Wednesday, 30 March 2016

It Speaks Louder

I once read a quote reads thus: Who you are speaks so loud that I can't even hear what you're saying. Yes that's the case with our character. One time I saw a video someone shared (Perhaps you've seen it too). A female preacher was speaking (Preaching) the Word (Anointed). Her Nipples were almost popping out of her blouse, to show you how low her top was, she wore a mini skirt.... The amazing thing is she spoke the Word with such clarity and boldness (Should I say effontry).

In as much as there's no Christian kind of dressing, there's only Modesty and Moderation, there's nothing that warrants such a bold display.....

What happens when Who you are SOUNDS Louder than what you say? People ignore you.  No matter how many Scriptures you quote or the size of your Bible people will disregard you.

The Validity of your convictions is not in the words you say but in your Actions. What Message is your Character sending to the Public? Are people straining their ears to hear you?

Jesus gave us a Perfect Example. God himself commanded that everyone should listen to Jesus after His Baptism.


He had passed a major test of Character, the test of Humility and Submission to John even though He was the Son(God in Himself). The gospels says "This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, Hear Ye Him" - Matthew 17:5


Lord, help me to pass the little tests of Character that you bring my way in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

So what Do you Now See?

Everything has a time span for development. As shared earlier it takes at least 3 weeks to develop a new habit.

For instance if you've been meditating you'd have begun to see the fruits by now. The Psalmist says you'd bring forth your fruit in season and whatever you do will prosper. If you've been interceeding for others you'd have begun to see the changes in their lives.

So what have you been doing in the dark? What have you been doing when the lights go off?

Like myself, I've stayed in the Presence of God gathering data for the Future. I've continued encouraging people I meet and try to be a Builder of the Dreams of others. Thanks to a name sake, I've been learning how to drive,  it's a whole new experience all together. I'm constantly learning how to be a better man and an enterprising one as well. Over the weeks I've constantly met with one of the Leaders of Our Leaders Team to keep interceeding and praying towards IFT 2016.

Kindly share what you've been doing over the weeks. Let us know how Daily Dealings has been a blessing to you.


Lord, let the fruits of the words I've received begin to bring fruits in my life in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Let Hope Rise

You have all the resources needed to become a better person (Time, The Word, the Right People) Together with two other youths, I sat down with one of our Senior Pastors today. He shared from the abundance of experience that he had gathered over the years and the impact God had used him to make in the different places he had been. It's great to seat at the feet of men who have maintained their integrity and built solid results that cannot be contested.

Afterwards, I sat with him and asked him more personal questions. I realised afterwards that God had engraced him with the unique ability to Plan, See things ahead and to lead people to a brighter future.

Tonight, I want you to know that there's hope. Let your hope rise. You're going to be a better person. Your generation will celebrate you for sure. Scripture says "To him that is joined to all living there is hope". There's hope as long as you're alive that the quality of your life will improve and that God will give you access to the treasures of His Word, the necessary 'Character Tablets' you need.

Judas Iscariot lost hope about becoming great because he had betrayed The Christ. Peter on the other hand, though he was unhappy about his failure to stand for Christ, he wept but found hope and he became one of the pillars of the early church. In place of being depressed have hope, cling to the promises of God for you.

Be Hopeful Tonight. Things are going to change, and they're going to change in your favor.


Lord, I choose to have hope tonight in every area in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Your Character and Your Christian Faith

What you do matters. Yes it does and in a Big Way. Yes we are the Righteousness of God in Christ, Yes our sins are forgiven and all, but we must care seriously about how our character affects the testimony of our FAITH and Convictions with the things of the Spirit.

People do not want to follow a Lawless God,  neither do they want to follow a God that hates and refuses to forgive others. How come people can have these perceptions about God? They pick those signals from we His Children. Remember God made Man in His own Image. In other words, we reflect the whole essence of God. When we are saved,  the divine nature of God (2 Peter 1:4) is imparted into our spirits and we become His Advocates, Representative and Ambassadors on earth.... Because of this people begin to see a glimpse of God show through us...

Scripture describes the believers as 'epistles known and read of all men' (2 Cor 3).Can I say this: You and I are been read like a Book...everyday we are being read. The words we say, the reactions we give to issues are known and read of all men.

So does your Character have anything in common with your faith in God? How are you perceived by people? Jesus, though the Son of God,  asked "Who do men say that I the son of man am?" and in the process many answers came in.

Your Character Must Demonstrate the Nature of God.... That Nature is LOVE.


Lord, whatever prevents men from seeing you clearly through my life,  take it away tonight in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Clear the Baggage

In order to show excellence in character, we must be ready to clear the baggage that hinders us from moving freely. Baggage of self, ego, pride, overconfidence, indecisiveness, doubt, irrelevant excuses, ignorance etc.

Like Daniel, we must purpose not to be cluttered with things which would clog us in and prevent us from showing forth sound character in speech, in example and in life as a whole. (Dan 1:8)

We must consciously clear the baggage in order to progress in character. This is possible only when we make a decision in our heart, work on it deliberately and trust God to help us live it out.

