Monday, 21 March 2016

It's not that Hard...

A door, irrespective of its size and location is opened simply by a key. You do not need an anvil or a sledge hammer to open a door, all you need is simply to get the right keys and unlock the door.

The path of building Godly Character is simply a matter of having the right keys on hand.

Man functions essentially by images, in fact we were made in God's IMAGE. What we see has a tremendous effect on how we live. It's been found out by researchers (Stanford Research) that 89% of what we learn is visual, 10% is auditory and 1% from other senses.

What does this tell us?
We become what we see. What we see includes the behaviors, attitude that is constantly modeled before us.

Paul expressly said "Those things, which ye have both LEARNED, and RECEIVED, and HEARD, and SEEN in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you". Hebrews 12 also says "Looking unto Jesus..."

The bottom line here is to follow Godly Leaders, Look into the Perfect Law of Liberty (The Word) there's a whole lot of personalities in Scripture to LOOK at. With the gift of imagination and also meditating on Scripture the Holy Spirit can bring to life these characters in Scripture. Imagine the Holy Spirit facilitating a One-One mentorship session with Solomon, or with Joseph, Deborah or Mary. Yes, that happens when He begins to teach you certain things about their lives that you need for your life.

Start Engaging this Principle Right Now. One book that made me realize the possibility of this is a book by John C. Maxwell titled 'Running with the Giants'

Keep looking till you're transformed. (2 Corinthians 3:18)


Lord, open my eyes to the secrets of men of old that made them men and women of Sound Godly character in Jesus Name.

Grow in Grace,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

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