Yesterday we learnt about the place of Vision and Exposure. Today we'd learn about Diligence.
What keeps a car moving is motion. That motion connotes Diligence. Albert Einstein said of himself at one time that "I don't consider myself a genius, I just stick to a problem long enough". Through his stick-ability which is just another expression for Diligence he was able to solve great scientific problems and provided the theory that led to the birth of the Aviation industry.
His Diligence and staying power led to great discoveries that still baffle the world of science today. In the journey of Vision you can't afford to be Shallow. Be ready to dig deep. You can't strike oil on the surface but only deep beneath. Consistency, Diligence in your approach will lead to the expected end. The distance between the Revelation of Vision and its Manifestation may be 5, 15,20 or more years. Such a distance can only be covered by choosing to remain diligent.
The book of Proverbs of Solomon has many things to say about the Diligent. In one it says."Seest thou a man diligent in his business,he will stand before kings and not mere men". It also says " The hand of the Diligent shall bear rule". Again it says "The thoughts of the Diligent leads to plenteousness".
There's always great benefit in being Diligent in your 'Business' I.e. your Purpose, God's assignment for your life.
1. Take time out to study all what the book of Proverbs has to say about Diligence.
2. Identify key areas where you've been lacking behind and choose to be steadfast Diligent in those areas.
Do forward your stories to I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,
Oluwatobi Adesanya
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