It's okay to make mistakes and fall short sometimes, but hey! Don't stay there.
Get up, dust off, get it right and keep going.

Clear the baggage, make a choice to gain sound character today and walk in that decision. You have a choice though.

With Love,

Omotola Fatunsin.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Once you've started DON'T STOP

Character Building is a Life Long task. From time to time we keep seeing areas for improvement... Like I've learnt, the room for Improvement is never filled. When you've commenced the process of Building a Godly Character, soon enough you'd start to see results, people may notice the changes and glorify God in your life as a matter of fact, you would be thankful and happy for the changes as well. The Word today is DON'T STOP...

You must have heard of the Scandal of Tiger Woods, the famous golfer. In one clean swoop he lost endorsements, signings just because of one fault with a woman. Bill Clinton's image was dented due to his affair with his secretary in the White House. King David's image was affected due to his adultery with Bathsheba. There are countless examples in the world today and in the Scriptures that point to the fact that when you halt the Process of building a godly character, you're bound to fall,..... very badly. Notice that these men had built themselves for years and were examples that others followed...but one event...tore down structures of integrity that had been erected over the years...

Imagine you climbing stairs that reach the heavens and you've been consistent for years, suddenly you looked down to observe a scantily dressed woman, strolling on the clouds, or you observe a man with all the looks and money calling your attention etc... You decision or indecision in that moment can cost you your life. Imagine falling from heights in the cloud to the earth. Yes, start Building character, start climbing that ladder of change, as you begin ensure that you don't take a break...

Do you know just one Post on Social Media by someone can dent people's perception and view of you? Do you know one picture uploaded by a third party can lead to people questioning your Faith in God (Religious Convictions) ? Do you know people have lost jobs just because of one misconduct?

It's pretty easy to loose focus as we rise, the fall will always be catastrophic at those points. Think of the greatest men and women in your life, what will happen to their families, business, careers if something bad was recorded against their names? You don't want that to happen...

The bottom line today is to stay on the Path, Keep on Building, engage the Grace of God, Put God first, Be conscious Of His Presence, Watch and Pray. Scripture says "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye STEDFAST, UNMOVEABLE, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." - 1 Corinthians 15:58

If you fall though, there's still a hope for Rising again... But like I usually say, the same power that is able to save us after a fall is also strong enough to keep us from falling...  (Jude 1:24)

Lord, help me to stay on the path, Be consistent, Be steadfast in Building a godly Character in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Learn to use the Rod on Yourself

It was easy growing up, we spend most of our  time with the family and loved ones. When we misbehaved there was always a ready hand to land slaps on the face, lashes on our backs, and give befitting punishments based on the gravity of what was done. You had that experience too right?

The story tends to change after a while when we become youths, we are independent and make the choices on our own and very few have those kind of friends that can honestly give correction when something wrong is done.

You are solely responsible for your Character and your behaviors. You're are meant to take charge.
I've developed an habit overtime, I daily reflect on my conversations during the day, the people I met, the words I spoke etc. To those I met for the first time I send a text appreciating them and being glad for the newly built relationship. To others, I thank them for one thing or another. Today, It was quite different. I realized I had spoken some words that didn't go down well with a colleague at work. I chose to connect with her tonight to sincerely apologize. I became a judge in my own case.

You can become yours as well. Do you often reflect on your daily journey and interaction with people? Do well to dissolve your anger, Your resentments daily. Don't sleep heavy with burdens. Handle them before Sleeping.

The Word of God is the Rod (Isaiah 11:2-3). In my case the scripture says "Let no corrupt communication flow out of your mouth"..

You can't build a solid character in a day. It is done Daily, and by engaging the Law of Reflection, you will be able to lead yourself out of faults into Godliness....


1. Do a check up of your life DAILY before retiring to sleep. Make Right the Wrongs, Appreciate others, Be Grateful.


Lord, help me to be the judge of myself daily in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.

Monday, 21 March 2016

It's not that Hard...

A door, irrespective of its size and location is opened simply by a key. You do not need an anvil or a sledge hammer to open a door, all you need is simply to get the right keys and unlock the door.

The path of building Godly Character is simply a matter of having the right keys on hand.

Man functions essentially by images, in fact we were made in God's IMAGE. What we see has a tremendous effect on how we live. It's been found out by researchers (Stanford Research) that 89% of what we learn is visual, 10% is auditory and 1% from other senses.

What does this tell us?
We become what we see. What we see includes the behaviors, attitude that is constantly modeled before us.

Paul expressly said "Those things, which ye have both LEARNED, and RECEIVED, and HEARD, and SEEN in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you". Hebrews 12 also says "Looking unto Jesus..."

The bottom line here is to follow Godly Leaders, Look into the Perfect Law of Liberty (The Word) there's a whole lot of personalities in Scripture to LOOK at. With the gift of imagination and also meditating on Scripture the Holy Spirit can bring to life these characters in Scripture. Imagine the Holy Spirit facilitating a One-One mentorship session with Solomon, or with Joseph, Deborah or Mary. Yes, that happens when He begins to teach you certain things about their lives that you need for your life.

