Sunday, 15 January 2017

We have two destinies (Part 3)

I've got a new alteration in this discussion.

What really happens when one becomes a believer is that God begins to alter the course and direction of one's life and like was discussed yesterday, the believer then moves from ambition to vision. Rather than being driven by the need to be a success, the person now understands that Christ has made him a success and what he has to do now is to help others realize this.

A life of ambition is always laden with struggles and a measure of dissatisfaction. One who chases after things never truly get them, this is because there is no end to things and we have only so little time to spend here on earth. This was what Solomon discovered and he wrote several times in Ecclesiastes saying "Vanity of vanities." He had looked deeply into life and realized the futility in the pursuit of things.

In order to function properly in our divine destiny, we must embrace what Paul said. He said, "All things are yours." When we function from this, we have a rest and we can then walk daily in the fulfillment of our purpose and not just trying to hit targets alone.


Lord, help me to rest in my Divine Destiny in Jesus Name.

Oluwatobi Adesanya
For Daily Dealings Youth Devotional

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