Saturday, 9 April 2016

You don get Alert?

I caught a picture in meditation one time that as believers our account in Heaven is credited whenever we win a soul into the Kingdom. Yes, the angels rejoice, but at that same moment an alert that is inestimable in human monetary terms is credited to our name in Heaven.

Imagine Jesus plainly made us see that the whole world's worth is nothing compared to the price of ONE SOUL. If that's the case then imagine the Abundance of Wealth that comes into your Heavenly Account when you win just one soul? That's why Solomon must have written that "He that wins a Soul is WISE".

One of my major goals and heart desires for this year was to win souls amidst other Business and Personal goals. I'm glad that I got one of those Alerts today. God arranged the scene perfectly. While the flood gates were opened and the rains poured down in torrents, a young man I met while hiding from rain was beautifully reconciled to God and brought into the Kingdom.

I now understand more that those who win souls for God operate on a different frequency.

I want to get more alerts in my account.

Have you gotten any alert so far this year?

We can be sure that the Future would be Much better and one not to be feared when we win large numbers of people to the Lord. Then we would be Rest Assured that those who would be around would be those whom God can influence to cause major changes in every system that exists in the world.

We can Secure the Future by Securing the Souls Of Men. Especially the Youths and Teens.


Lord use me to to secure the Future via wining souls in Jesus Name.

Do have A Good Night.

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