Saturday 12 December 2015


During my grandpa's 80th birthday, there was a gift presented to him. It was a portrait, a drawing of one of his pictures. It turned out that the artist didn't do a great job. It looked like someone else. I knew the portrait was the picture of someone, but one thing was certain, it wasn't grandpa. Whenever it comes to mind it makes me laugh and laugh.

Today, you've got to understand that no one other than God knows you so well. Infact David said, "For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust"
God knows you in depth and there is no need to pretend in his presence because everything is open before His eyes.

So what portrait of you are people painting?? Does it look like what God shows you in His word? Today, that picture is not in grandpa's parlour anymore. On his 81st birthday he demanded for another portrait. We had another picture framed and enlarged. Now we had a real Picture, and people didn't have to guess if it was grandpa.

Let God paint the picture of who you are. When men do so, it would always be incomplete. Rest in God's word.

Central Truth: Only God's painting of you is the real one.


LORD, I surrender myself and accept only your true description for my life in Jesus Name.
In partnership with God we can build a solid life plan.

Youth Devotional
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