Start Engaging this Principle Right Now. One book that made me realize the possibility of this is a book by John C. Maxwell titled 'Running with the Giants'

Keep looking till you're transformed. (2 Corinthians 3:18)


Lord, open my eyes to the secrets of men of old that made them men and women of Sound Godly character in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

It Requires Diligence

Sunday 20th March, 2016

Diligence simply means consistency in doing the Right Things. Diligence is needed as it relates to character formation. Diligence is what you do behind the scenes as you use the tablets of character Development.

You can never know the secret of a champion by watching how he fights. You only find out his secret while he is training vigorously day by day as he prepares for the big day. So, you may have decided to stop getting to work, church or lectures late. What you do behind the scenes will determine if this will turn out to be a reality. Do you prepare your clothes, bags, shoes and other things the night  before? Do you think through the possible obstacles to achieving the goal?  Change and growth does not happen via Wishes. It happens through decision and consistent action.

Yours could differ, perhaps its talking too much, borrowing unnecessarily, cheating others or being disrespectful. Start praying and thinking of what to do behind the scenes to get the required results. It is consistency in doing the Right Things that will guarantee results in the long run.

Lord, help me to be consistent in the right things as it relates to the areas of the Development of my character in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya
Hello Friends,

Please bear with me for not forwarding yesterday.

Do have A Fruitful Week Ahead.

Understand the Law of Process in Character Formation

Trees don't grow in a day, neither does character. As a matter of fact, it's been said that it takes about 21 days to form a (new) habit. This shows the place of and importance of time and process, this also has its place in the Pursuit of a Character of godliness. David didn't suddenly grow to become a man after God's own heart, Gideon didn't suddenly begin to manifest as the mighty man God called him. It took a process.

A Godly character is not the product of an event, it is a product of a process. A never ending process. One thing I've learned while being under the ministration of Apostle Joshua Selman for two days now; is never to be embarrassed by my flaws. The awareness of the flaws is the first step to liberation and deliverance. I've observed servants of God, men and women who are doing exploits in the Kingdom. There's one thing that announces itself apart from the anointing, it's their character. You may fall under the anointing while being ministered to, but what sticks with you is the depth of their character and how it weaves itself into the totaliity of what they represent.

You may rise and fall as you go along. But... Keep on keeping on, God is there to support you. Galatians 6:9 says "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Sometime ago God expressly imparted these words to me "One problem the devil has with believers is that he finds it difficult to keep them down, they always rise again". A balloon cannot sink inside water it will always float. Same with you, as long as you stay connected to God and FULL (Inflated with) of His Presence, you  will keep rising. Stick to the Process.... You are coming out on top.


Lord help me to stick to the process of godly character formation in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.

Friday, 18 March 2016

It will be Revealed

I read a post on Facebook today, it was shocking. It brought to light the concept of Character which has been the focus for March. A Choir Leader (Female) had been engaged in a sexual relationship with another church member. One faithful night after the act, he saw her off around 10:30pm. He was shocked to receive a call few minutes later that she was hit by a trailer and died.

He visited the house later and met a sad mood, 'but the people rejoiced that a dedicated sister had gone to be with the Lord'. They believed she was with God in heaven. Only the brother knew, he knew what had transpired the night she died.

When it comes to issues of Life, there's nothing that can be hidden. Everything will be brought to the open. As a matter of fact, everything is opened only that people aren't seeing it. Scripture says in Hebrews 4:13 'Everything is opened before the eyes of whom we have to do'. There's nothing hidden, before God everything, yes everything is opened. Before men, everything will eventually be opened after a period of time.

Exposure isn't a bad thing, in fact businesses pay thousands and millions to get the world to know what they do, the products they offer and how they can make life better. It's not exposure that is the problem, but what would be exposed. Just as celebrities want to be in news always,  even so many of them would gladly pay to prevent certain information from getting out to the Public.

Your Character will find you out. Just like the lady that died in that accident, it was a hidden act, but now the world knows what happened. Before God it will be opened and she would receive the judgement that God metes out.

We have the chance to destroy whatever seeks to destroy us. Everything will be exposed sooner or later. Jesus made it clear when he said "For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad". - Luke 8:17


Lord whatever will destroy me in years to come and in eternity, help me never to do them...and whatever I'm doing now that will destroy me help me to stop today in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.
The NEW Daily Dealings Classic is out. You can Download it here.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Building Blocks Of Sound Character

I have a terrible impression about Judah (One of the sons of Jacob). I don't know if I'm sounding like an holier -than - thou kind of person  but I really don't like the footprints he left behind. What was Judah's challenge? He lacked self control.

Self Control implies exercising dominion over impulses which come from the flesh.

It is very clear that we are constantly being tried in our character everyday. We are being exposed to the fire where we are to showcase if we are thoroughly built up and established in Christ or half - baked Christians. How does it feel eating per -boiled rice, especially when its not salted? Getting the drift?

