Thursday, 24 March 2016

Once you've started DON'T STOP

Character Building is a Life Long task. From time to time we keep seeing areas for improvement... Like I've learnt, the room for Improvement is never filled. When you've commenced the process of Building a Godly Character, soon enough you'd start to see results, people may notice the changes and glorify God in your life as a matter of fact, you would be thankful and happy for the changes as well. The Word today is DON'T STOP...

You must have heard of the Scandal of Tiger Woods, the famous golfer. In one clean swoop he lost endorsements, signings just because of one fault with a woman. Bill Clinton's image was dented due to his affair with his secretary in the White House. King David's image was affected due to his adultery with Bathsheba. There are countless examples in the world today and in the Scriptures that point to the fact that when you halt the Process of building a godly character, you're bound to fall,..... very badly. Notice that these men had built themselves for years and were examples that others followed...but one event...tore down structures of integrity that had been erected over the years...

Imagine you climbing stairs that reach the heavens and you've been consistent for years, suddenly you looked down to observe a scantily dressed woman, strolling on the clouds, or you observe a man with all the looks and money calling your attention etc... You decision or indecision in that moment can cost you your life. Imagine falling from heights in the cloud to the earth. Yes, start Building character, start climbing that ladder of change, as you begin ensure that you don't take a break...

Do you know just one Post on Social Media by someone can dent people's perception and view of you? Do you know one picture uploaded by a third party can lead to people questioning your Faith in God (Religious Convictions) ? Do you know people have lost jobs just because of one misconduct?

It's pretty easy to loose focus as we rise, the fall will always be catastrophic at those points. Think of the greatest men and women in your life, what will happen to their families, business, careers if something bad was recorded against their names? You don't want that to happen...

The bottom line today is to stay on the Path, Keep on Building, engage the Grace of God, Put God first, Be conscious Of His Presence, Watch and Pray. Scripture says "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye STEDFAST, UNMOVEABLE, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." - 1 Corinthians 15:58

If you fall though, there's still a hope for Rising again... But like I usually say, the same power that is able to save us after a fall is also strong enough to keep us from falling...  (Jude 1:24)

Lord, help me to stay on the path, Be consistent, Be steadfast in Building a godly Character in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

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