Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt about the fact that Vision  demands creativity. Today we'd learn about Communication.

The men of Babel had decided to engage their creativity to make the vision a reality. In the LOGOS Version of the Bible in Genesis 11 it says "And a man said to his neighbor, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them with fire.” And the brick was to them for stone, and their mortar was asphalt." - Genesis 11:3.
Look at that it says "A man SAID to his neighbor.." This man must have caught the vision, most likely it was Nimrod. It is recorded thus "And Cush fathered Nimrod: he began to be a giant upon the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord God; therefore they said, “Like Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.”AND THE BEGINNING OF HIS KINGDOM WAS BABYLON........in the Land of Shinar."- Genesis 10: 8-10 He caught the vision and communicated it so well that the others caught it and ran with it, so much so that God noticed.

Communication is vital in Vision. Your creativity would be greatly short-circuited if you cannot communicate the vision to others. It has nothing to do with Public Speaking. People like Helen Keller who impacted the world despite the fact that she couldn't speak, was blind and deaf are examples of the fact that communicating your vision is far more than words. The bottom line is Passion, Clarity of Vision, and Actions on the part of the Visionary.

Joseph communicated his vision so vividly that his brothers and Father caught the vision, though they didn't have the correct interpretation. Every visionary in history and up till now have always been great communicators.

Many times what kills or delays Vision is that the receiver doesn't talk about them.
Transfer the visions from the paper to your  heart and from your heart to your lips. Under the old covenant the stone was used for writing the laws of God, in the new covenant its our hearts. Store up God's Words there, create a  gallery, a museum of the visions God has revealed to you in your heart then speak about them constantly. The power of Life and Death is in your mouth. Give Life to your Dreams by giving a voice to it.

1. Look and review the things you've written down in your notes.
2. Meditate on them and keep them in your heart.
3. In the next 3-days ensure to talk to at least one person about your Life Vision.

Keep your comments and questions coming. The EBook will soon be ready.

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

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