We must be willing to go through character refinement as youths who belong to God. This process might not necessarily be easy on us. In this day and age of "whatever you do is right". This period when we automatically have the impression that all we do is justified, even when its clearly wrong. We give excuses like don't you know we aren't under the law? It's a dispensation of grace. We must always remember that even Grace came with a lot of sacrifices from the One who decided to be Our Lamb.

Getting on to Judah, we see him as someone who threw caution to the wind. He was so insensitive that he slept with his daughter -in -law thinking she was a prostitute. He even gave up his seal and it's cord, including the staff in his hands as pledge for a time out with Shua. This depicted his lack of self control. He took her for a shrine prostitute and had a fling with her. I guess that'd be the least you'd have expected from a grandfather.

Well, this is not to say I'm totally justified and so innocent that I've never broken God's heart countless times by certain actions I've taken in times past, and those times I still recently misbehave, in terms of disobedience to clear cut instructions and fleshly outbursts of anger. I'm simply saying when we have truly and genuinely given ourselves to God in totality, we must strive to maintain his standard of purity and give ourselves fully to his pruning.

Jesus tells us in John 15:1-2, "I am the true vine, and my father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit HE PRUNES, so that it will be even more fruitful".

Character formation as earlier established in previous series is not a one day thing. Its the little little habits we take up that forms them. Our present character didn't just perch on us like a mosquitoes perches on the human skin. It sure took a process. Hence, we must be careful what we let in, people we move with as companions and friends, including what we spend our time on.

I pray that the Good Lord will help us as we sincerely desire to possess a Godly character, which is without blemish in Jesus Name.

With Love,

Omotola Fatunsin.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Slaying Your Character Goliath

Goliaths are not born they are made. What does this mean? Yes Goliath as a person, a human being was born...but his status, his CV(If you may) was a product of personal building and training over the years. Saul actually called Goliath 'A champion from his youth'. Yes he really was.

Do you know that character defects don't just come on us? They are built over time. Like everyone, we are born neutral, with the unique and intrinsic ability to grow to become anything and achieve anything by setting goals backed up with consistent action. Goliath was born a baby like everyone else in his time, but he was different, he chose to be 'a man of war from his youth'. He ended up becoming a threat to God's people (Israel). He became a threat to their peace, he even caused a whole army to have unrest for 40days consistently. He was out to humiliate the Children of God. Can I say that anything that will either make us or break us starts from our youths. It starts from now.

Steps to Defeating your Character Goliath..

1. Identify it: no one fights something or someone that doesn't exist. The first step is to know exactly what you are up against. Is it anger, malice, impatience, gossip, fear, critical spirit, unforgiving spirit, stirring up strife, jealousy, envy... I believe the list is endless. You've got to start there... That  Goliath (Character defect) will often give you concern, you may have sought counsel, set new year resolutions to change your ways but it just isn't going. Saul and the rest of lsrael were able to identify the giant, their enemy, the one who wanted to humiliate them.

Do you notice something? Only the soldiers would have heard and seen Goliath, the civilians and those who were away from the battle front would have been oblivious of what was happening.

What does this tell us?

Until you're ready to address the defects in your life, (to set the BATTLE in array, to FIGHT against those things) until you're ready to make the required change to be a better person, you wouldn't even be close to seeing the Goliaths or getting the victory that you desire and the life that God desires you to live would not manifest.

Finally, It's important to note that those things you've identified grew up with you, they've been there all the while.


1. Identify your Goliaths. Be Battle Ready!

Lord, whatever I've watched grow in my life and those I can't see that would not be beneficial to my future, help me to cut them off  today in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.
Hello Friends,

I trust you've been blessed so far by he focus of this month's devotional. Take a minute to send in your comments, questions, prayer requests.

The Daily Dealings Classic for February is almost completed. Expect the download link by Friday.


Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Making the Switch

Yesternight, my sister had to make a call using my phone. While she spoke, I noticed how she moved her hands grasping one object on the table. I whispered to my younger brother saying, 'that's how daddy does when he's on the phone too '. The traits have been passed down... I'm also sure I do the same thing as well.

There are certain traits that are passed down, and most of our mannerisms are picked up from our parents and those we spend most of our time with. That's the Power of Influence. It is possible to pick up both positive and negative habits in the process. The result of the continual influence of a person (Especially a Parent or a close friend) is that it shapes ones mind, the influence creates patterns of reasoning and interpreting events and circumstances that is in alignment with what has been learnt over time. The challenge comes when a person who has temper issues (Gets angry easily), an impatient person, clumsy, lazy or disrespectful person comes up to say 'That's how I am'. You may have grown up that way, lived that way for long time, but know that a time comes when you've got to make a Switch....and that's Now!

Truly your Character Is You.. If we were to break down the words 'That's how I am' , it would mean you are what you think. Because Proverbs 23:7 says "As he thinketh in his heart SO IS HE'. A man's character is a Sum Total of the Thoughts in his heart. These thoughts patterns are gathered from external sources.

