles to deal with anxiety in my Life in Jesus Name.


Dealing With Anxiety

The topic for today had been dropped in my heart by God since yesterday. I kept brooding on it... The Word just dropped tonight...

Here are the things God revealed.

Anxiety is a response, a response to something that is being anticipated. Anticipation in itself is a positive thing, it is a proof that you desire something, that you are pressing forward to achieving a particular end. In plain terms, to Anticipate means to Hope.

Anxiety is a wrong response or Reaction to an expectation, an end, a hope that you longed for. Perhaps you've-- choosen a life partner, a particular course in school amongst several others, started the business you've always dreamed and planned towards,... suddenly thoughts begin to arise, you're beginning to have a form of doubt as to the outcome of the choices you've taken or about to take on those issues.... When this happens, it's ANXIETY at work. It's often mixed with worry, doubt, fear, unbelief and plain uncertainty.

What's the correct response?

Philippians 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

Anxiety can't just be stopped, seeing that it is a wrong response to anticipation (Hope) it means there is a RIGHT RESPONSE to situations. It is a Three-Fold Response.


Prayer in its simplest form is like Oxygen to the life of a Believer. It's the basic and should be the Lowest Common Identified Trait with Believers. That's why Scriptures say "Pray without CEASING". The first response whenever you begin to feel anxious about anything is PRAY. Prayer here can be likened to calling the Customer Care of your Network Provider. You're rest assured that as long as the call is being answered whatever the request you table would be addressed appropriately.

So what are you anxious about? What steps have you recently taken or about to take? Are you worried?

Change your reaction tonight. Turn it to God. Once God is 'In The Know' you can be sure that it's Settled.

(Even if Daily Dealings doesn't come when you expect... Don't be anxious)

We proceed from here tomorrow.


Lord, Be Lord over this situation (Table that issue that has been making you anxious--Smiles)

God Still Speaks!

Confessions for the Future

In the tongue is the Power of Life and Death. Today is one of confession (See Proverbs 16:21)

Make these Confessions NOW

I am the Future
I am Responsible for what Happens Tomorrow
I make the most of what God makes available for me DAILY
I am not afraid of what Tomorrow will bring because God is there already.


Because You Live, Jesus I Live
I have no Fear
For what Tomorrow Brings... (Sinach)

Because He Lives
I can Face Tomorrow
Because He Lives
All Fear is gone
Because I know..... He owns my Future
My life is worth a Living just because He Lives. (Popular Song)

Be Blessed.

No Fear

The Best way to Face the Future is Living one day at a time. Jesus said in the Lord's Prayer "Give us THIS DAY our Daily Bread". God has provision for us for each day. There's no reason to be anxious about what the days ahead will bring when we can be sure that God will be there to Supply all our needs, to give us the needed directions and support for living this life to the fullest.

We might not be able to correctly determine the trends that will occur in the future but we can be sure that God will still be God and we would always be assured of reaching that expected end with Him. That's why the Word says "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear Friends, Do not be Afraid of the Future. Face one Day at a Time. God will walk you through even in the valleys of the shadow of death.

Our Future is secured in God. Live Each Day to the Fullest. God has the times of Life in His hands.

Action Point:

Make a Choice to focus on maximizing all that God makes available each day. Someone rightly said 'Worrying doesn't only empty tomorrow of its promises it empties you of your strength today.'


Lord, help me to make the most of all you provide for me Daily. I receive Daily the Loads of Benefits you send my way in Jesus Name.

Reign in Life,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Saturday, 9 April 2016

You don get Alert?

I caught a picture in meditation one time that as believers our account in Heaven is credited whenever we win a soul into the Kingdom. Yes, the angels rejoice, but at that same moment an alert that is inestimable in human monetary terms is credited to our name in Heaven.

Imagine Jesus plainly made us see that the whole world's worth is nothing compared to the price of ONE SOUL. If that's the case then imagine the Abundance of Wealth that comes into your Heavenly Account when you win just one soul? That's why Solomon must have written that "He that wins a Soul is WISE".

One of my major goals and heart desires for this year was to win souls amidst other Business and Personal goals. I'm glad that I got one of those Alerts today. God arranged the scene perfectly. While the flood gates were opened and the rains poured down in torrents, a young man I met while hiding from rain was beautifully reconciled to God and brought into the Kingdom.

I now understand more that those who win souls for God operate on a different frequency.

I want to get more alerts in my account.

Have you gotten any alert so far this year?

We can be sure that the Future would be Much better and one not to be feared when we win large numbers of people to the Lord. Then we would be Rest Assured that those who would be around would be those whom God can influence to cause major changes in every system that exists in the world.

We can Secure the Future by Securing the Souls Of Men. Especially the Youths and Teens.


Lord use me to to secure the Future via wining souls in Jesus Name.

Do have A Good Night.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

How Secure is Your Future?

Your Future is extremely secured and sealed by the Most High God.

The Word says we are Hid with Christ in God. We are secure in Him. In the bank there is a room called the Strong Room where money is kept safe. The money is usually kept in a vault that is only accessible by few people who may have the keys or combination codes to unlock it.

In the same vein, God has kept your Future not in metal cases or behind metal doors but in Himself. Sometimes I usually imagine myself in the midst of the Trinity (God-Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Imagine that kind of security? A friend of mine would always say that for the devil to get to him, he must first go through the Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father to get to him. How True! You're Hidden from any torture.

For Israel it was written thus "And when they went from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people; He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes, Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."

