Monday, 29 February 2016

Stay in Eden

The most important thing in Eden wasn't the Trees, the waters or the beautiful surroundings. It was the Presence of God. One of the meanings of the word 'Eden' is atmosphere,  it connotes the presence of God. It wasn't just a garden but a place where God's Presence was fully expressed. God didn't just drive man away from the garden but from His Presence.

Today, through what Jesus did, we can now have access to that garden (The Presence of God).  As a matter of fact,  we have 'God with us' and God in us through the Holy Spirit. It means we carry around the most important thing in Eden-The Presence of God.

It was this consciousness of God's Presence that prevented Joseph from sinning against God with Potiphar's wife. He said 'How.... can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?' - Genesis 39:9.  Now that we have access to God's Presence in this magnitude it gives us the leverage to live pure lives as youths. Being in God's Presence is the most beautiful thing ever. God with us and God in us makes us doubly able to live pure lives everyday.

Stay in Eden. Stay in God's Presence!


1. Take a moment to appreciate God for his presence your life.
2. Ensure to begin to engage his presence consciously in your life everyday.

Father, help me to walk consciously in the reality of your Presence around me and in me in Jesus Name.

Do send in your comments, questions,  appraisals and suggestions for improvement.

Youth Devotional

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Set Higher Standards

I've been greatly challenged this week, it started with a message I heard from Apostle Joshua Selman on Strategic Kingdom Influence. Also,  I was privileged to be part of a Top Notch project executed by some skilled guys....and I was also challenged while reading up on the work Bill Gates and Melinda are doing through their foundation.

Today it is necessary to let us know that we must set Higher Standards. Men like Bill Gates are solving problems on a global level. Leaders are tackling challenges that the average man is facing. These men and women with their passion and work have set a standard.

The failure to set high standards is the reason for mediocrity. That's why a guy is eager to have a girlfriend just to show off, that's why a lady would be satisfied as long as she has one 'maga' to foot her bills. Lack of standards is what makes some young men settle for 'sugar mummies' and ladies for 'sugar daddies'. 

Job, a man of Character set a standard for himself. See what he said 'I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?' Job 41:1.  That's a man with a standard. Though he was wealthy and influential, yet he held himself up to high Moral Standards. See what was recorded of him in Job 1:1 'There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.'

What standards have you set for yourself as a youth in your relationships,  career pursuits etc??


1. Identify areas in your life where you need to set or raise the standards.

Lord,  help me go up higher and set higher standards in Jesus Name.

Youth Devotional

Friday, 19 February 2016

She was Leading me on....The Free Offer

I heard a sound from my Laptop in the Office while working, it was a Skype message. I've not received a message on Skype on my laptop before then, so i was eager. The chat was from a lady overseas. She started politely, 'Hey sweetie ya there??'. She talked about a number of other things. Then came the offer, such offers don't come everyday. She offered me a pass for a show she was putting up. I knew where all this was going, I pestered her to tell me what she was into, it turned out she usually did sex webcams, where she used 'toys' to pleasure herself while several viewers watch across the world online. That was the offer. She offered the link to her website and ended the chat....

The story of that young man Solomon described comes to mind today. He was wandering aimlessly through the streets and a woman found him, all painted and dressed to seduce or put differently to reduce 'men to a crumb of bread'.(PLEASE READ: Proverbs 7:6-27 for more understanding) Like that man I was offered the chance to see her nakedness and watch her perform for her virtual audience. She expected me to be there when she logged on to her website... I didn't follow the link..

In today's world, the reality is not different. We may not be like that young man on the street but we are like that online. Today the Online community is like a continent in itself. We can surf and enter into diverse areas. So you're walking (Surfing) the net and there are pop-ups, messages, groups you were added to, email that links you to supposed 'adult content' and many times you're tempted to click. That's the reality today.

You must not be that young man, neither should you be that woman/lady luring others into Sin (In thought and in action). You are God's temple and Vessel and you are to reflect his glory and essence. Don't be found posting seductive pictures online, be cautious of how you live Online and Offline. Just as the world can lead people into deeper bondage through social Media even so you and I can liberate people through our presence online. That's why Daily Dealings exists.

Lead people unto Christ and not into Sin.

Action Point:

1. Consider your online activities, how does it help others, how do your posts lift people up and draw people to God?

2. Examine your natural conduct with people offline.

Lord, help me to make the most of the immense opportunity the online community affords in Jesus Name.

