I've consistently told the teenagers that attend Teens Frank Talk with Tobi that they're SPECIAL. Indeed we all are. In fact so wonderful that GOD made us also wonderful.
If I could ask: How much would you sell your heart or your brain or your kidneys? What price can you put on them? I'm sure you can't find a price in your mind. However, the organs in the body are not what God referred to when he said we have this treasure in earthen vessels. That scripture can be likened to what David said when he exclaimed " I am WONDERFULLY and FEARFULLY made, marvelous are thy works and this my soul knows very well". A wonderful person would be attractive and extremely valuable. A person that is feared would be one that has authority.
Imagine a basket overflowing with all kinds of groceries and gift items that it ends up littering the entire place because the basket is Full. You're literally dripping with wonders, such as the world as never seen.
You were not created to erase the mistake of another neither were you created to repeat what others have done. You're different, Unique and indeed special.
To discover your Purpose, it is necessary for you to move from Instincts, as we've previously discussed, to Insight. Insight comes from two words In- Sight. That is, seeing what is on the inside. The greatest Journey and adventure is not the one taken to the Caribbean islands or to the attractive Eifel Towers neither is it a trip to explore Hollywood. The greatest and most adventurous trip is that which you take on the inside. Every thing you see around you, was once inside of some one but now its manifest. However, what you were created to do "Eyes have not seen not ears heard, neither has it entered the heart of man"
Samuel had been in the temple from a child he had instincts, infact when God called him, his instincts told him to run to Eli. This he did thrice until Eli realised that it was God. That night after God had revealed his purpose and what will happen in Israel.
Samuel moved from having INSTINCTS to having INSIGHT about his purpose in life. He ended up becoming one of the greatest prophets to lead Israel. His words never fell to the ground as God honored and expanded his influence in the land of Israel. It all happened when he moved from Instincts to Insight.
Today, God wants you to have INSIGHT, to see within yourself, to see what he kept inside of you.
Why do we need insight? Its because God has trapped your Purpose inside you and only you can remove the seal thereof. As you gain Insight about yourself, expect to see wonders, expect to see your true worth. I don't know if you've been battered by abuse and insultive words from people around you. Drop that right now and take up your place in prayer as you WATCH. It's time to catch Insight.
Lastly, remember Habakkuk stood on a tower, some other translations say ROCK. The rock represents God and the Word is God. So take your stand today upon these words from the scripture as you pray:
1. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions"- Joel 2:
2. "Call unto me and I will answer and I will show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not."- Jeremiah 33:3
3. "Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you"- Matthew 7:7
4. "He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given."- Matthew 13:11
5. "My sheep hear my voice."
1. Pray for at least 30 minutes today. Using the scriptures above and ask God to give you insight into what He has kept inside you. This prayer would reveal your Purpose and your Potentials. Don't take it lightly.
Pray that: " Lord take me from Instincts to Insight, help me to discover the treasure, wonders that you've kept inside of me in Jesus Name"
2. Listen to the song: "There is a King in You"
Looking forward to hearing your testimonies, reflections, meditations, questions etc.
Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,
Oluwatobi Adesanya.
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