Monday, 18 January 2016


For a number of days now we have  consistently spoken about Vision, we have proceeded from one point to another on the Journey. Now for the next couple of days we would focus on the FACTS every Youth MUST know about VISION.


"It's not what you don't have that limits you but what you have but don't know how to use". That quote was by Steve Harris, it was a Life-Changer for me years ago. It was a time when I felt limited in my thinking, I thought it would be near impossible to realise the dreams in my heart. Things have changed since then....

Vision isn't a product of what's available, the burden of Vision usually leads to the creation or Invention of something that otherwise wasn't available but needed for the success of the vision. Many times what limits people is the fact that there is a lack of one thing or another. Sometimes it's money, time, people to help, knowledge gap or some other circumstance beyond control or present capacity.

Let's take a cue from the building of the Tower of Babel. It's an amazing story full of principles/facts of Vision. It is written: "And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter."

The men intended to build a tower and a city which before then wasn't in existence anywhere on earth, but they followed the picture they had in mind. Secondly they didn't have any ready made stones, they only had sand. In the making of bricks clay is needed and the clay used isn't gotten from the surface but by digging the ground. They got this clay together and also created fire to burn them 'thoroughly' due to the unavailability of stones. In end they had bricks. They also had to get slime from pits in place of morter.

God was impressed by their Mindset and creativity that in the end he came down to observe what they did.

Today, I'd like you to know that the unavailability of a particular thing cannot restrain the Manifestation of your Vision. Leverage what you do have, and turn it into a resource for your Vision. I want you to understand that You've got the creator's gene, his nature inside you as long as you're His Child. 11 Peter 1:3 says "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these we might be PARTAKERS of his DIVINE NATURE".

1. Identify in your note the things you need for your vision to succeed but which you do not have at the moment.
2. Identify the things that you have at the moment which can be maximized for your vision.

Remember "It's not what you do not have that limits you but what you have and don't know how to use"

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

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