Youth Devotional

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What are you Thinking About?

Lust is a part of the reality of our world. As a matter of fact, there are a number of industries that have built flourishing businesses on this weakness of man. The Mind is a world in itself, a universe if you may. Every thought is a Living thing, a Living organism, in that universe called the Mind. I don't believe evolution is the explanation for creation, but in the universe of the Mind evolution is a Fact, it is the principle that controls all things (More on this later)

At one point or another we have engaged this mind in creating fantasies that no one knew about, even if they were seating by your side, pressed against you, like in a bus. The lust of the Flesh and the Eyes is not tied to any age, we as youths are often prey to it.

Today I used a Projector in the office trying to set it up in preparation for a program tomorrow. One thing about a Projector is that immediately its plugged in, it reflects on the wall or wherever it's positioned to display. You know, Many times I ask myself, when sex thoughts storm my mind. I ask 'If a cable were to be plugged into my brain now to display what I'm thinking via a Projector would I like people to see what I'm thinking?' That kills the desire for lust in my mind. More important than people seeing what we think, God is well informed and aware about our deepest desires and thoughts.

Why should I use my mind negatively, when in Napoleon Hill's words I can Think and Grow Rich, or in James Allen's words I can improve my circumstances by engaging the power of my Thoughts.

Here's a verse to Help to guide you as you think Daily: " Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE, THINK on these things"- Philippians 4:8

Purity begins in the mind. That's why your thoughts are powerful.

What are you thinking about today, right now? Are you spending that tremendous thought-power in lust or in creative and productive ventures?


1. Examine your thought life. Play by the Rules of Philippians 4:8

Lord, let the thoughts and meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight in Jesus Name.


Monday, 15 February 2016

Casual Sex??

In one of the quotes which I recently coined, I said 'There's nothing Casual about Sex. You can have Causal Friends but you can't have Casual Sex'. As long as you do not see the hidden dimensions to the physical acts of sex, you'd underestimate its impact in your life. There's nothing on earth that bonds people together like sex does. Sex bonds, ties and unites people together at the soul level which is the strongest bond ever. In one movie I watched, sex was referred to as the Covenant of Blood and Sweat. That's really what it is.

I don't have to give it a try before I know. The Bible says so, experiences of others around us says so. Sex is a gift, God created it.

In the Songs of Solomon it says "I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye STIR NOT UP, NOR AWAKE MY LOVE, TILL HE PLEASE." Till the fiancee/fiance or girlfriend/boyfriend becomes your wife/husband, don't go under the sheets.

Perhaps you've been under the sheets before now, you can come out and get dressed today. There's nothing Causal about Sex. It's a covenant, one that is hardest to break. Bless God the day I found out this rendition of the Bible in the Message Translation. It says "There's More to Sex than Skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual maturity mystery as physical fact"- 1 Corinthians 6. That's the Truth! Nothing More!

1. Are you under the sheets or about to? Consider today's word and make a change of decision. Your Future depends on it.

Lord, help me to realise the need to wait while I get busy on activities that would be profitable to your purpose for my life in Jesus Name.


Friday, 12 February 2016

What seeds are you receiving/planting??

As a lady the only seed you should be always willing to receive is not his seed but the seed of his Vision,the vision that the man brings or vice-versa. Vision should be the foundation, driver and future of the relationship. Vision is the key to unlocking the Future.

As an unmarried lady, you have no business knowing what he is like without clothes. What you should be bothered about is the Size of His Vision. That's the seed you should receive. What do you think got Mary pregnant with Jesus? It wasn't the Seed of Joseph, it was the seed of the Word, the Seed of Vision as planted by the Angel Gabriel that was sent to deliver the good news of the giving of the Only Begotten of God.

As a young man, you should not be concerned about the size of her breast or the curves of her hips, rather you should be gravely concerned about her capacity to carry God's Vision for your life. Her ability to manage and to raise godly seeds and above all her fear for the Lord. It is not the woman that has figure 8 that would be Praised, or the woman with the 'right statistics', it is the woman who fears that Lord that shall be Praised.

Ladies! Don't seek for him to embrace you, Rather seek for him to bring you into his Vision.