Perhaps you're presently faced with the challenge of not being able to pay your school fees, or your health is been challenged constantly  or perhaps you're constantly battling with an internal issue and you are doubtful of what the future holds for you based on the issues you're facing. It's time to arise and Speak to those issues, it's time to address them with the Power of the Word and with the ability God has deposited on your inside. Nothing is strong enough to defeat the purpose of God for you. It's time to say concerning the counsel of the enemy to stop your vision "It Shall not stand neither shall it come to pass" Its time to declare boldly "I shall not die but live to reflect the glory of God". It's time to say "By His Stripes I'm healed, His strength is made perfect in my weakness"

Let the devil know that you're secured in God.


Lord, from today I begin to operate in a deeper understanding of the security of my destiny in you. I refuse to believe the report of the enemy in Jesus Name.


Oluwatobi Adesanya.

Put on God's Goggles

Yes God has Goggles. It's like a filter through which he sees the world and everything, including events, issues and circumstances of Life. God's ultimate desire is that there should be an alignment between what we see and what He Sees. That's why God spends time to explain His Word to us. He spends time to ensure that we understand the Vision and see the Future He has For us.

Imagine that you have a DSTV Explora (One of the latest releases from DSTV.) It's an HD decoder. What do you think would be the quality of the output when you only have a Black and White Television? Poor, Yes V. Poor. When we see black and white pictures or videos today what comes to mind? The old days, old school etc. That's truly what it is.

But do you know that sometimes the reason why we aren't sure about the security of our future is because we judge all things by our past experience. Yes Really. Many, perhaps you also, have bought into the idea that 'Experience is the Best Teacher'. It isn't true. If experience were the best teacher every one of us should be failures at our academic pursuits. If succeeding in 100L for instance was determined by your having passed through the level before, then no one will every move forward in life. Your past Experience is only a Foundation. Your Future is inspiration.

Stay with the Future, Stay with Inspiration.

Today let's ask that God helps us to see things as He sees them. The perspective of God far outweighs that of man. Let's ask that our eyes may be opened. God couldn't really work with Abraham until he had enabled him to see his seed(The many stars). It was then Abraham believes God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. (Genesis 15)

God also asked Jeremiah, "what do you see". He replied that he saw the Rod of an almond tree. God replied, "thou had WELL seen, I will hasten my word to perform it" .... God needed to confirm if Jeremiah was on the same page on the matter at hand.

Could it be that the reason why you do not see a glorious future for yourself I'd because you judge your life only by your experience? Could it be that you have little hope about your Tomorrow because of the way you see life? For you to have the Future that is secured IN God you've got to first see it. See that your future is guaranteed, 100% safe in Christ.

Put on God's Goggles.

Pray these prayers:

Lord, grant me the Spirit of Revelation to see clearly the same way you see my future. I refuse to be held down/trapped by my past and few experiences in Jesus Name.


Oluwatobi Adesanya

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Aroma of the Future

Ever had those titillating scents from the kitchen grasp you by the nose leading you to its source? I'm sure you have at one point or another. The Aroma of any food, especially the ones you love, would not only be inviting but tempting as well (Especially when you're Fasting).

In many ways your Future is alike to this aroma of food. Do you know your Future is so well prepared by God that it is not only inviting to you alone but inviting and tempting to the enemy as well? Yes it really is.

In many circles, some believe that "What will be will be", "Bolorun se ko ni yen". Translated it means: that's how God wrote/planned it. I've come to realize that no Manufacturer creates a product with the intention that the product will fail or function less than its intended purpose. Why? Whatever happens to the product while it's been used not only affects the product it goes a long way in affecting the Character/image of the manufacturer. Every manufacturer wants to be known for quality products. God is no different.

God wanted to ensure so much quality so He decided to make us From Himself. He made us in His Own Image. Isn't that amazing?

Can something that was cut out of God have a bad future? Impossible! You've got the same nature, ability and eternal spirit as God. Your destiny is not only bright, you are a threat to the Kingdom of Darkness.

Your Future is inviting, it's attractive. Gravitate towards it. I challenge you today to believe that ALL things are working together for your Good. (Romans 8:28). Your Future is Bright! Believe It Today Believe it Everyday. Start Now.

Make this Confession:

I have a Glorious Destiny in Christ. My Future is Bright, it shines Brighter Everyday.
I'm a threat to the Kingdom of Darkness.



The Theme for APRIL

Amidst the many situations that we face on earth today which include Terrorism, Poverty, Breakdown of financial institutions, clamp down on the Christian Faith, attack against the institution of Marriage, unemployment and low standard of creativity and productivity on the part of today's youth there should arise a grave concern in our hearts as it relates to the security of our Bright Future.

It is against the backdrop of these events that God will have us know that the Future is still Secured. He wants us to know that Events cannot Change His plans for us. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE". Remember, Isaiah says "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

On the power of these two Scriptures you can be certain that the future God has for you will come to pass. You can be certain that you'd get to your Expected End in Life. As a matter of fact, the more the challenges and difficulties that surround us the more God will show Himself Mighty.

Our THEME for the Month is A SECURE FUTURE.

Here's what you'd learn:

1. Dealing with the Fears of the Future.

2. Thriving in these Difficult times.

3. Learning to hold on to the Promises of God for our lives.

4. Becoming the Solutions to Global Problems.

5. Navigating our way to the Secured Future.

6. Bringing God's Designed Future to pass Daily...

.....and much more.

It's indeed going to be a Life Changing Experience. I sincerely believe it's not only going to shape our lives this month alone but the rest of our lives.

Be Expectant.... I also am.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya