We've been learning about vision through the month of January. It's been superb, a growing process even for me. Today we'd learn something new. That is. ..
When God gives you a vision he doesn't just have you in mind, he has countless people in mind when he gave you the vision. The vision you receive and accept is an invitation to responsibility. You do not exist for your own self. You exist to add value to others. The Scriptures say "Where there is no VISION, the PEOPLE perish"- Proverbs 29:18
The emphasis is deliberately added to make you see the reason why God takes Vision so seriously.
So has God given you a burden? Has he impressed an area of need in your heart? What cross has God given you to carry? Know that God has given you a vision not only to affect your community but your Generation. Take Charge of the Vision. Take ownership of it. Care for People. Love them. Today, I returned from a speaking session with some Students at a school and I was saying to someone in the office that "I have an incurable belief in people". I believe if God can get a hold of any one the story would be different and have a happier ending. I see people as they could be and not as they are.
Know that: The vision is not given to you to build a name for yourself, or draw recognition. Don't exploit people in the name of helping them. Rather Value people. Pray for them. Intercede. Your vision is meant to affect your Generation positively.
Are you Self Focused or People Focused?
1. Consciously begin to Love others. Go out of your way to help someone today and henceforth.
Shift attention from yourself to others.
May the Lord pour upon us afresh a desire to reach out to others and to affect our generation positively in Jesus Name. Amen!
Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,
Oluwatobi Adesanya
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