Shift your Focus. START NOW


1. What is your criteria for a marital relationship?

2. Are you In a relationship now? What is the basis of it? Is it vision or delusion? Make Amends.

Lord, help me to focus on the right things in Jesus name. Amen


Thursday, 11 February 2016

You're a President/The Father of Many Nations

We've established yesterday that One man has the capacity to double the entire population of Nigeria .

Now, what does that make you? It makes you a leader, Yorubas would call you 'olori ebi'. Put differently, it makes you a President, a Father of Many Nations. That isn't just a title, its a grave responsibility conferred on you.

Do you know that Presidents speak with caution, they do not treat people roughly, they comport themselves before, during and after they've assumed and completed their term in office. President Bush was probed while in power because of a scandal in the white house about an alleged sexual assault. That created a picture of the lack of integrity on the part of the President of a world power like the USA. Leadership confers authority and influence to get things done. But whatever a President does is always in the best interest of the people he leads and not for his own selfish interest. You're not different!

Now, you as a young man, know that you're the President of Nations yet unborn, you're carrying the seeds of people the world has not yet seen, people with great and immense potential coming to fulfill a great Purpose on earth. Wouldn't you want to create a good platform for them to stand on?? You're leading your generation. How good would it sound if your grandchildren heard that you impregnated several ladies while you were young? Or rendered many women 'Wombless' in a bid to hide your wrong doings?
What legacy is there in that??

Abraham our Father of Faith, fell into Sin with Hagar, the results are there today. Whatever you do as a man affects the generations after you. This is because you're the carrier of the Seed (the Sperms).  You're the President of your Generation. Set high- standards and precedents for the unborn. See what God told Abraham "Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a FATHER of MANY NATIONS have I made thee"- Genesis 17:5

I love asking questions and usually I ask youths and teens when I first meet them. I'd ask: Would the man/woman you hope to become be proud of the youth you are today? It's a Personal Question. Get Answers!


1. What are the things you're doing Today that wouldn't add positively to the lives of those coming through you.

2. Take steps today to address them. God wants you to leave a lasting legacy for your children's children.

3. Map out plans on things you need to start doing today that would make a positive impact on the lives of the generations yet unborn.

Lord help me to think Generationally and to take actions that would affect my generation positively in Jesus Name.

NB: Funke will be sharing on 'A Word to the Ladies'


Your Vessel- Something Precious

It takes only the Wisdom that Only God possesses to craft a body such as ours from something as insignificant as dust. God gathered dust together to create the human body. The Word says "God formed man from the dust of the earth". So wonderful was this to David that he wrote: "I am wonderfully and fearfully made, wonderful are your works and this my soul knoweth very well". In another place he wrote that "The Spirit of God hath made me". We are truly Precious and wonderful, from the inside-out.

Your Vessel-body, is extremely Precious. I'm amazed when I imagine that within each man lies the capacity to create another life. Within each woman lies the ability to carry a new being from conception to Delivery. We've learnt in biology that a man typically releases about 300 million sperms in one ejaculate. If those were to be distributed to 300 million women, those babies would almost double the present population of Nigeria. They would be a nation.

Can I say to the guys, you're carrying a nation. The seeds of generations are within you, you've got the seed to create another human being. God isn't in the business of making man anymore, you are. To the ladies, you're that portal through which new life comes to the Earth. That's something to be cherished.

Inasmuch as this is freely given to us of God, God has endowed us with Wisdom and insight not to spill our seeds as men or to give our vessels away  to ignoble purposes.

Think of a typical Farmer. Would a Farmer go plant seeds in a land that isn't his or a land to which he has no right? He dares not. It would cause a fight and in the end he'd loose his seeds. So as guys, why plant your seeds in the lands(woman) that you haven't bought? Why spread your seeds everywhere creating bonds that will hurt your soul? Haven't you read:"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which WAR against the soul"- 1 Peter 2:11

To the ladies, you're a portal through which destinies would be born. Don't compromise!


1. One of the Fruit of the Spirit is Self Control. You can access that Grace tonight. I still need it, we all do.

Lord, help me to preserve myself and to use my body for its true purpose in Jesus Name.


Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Who's Worshipping in Your Temple??

The temple symbolises a place of worship, a place of sacrifice and a place of communion. It is usually a dedicated and sacred place meant for Spiritual Purposes. Little wonder, the Scripture describes our bodies as a Temple. It's because God dwells in us and makes us holy via His Spirit.

