Thursday, 24 March 2016

Learn to use the Rod on Yourself

It was easy growing up, we spend most of our  time with the family and loved ones. When we misbehaved there was always a ready hand to land slaps on the face, lashes on our backs, and give befitting punishments based on the gravity of what was done. You had that experience too right?

The story tends to change after a while when we become youths, we are independent and make the choices on our own and very few have those kind of friends that can honestly give correction when something wrong is done.

You are solely responsible for your Character and your behaviors. You're are meant to take charge.
I've developed an habit overtime, I daily reflect on my conversations during the day, the people I met, the words I spoke etc. To those I met for the first time I send a text appreciating them and being glad for the newly built relationship. To others, I thank them for one thing or another. Today, It was quite different. I realized I had spoken some words that didn't go down well with a colleague at work. I chose to connect with her tonight to sincerely apologize. I became a judge in my own case.

You can become yours as well. Do you often reflect on your daily journey and interaction with people? Do well to dissolve your anger, Your resentments daily. Don't sleep heavy with burdens. Handle them before Sleeping.

The Word of God is the Rod (Isaiah 11:2-3). In my case the scripture says "Let no corrupt communication flow out of your mouth"..

You can't build a solid character in a day. It is done Daily, and by engaging the Law of Reflection, you will be able to lead yourself out of faults into Godliness....


1. Do a check up of your life DAILY before retiring to sleep. Make Right the Wrongs, Appreciate others, Be Grateful.


Lord, help me to be the judge of myself daily in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.

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