Tuesday, 22 December 2015


It was a discovery so great for me when I read through Spirit Controlled Temperament written by Tim LaHaye. I was able to finally able to realise that I was a combo of the Phlegmatic and the Melancholy. Great discovery right? I was amazed by the strengths that both temperaments possessed. But with the strengths come weaknesses as well which isn't something to laugh about.

Over the years, there have been up and down moments, I've gone in and out of those 'melancholic' states. I usually excused it for the nature, as a matter of fact, those very close to me understood me as well. But I've come upon a new light, if you intend to go far in the journey of destiny, you've got to SNAP OUT OF the Weaknesses of your natural temperament and states.

Today, the charge is to step out of your weaknesses into Christ strength, allow God's ability to magnify itself through you. The things I've been able to do on this Visionary journey, should naturally be difficult and require an external drive. But God, who is the One at work on my inside has been the Driver of my Life, he steers me up and helps me snap out of the natural tendencies of my temperament. Some people may consider me a Choleric because I pester people and literally stand on their necks to get things done, I may be as sociable as a Sanguine as it relates to the task at hand. I call meetings and interact, I love to meet people ask questions and explore. New abilities and strengths are been developed day by day.

Never forget, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new"

Central Truth: As a New Creation in Christ you're are not limited by the limitations of your temperament.

FOCUS SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 5:17

LORD, continue your work in me, and manifest your strength in areas of my weaknesses in Jesus Name.

Youth Devotional
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