Under the old covenant the temple was divided into three (3) parts namely: the outer court, the inner court and the Holies of Holies. Now, think of your body in the light of these three divisions. Think of the outer court as the part of your body that everyone sees after your clothes are on, the inner court as your heart, the part of your life that can be shared with like-minds, and your holy place as your most secret parts. You get the picture right?? Sure you Do. I know you're smart.....

Now, under the old covenant gentiles were not allowed into the temple, they were not allowed beyond the outer court. The priests served in the inner court. While only the High Priest went into the Most Holy Place once a year to offer sacrifice for sins of himself and the people, this he did not without blood. This means that for every time he came into the holiest of all he re-enacted the covenant, strengthened it.

How does this relate?

As a youth have you allowed people into your "Holies of Holies"? Have you carefully set boundaries as to those who have access to your life? Your body is designed to be the habitation of God and not a hub for sex.

So who's worshipping in your Temple your girlfriend, boyfriend? The husband is meant to be the High Priest so to speak and the same goes for the wife. Have you torn the veil when God's ordained high priest hasn't shown up?

I've come to realize that "The seal or proof of Virginity is innocence, the state of having not 'known' a person- Sexually". You've not fully known a person until you've had sex with the person and bonded as a result.


1. It is necessary to set boundaries in every relationship you're presently into especially with the opposite sex. Start Today!

Lord help me to keep your temple-my body, holy and to serve its purpose in Jesus Name.

-Today's post was birthed from a conversation I had with Ibukun Thomas some years back as an undergraduate, he had attended a program where this was shared by Mrs Funmi Akingbade. I merely built on it.

Content by Oluwatobi Adesanya

Monday, 8 February 2016

Your Eggs in One Basket

Funke and I got talking the day she came to drop the write ups for the month (February), she was speaking about how it is difficult for men to stay faithful in relationships, she made a statement, referring to men "why can't they just keep their eggs in one basket" to this I laughed not because I heard it for the first time but because as she said it a picture appeared in my mind.. So funny it is that I don't know how to explain it without losing its meaning.

Biologically a man has a scrotal sac and there are two eggs there right? Now you get the point... By putting your eggs in one basket as a man it means been loyal to one woman, who may at the moment be your fiancé. I guess she was right, one major quality the book of Proverbs identifies for men is Faithfulness. See what Solomon said "Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a FAITHFUL man who can find?"- Proverbs 20:6. Faithfulness is the key.

Faithfulness is not only limited to our Sexual Lives, but also being faithful in our daily lives, faithful to the vision that you've shared with others, faithful in the management of your finances and that of others that are under your care and control,  faithful in your relationship with God.

So where are your eggs? In one basket or in several baskets. What scares people about keeping all in One Basket is the loss of ALL if the basket gets damaged. When Love is the driving force in any relationship, and like we've learnt about giving yesterday, it would be practically impossible for the basket to break or fall as to damage the eggs. 

Don't be afraid to put your eggs in one basket.... Just Take care of your baskets! This cuts across every area of life.

Today's Word looks more like a Word to the guys and the ladies who love them.

Note: God is Love and He has put all his Eggs(Jesus) in one Basket (Mankind) he never regretted his decision, even you are a product of this great gift of God!


1. As a youth are you already concerned and afraid that you won't be able to keep the Fidelity of marriage? Identify the reasons tonight and deal with then accordingly under God and through the help of an accountability partner.

2. In handling the cares of your life and your family affairs are you putting your whole hope in God or in people and things? Consider and make changes appropriately. Trust God and Him Alone!

Lord, help me to faithful in all things in Jesus Name.

Content generated from Funke & Tobi's Conversation!


Saturday, 6 February 2016

Love Doesn't Accomodate Fear

Have you ever been afraid? Sure the answer is Yes! We all have. Fear is a reality we have to deal with everyday. It is a part of Life. What is that which makes you fear? Most times, what you fear most doesn't always come to pass. It's been said that Fear connotes False Evidence Appearing Real. It's all in our head.

So what does love do? It Casts out Fear! We said yesterday that Love is a Miracle, it changes hearts. One of the things Love does to our hearts is that it deletes fear. This month, it is important that we first understand God's Love towards us before dealing with our(Man's) love to one another. So Love itself is Victory. Victory over Fear, defeat, condemnation and frustrations.

His Love already shed in your heart is all you need to attack fear. Perhaps it's a fear of going into a relationship, making a choice in a particular matter. Whatever it is, the knowledge that God's Love upon you will keep you at peace always. See what Paul says "Nay in ALL these things we are more than conquerors through Him that LOVED us"-Romans 8:37. The Love of God for you makes you more than a Conqueror. John also tells us "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." -1 John 4:18

Face situations fearlessly, Tobi once wrote " Succeed so much that you dare failure in the face"... That's what a deep rooted confidence in the Love of God can do for you.

Attack that Fear with the confidence you now have in God's Love and get your victory.


1. Meditate on at least 3 Scriptures that speak about God's love like the ones quotes above.

2. Talk to God about what you're afraid of and see his love pour into those areas.

Lord, let the Revelation of your love for me swallow all of my fears in Jesus Name.

Content by Funke & Oluwatobi.


Friday, 5 February 2016

Understanding LOVE

The sweetest name and experience is Love. Love is sweet and powerful. Love works wonders. It heals the deepest injuries of the heart. Love cannot be faked because it is genuine.

Over the ages men have asked questions, people have searched and enquired about what makes life worth living. The question was truly answered in John 3:16. "Love" is the answer to all of man's troubles. It's man's misunderstanding of it that is responsible for the chaos in personal relationships, corporate relationships and in National Challenges across the globe.

Beautifully, for the beloved of God, who we all are, God has trapped HIS love in our hearts. See what Paul writes "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts through the holy spirit that is given to us".- Romans 5:5. There's an abundance of Love God kept within you that must be released.

I searched through my heart and found love as though they were bubbles... I decided to share these bubbles of Love with everyone around me then I got a lot of love in return. I realized that the reason why I had not found love was because I had never extended love to someone else.

Love is both a Noun and a Verb! It's a Noun because God is Love. Your RECOGNITION of this Truth helps you to demonstrate Love (Verb) to the people around you.

Love is more than Magic, it's a Miracle. Magic may gather a crowd, but only Love can truly change a Heart.


1. Answer the question personally: What does love mean to me?
2. Think first of how you can show love to others first.

Lord let the Love you've shed abroad in my heart find full expression in Jesus Name.

Content by Funke Bashir & Oluwatobi Adesanya

Monday, 1 February 2016


Welcome to the end of January, though we would be moving to another focus for February, we would still be guided by Vision. Yesterday we learnt about the place of Endurance, today we'd learn about the place of Builders and Believers.


This was a post Previously put up but has been refined for this purpose. Yes! Your vision cannot be carried out by you alone. Yes, you've discovered the Vision, you're on God's side... However, you still need other people to lift your hand in the Vision. That's where you need Builders and Believers.

Looking at the Tower of Babel story we shared earlier this month, you'd realize that it wasn't one man that built the Tower and the City. The vision may have been conceived by one man but several men took it up, owned it and carried it out. The people must have first believed the vision and then began to build along with the visionary.

Before people can build with you, they have to first Believe in your Vision. That's where Communication and Living out your Vision comes in. When you as the visionary live out the vision every day and speak about it, it becomes easy to convince people to believe in your dream and join the train to purpose. That's what Jesus did, it is recorded "The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that JESUS BEGAN BOTH TO DO AND TEACH"- Acts 1:1 Jesus was acting already, so it wasn't difficult for him to call others to tag along.
The beautiful thing is that Believers in your Vision may eventually become Builders, helping you achieve God's purpose for your life.

Jesus found the twelve, Paul found Timothy, Silas, Barnabas, and many others who not only believed but helped build his vision.

It takes extra effort on the part of the leader for the people to transit from just believing in the vision to building it. But it is a required process every leader must go through and Must Not be Neglected.

PRAYER: Lord help me to Live out My Vision Daily as I inspire others to come along in building your vision for my Life in Jesus Name.


1. Take seriously the personal sacrifice of Leadership. That's your ticket to the hearts of men.

2. Keep talking about what you're doing and more importantly involve others.

Today marks the end of the devotional for the month of January on VISION. It's obvious we couldn't complete the entire devotional. The message continues in the compiled Ebook on VISION which will be released this week.

Do Send your Testimonies or a short comment on how this devotional has impacted you, ONE WORD is not too Small.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya
@ _tobiadesanya