So when people try to correct you for wrong doings or try to advice you on how to be better, don't take it wrongly.

Your Character is You, to have a Better you, you've got to have a Better Character. To have a better character you've got to have Better Thoughts, to have better thoughts you've got to have Better Sources of Information and Influence.

You need to begin to look at your life and ask: Where did I pick that from? How good is this habit? How relevant/useful/helpful is this habit/way of thinking /to my destiny? When you do so, you would be starting yourself in a journey of transformation as God would open your eyes to see what should change and what should be improved upon.

So what have you decided to change?


1. Identify habits, thought patterns you've picked up along the way and evaluate them if they've been helpful or detrimental...

Lord, take my mind and transform it. Expose me to the right people and influence to build a godly character in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya
Hello Friends,

Do send in your comments, questions, prayers and suggestions for growth and improvement.

Also, IFT 2016 comes up weeks from now. You can be a volunteer for this Annual Conference. Interested? You can make enquiries about the conference from this platform and we'd follow up from there.


Monday, 14 March 2016

The Superman and his Kryptonite

The Legendary cartoon and film character Superman has been around for ages. Clark Kent boasts with supernatural strength and agility as he lifts weight beyond what's humanly possible. Everyone, including me, considers him a hero. But like all of us, he's got one weakness.... That little green shiny rock called the Kryptonite, it's so little but it's effect completely paralyzes the Super man till he's reduced to something that can be toyed with.

This is similar in many ways to our Character, many times people outside (Friends, Family,. Co-workers) see us as high flyers, perfect in speech, attitude and conduct. We fly in our colors day in day out and probably we adopt the Christian Passwords (Bless You, You're Blessed, Jesus Loves You etc) and all seems fine....until a co-worker borrows money from you and fails to return it and then you throw tantrums, or someone accuses you wrongly and you let out 'word-bullets' that tears down the building, or someone innocently moved your clothes from the wire without your consent... Then Superman (you) can't fly anymore he becomes just like the world around him...

So what's your Kryptonite? What's the little thing that dents your integrity, that makes men question your character and claim of being godly?

Scripture says to examine ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5), Jesus made a daring statement by saying "Be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is Perfect"(Matthew 5:48). It is in Love that we are made Perfect and we are made like Him (God). The standard for moral uprightness is not Mahatma Ghandi, neither is it Daniel, Joseph or any remarkable person you may think of.
Our standard of moral uprightness is Jesus.


1. Identify those things that dents your character... You would need to consult the Word, and ask sincere friends around you.

Lord, help me to see myself for who I really am. As I delve into scripture show me exactly what I should do in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.

Do share your thoughts, Comments, Prayer Requests, and questions. Your input makes a lot. Of difference.

In case you'd like to be a volunteer for IFT 2016 please do send reply on the platform you're receiving this, indicating your interest.


Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Character Tablet...

I wish there was a quick fix, that one tablet that ends all the struggle and strife to be better, to develop a more godly and acceptable character. Just when we think that we have arrived at a level of growth and maturity, we suddenly realize that we haven't even started yet.

There's a way to go about it though, the Word is available. My first message as the NCCF Coordinator while in Oyo State was on Building Godly Character. The text was from 1 Timothy 4:12. The pathway to building Godly Character is outlined in verse 12. That Scripture says "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in WORD, in CONVERSATION, in CHARITY, in SPIRIT, in FAITH, in PURITY." Those six items capitalized above are the pathways to building a character that lasts, one that pleases God and inspires men.

If you may, that is the tablet, the character tablet that starts you on the process and transforms you on and on. Through this tablet I've learnt to be sensitive to the needs of others, through this tablet I've gained wisdom on how to care, lead, inspire, and mentor others. This tablet has taught me to respect and honor... (I'm still in the process... The path is unending...)

Start taking this six-dimensional tablet today and see what difference it makes in your life. It's not a one time fix but a constant medication for your life.

1. Expose yourself to the Word. Let the light of the Word shine in the areas of your character flaws.

Lord, as I begin to engage in the process of character building, let the process yield bountiful results in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

When No One Is Watching...

I think we have all been guilty victims of doing wrong whenever no one is watching. We would rather do those things at people's back and prefer to justify ourselves, giving mundane excuses. Isn't this supposed to be dropped since we have Christ? Isn't our character supposed to come forth shining as gold that's freshly refined?

The basic reason for this difficulty is the fact that our flesh would rather do what is pleasing than what the spirit wants. Why?
It's quite appealing and easier to act in the flesh. For us, it is soothing... And this is simply because, we haven't fully grasped the fact that God's commandments aren't grievous whenever God says NO to something, we deem it as wickedness.
Hear this: "This is love for God to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome". (1John5:3).

Character is actually " who we are when no one is watching".In the corner of your bedroom, what activities do you partake in?In the recess of your mind, what thoughts do you think? In the speeches you make, what reflects of your person? What reaction do you have towards some really tough and trying circumstances? Do you give in and lower the standards, when no one is watching?

I remember vividly as a young and growing teen, I was asked not to take anything cold for no reason, even if the heat was killing. That was the doctor's instruction and my parents were so keen on ensuring that I followed it to the letter. I felt frustrated and cheated whenever there was a celebration, my portion of the wine or drink was often placed in ordinary water to make them suitable for me. Or better still, I was asked to keep it out of the freezer and take it when ordinary.

It was so annoying and irritating! I'd hiss at the circumstances and storm into my bedroom in a rage.

With time, a thought came into my head. Why not take some blocks from the freezer when no one is watching, take it into the room, pretend I'm taking the ordinary drink...and right there all the block I've kept earlier, would come pouring and rushing into the  drink I'd taken into my room. "Brilliant idea", I had thought. Now, I could take my cold drinks without any worries.

Now don't start laughing at me already .

I'd sit in my room, cross my leg, savour my cold drink and stay alert to approaching sounds. You could guess what I'd do when it seemed mum, dad or my siblings were approaching. I'd tuck it right under my table, wipe my mouth and act like nothing was wrong. Look at the trouble it took me to pretend and act up!

Obviously, each time I did as I was told not to, there was always a repercussion!
My bones would ache and hurt all day and my chest would rake with terrible pains. Can you see the payment for character defect?
If I had been strong in character and seen the discipline as a necessity for a greater good, I would simply have obeyed, taken those instructions as divine and walked in it. By doing so I would have saved myself and every other person in the home all the troubles l caused by my action. You can trust me to tell the opposite of the truth, each time I was asked if I had taken the " forbidden fruit".

Aside from disobedience, I began to lie. One sin led to another, making me lose focus and throw character into the trash bin.

I struggled with this for a long time, until I came across a scriptural truth: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful, Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it". ( Hebrews 12:11).

I'd like to enjoin us to get rid of character bankruptcy. Let's begin to consciously deposit some strong currencies into our character bank through deliberateness, determination, conscious efforts to do the right thing and above all else drawing from and relying on the power and grace of God which is always more than enough.

Father, help me to always do the right things and show strength of character, even when no one is watching.

With Love,

Omotola Fatunsin.

When No One Is Looking 2

I decided to take it up from where Omotola stopped yesterday.

For those who followed last month, I shared on the Skype Chat that came in while at work. Do you recall? It came in again yesterday at work. This time from someone else. A lady as well, she played the same lines, sang the same tune....apparently she wanted to do a nude Webcam show of some sort...

I'd like to give a little picture here... I have an office all to myself, I work there alone, I could lock myself in if I desired. I've got an office laptop to carry out my tasks, an active internet service in the office that is unlimited. You know what that means! Unlimited Streaming and Download. I could have relaxed and enjoyed the free show she was offering by following a link she posted....afterall NOONE was watching.... I kept chatting on,... After a while I realized that if I continued the chat, the more the likelihood of me following the link... I cut the conversation off by saying:  Thanks a lot, but I'm not interested in your offer... I've got something better to offer though... When you're ready, let me know...

This is just a mild scenario of what we face daily in our lives. I can say without any doubt that the longest person you've ever spent time with is not God, Your Best Friend or even your parents, do you know who that is, it's YOU, YOURSELF. No one spends time with you as much as you do with you. So what do you do with yourself when No one is looking?

Ouu victory in private moments determine our victory in public moments. Jesus was able to win at Golgotha because he won in Gethsemane. What situations are you giving in to? What choices are you making? Perhaps you're comfortable and feeling 'safe' because no one is looking, THINK AGAIN. There's nothing Hidden that would not be revealed. Jesus makes this abundantly clear when he says: "For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known" - Luke 12:2

Make a decision to win the battles behind closed doors. God is as much with you in church as he is with you when you're alone.

Lord, help me to walk in consciousness of your presence always in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Even in Egypt Part 2

In the midst of the strangeness of Egypt, Joseph never lost his identity as a child of God. He remained an example of the believers in purity. (1Tim4:12). Contrary to the opinion of an adage I'd always heard when people talk about influence, which I'd like to paraphrase in English, "When a leaf stays long with a bar of soap, with time, the leaf itself becomes soap". This implies that the leaf leaves it's original identity by virtue of the long term stay with the soap and takes on the identity of its present habitat, thereby becoming a soap itself. By then, there would be no distinction between the leaf and the soap!

Are we beginning to leave our foundation? Are we beginning to be romanced by the affairs of this world, so much so that we can't be differentiated from the world? Are we beginning to act, react, talk, think, live and do business like the world?

Well, we can't afford to. The cost can never ever be paid. Brother John through the Holy Ghost makes an injunction; "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boastings of what he has and does - COMES NOT FROM THE FATHER but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever".( 1 John2:15-17).

Here's our own Egypt - The world. Yes! The world. We must strive not to lose focus and be determined to give the race all it takes. The Holy Spirit is reliable and trustworthy. We can always depend on him and draw strength from each day. It's really not an easy task trying to live right in a wrong world, but we can always count on God's sufficient grace to help and see us through. (Hebrews 4:14-16).

At the moment, you might think you've gone way past redemption, " Hell no! I ain't Joseph", you exclaim. I'd like to bring you a word of assurance. No man, I repeat, no man is way past redemption. There's still a chance to make amends, get your acts right and present yourself to God in genuine repentance. He'll take you in, just as you are, even in Egypt.

Action Point:
Make a decision to work consciously and deliberately to live right even in 'Egypt' by adopting the weapon of reliance on the Holy Ghost for help in this race.

Lord, help me to stand and live for you even in Egypt. Give me all that it takes not to deny you, in good or bad times in Jesus Name.

With Love,

Holy Spirit in Omotola

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Even in Egypt Part 1

Well, I may not be able to tell what Egypt connotes to you; but for a young man named Joseph, Egypt meant "strange". It was an entirely different place, with diverse customs and traditions contrary and totally estranged from where he originated.

Beyond the strangeness, Egypt was a hurting reminder of how he was betrayed, not by unknown persons, but by his own flesh and blood - His brothers.(Gen 37: 28).

What's striking about this young man is the fact that he never lost focus. I can be sure that the "foreignness of Egypt" must have enticed him, clamoured for his attention, persuaded him to lose focus and get carried away by all the fanciful but ungodly things right there, but Joseph wasn't one to be deterred. He was too aligned with God to be pulled off, too entangled in His love to be easily won with glittering gold and free sex offer from a seductress.

Let's come to think of it and assume Joseph said a yes to Mrs. Potiphar. Doesn't it strike us that he would have enhanced his chances of serving longer with Mr. Potiphar and also enjoy a strong job guarantee in a strange land as a slave boy? Why do I have such an opinion about his positive response to such an irresistible offer ? Because, young and charming Joseph would have Mrs. Potiphar cringing before him and desiring that their escapades behind her husband should remain top secret... Or what kind of wife, however bad, would have no problems with such a terrible blackmail?

However, Joseph knew better. He would rather suffer for standing for God than smile for standing with men.

What's the Bottom Line here: don't have a temporary mindset. When the going gets tough, the tough are meant to get going. We have the divine ability to outlast all seasons. That's how character is formed, through bypassing temporary pleasures to get future rewards.

Could we just take a few seconds and talk to God in prayer?

Father, please give me grace to stand for you at every point in time. When standing for you would cost me something and when it would cost me nothing. Amen.

With Love,

Holy Spirit in Omotola

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


Before you get excited, I don't mean Community Development Service. I mean something quite different. Over the decades and centuries there have been a number of diseases and sicknesses that have plagued mankind. Some like Malaria, Fever  have been solved and the number of cases and deaths reduced drastically. There's one I just discovered. Do you know what it is? It's called Character Deficiency Syndrome. Have you heard of it?

When a youth doesn't see anything wrong in disrespecting an elder, or someone in authority irrespective of the sphere of life, such is under this plague? When a young man finds it difficult to keep his hands to himself when with a lady, it also shows he's affected by this syndrome. When someone can't be trusted to handle money, this plague is at work. Money, Title, Power and Status doesn't Build Character, it actually REVEALS it. Circumstances reveal character.

When David was anointed King, it revealed who he really was. The Kingship revealed his heart for God, his Godliness, his Care for people. It revealed his reverence for God. When he had the chance to end Saul's life he declined. Why? He didn't see Saul as his enemy, he saw him as God's Anointed, the king of Israel. He could have become a murderer that instant but he couldn't, his real identity was that of a man that Feared God.

I'd like you to know tonight that Money, Titles, Power and Status will surely come, when they do what will it reveal? Will it reveal a glutton, a thief,  a womanizer, someone who lacks integrity? Or would it reveal someone with a heart for God, one who cares, gives and have the concern of others at heart?

You don't have to wait till then. You can start by examining yourself in the WORD and Prayerfully as well. David said "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me  in the way everlasting"-Psalm 139:23-24. You can do the same.

Are you Character Deficient?


Lord, as I look into the Word and Pray, help me to see myself as I really am and make changes in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Monday, 7 March 2016

Behind the Scenes

Have you ever watched a movie? Sure you have seen one. What's the longest you've watched, probably 2hours, or 3hrs for Indian movies rich? Or perhaps you're the type that loves season movies. Whichever way it's the same. No movie comes out without a heavy investment days, weeks and months and sometimes years. The producers still go through the process of editing and cutting before the final product is made ready for the public. All these go on behind the scenes....

What you watch in two hours, probably took two years to produce or longer. A lot goes on behind the scenes. You don't see them, you only see the final product. Life in itself has these scenes, scenes that are not always obvious to the eyes that are around. Yes, sometimes, even the eyes of your parents, friends and Close acquaintances.

These 'Behind the scenes' begins in your heart. The secret place where all your thoughts, emotions, reasoning and opinions are formed. Daniel took the decision "not to defile himself with the Kings Meat" in his heart. It was behind the scenes, not in the presence of others. That decision shaped his entire life henceforth.

Have you heard that Decisions determine destiny? Yes it does. And it begins from the heart. Jesus said "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies" - Matthew 15:19. There's one thing I realised last year. It has become a guiding principle for me.. 'The thoughts of yesterday are the actions of today, the actions of tomorrow are the thoughts of today".

If we are really going to grow into youths with Godly Character, then we cannot ignore the state of our hearts.

So what are you doing behind the scenes? Your heart is the seat (The Control Tower) of your life.

Action Point

1. How does the present thoughts of your heart align to the purposes of God for your life?

Lord, let the thoughts of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Let my thoughts align with your purposes for my life in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Rough Patches 2

You can't escape the Rough Patches of life. As anointed as the Apostles were, they weren't insulated from trials and challenges. As a matter of fact, the very things that could have made them resign their faith, rather made them dogged and sold out completely.

Now, let's hear Paul out. He testifies that it's not only when it's rosy and all the provisions are available, the miracles are explosive, the angels are constantly on assignment, that they stand for God. "As servants of God, we commend ourselves in every way; in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots, in hard work; sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonour, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as unknown; dying and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything". (2 Corinthians 6:4-10)

These guys didn't necessarily have it easy, but what made the walk worth the while and one to remember is the fact that, they gathered their victuals as they journeyed all through the rough patches God brought them through;  and allowed God's divine purpose be established in all things. This was the same thing Joseph did. He never rushed ahead of God. He patiently went through the rough patches before ascending the golden throne. From the scratch, it was simply about his brothers and parents paying obeisance and honouring him from his small mind. But, really, it was about the preservation of the entire generation of God's people. How huge!

This then shows us there's always a "particular reason" why God has put us in a certain place, position and bestowed us with certain resources. God is a God of intentions and He's always deliberate about things He does. The questions that arise from this would be: Why am I here?,  For, what reason have I been blessed with this gift?, How do I go about fulfilling the primary purpose for which God has placed me here?e.t.c These are questions we need to take time to reflect on and allow the Holy Spirit help us answer accurately.

I know that the rough patches of today are becoming stepping stones tomorrow...If we are patient, go through the learning process with God, don't skip classes and we're well prepared. Before long, we'll find ourselves gaining grounds God has prepared us for and accomplishing by grace, feats in every sphere of life we never knew we could.

Father, help me not to run ahead of you. Give me grace to be patient as I tread my rough patches in Jesus name. Amen.

With Love
Holy Spirit in Omotola

Saturday, 5 March 2016

The Rough Patches 1

Ever read about a guy whose name starts with a "J" and ends with an "H"? Well, I strongly believe majority of us are familiar with the guy and I'll bet most of us have heard a sermon about him at one point in our lives or the other.


I believe it's sounding more familiar by now. Well, isn't that an awesome transformation? It sure is!

Getting down to the last phase of being a Prime Minister in Egypt and fulfilling God's primary purpose, which was to provide and preserve the Israelites during the period of famine, was not a feat accomplished overnight.
No, not at all. It took a process of training, learning and lots of patience. I want to guess Joseph must have thought himself close to his dreams when he got to Potiphar's household. He must have received the greatest shocker of his life when he landed in prison for a crime he didn't even think of committing. He must have wondered where God was at the time and why He didn't rise to his defence someway, somehow.

One major belief we tend to hold on to as believers is the fact that, if it's God, then, it's got to be smooth. Where have we gotten that from? I'll say over and over again that it's such an erroneous idea. The fact that it's God doesn't necessitate that we would have it easy.

Everyone on the surface of the earth, doing exploits in their fields today have definitely gone through a process. A day - old  baby doesn't recite numbers but a four - year old toddler could. Why? The toddler has undergone a process, while the baby hasn't. We call it "Kindergarten".

The Dark patches are non-negotiable, we must go through them. It is my prayer that when we go through the valleys and shadows of Character molding may we not fail the tests in Jesus Name.

With Love,
Holy Spirit in Omotola.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Hello Friends,

Let's Meet Her.....

''God Makes no junk'' that's what appears on her Cover Photo on Facebook... Truly, God Makes no Junk!

Omotola Fatunsin has been a friend from the University. We usually came home together... Our trip and conversations usually terminated at a roundabout where she went to her Grandmother's house while I went to home to my family.....

She's a Lover of God, a teacher, a Writer and loves  to read. I've always known her as someone active in the service of God.

God's been with her all through life, and she's an example of one leaning on God and his Grace. I'm glad to have known her.
You can read more about Omotola on her website. She's not into fiction, she's real. She currently blogs at You can read her latest post here:

Omotola would be our Guest Author for March Edition of Daily Dealings which focuses on 'Growing in the Dark: A Character Building Series'

The Series Starts tomorrow March 5th, 2016.

Be Expectant.

Lots of Love,

Oluwatobi Adesanya