I heard a sound from my Laptop in the Office while working, it was a Skype message. I've not received a message on Skype on my laptop before then, so i was eager. The chat was from a lady overseas. She started politely, 'Hey sweetie ya there??'. She talked about a number of other things. Then came the offer, such offers don't come everyday. She offered me a pass for a show she was putting up. I knew where all this was going, I pestered her to tell me what she was into, it turned out she usually did sex webcams, where she used 'toys' to pleasure herself while several viewers watch across the world online. That was the offer. She offered the link to her website and ended the chat....
The story of that young man Solomon described comes to mind today. He was wandering aimlessly through the streets and a woman found him, all painted and dressed to seduce or put differently to reduce 'men to a crumb of bread'.(PLEASE READ: Proverbs 7:6-27 for more understanding) Like that man I was offered the chance to see her nakedness and watch her perform for her virtual audience. She expected me to be there when she logged on to her website... I didn't follow the link..
In today's world, the reality is not different. We may not be like that young man on the street but we are like that online. Today the Online community is like a continent in itself. We can surf and enter into diverse areas. So you're walking (Surfing) the net and there are pop-ups, messages, groups you were added to, email that links you to supposed 'adult content' and many times you're tempted to click. That's the reality today.
You must not be that young man, neither should you be that woman/lady luring others into Sin (In thought and in action). You are God's temple and Vessel and you are to reflect his glory and essence. Don't be found posting seductive pictures online, be cautious of how you live Online and Offline. Just as the world can lead people into deeper bondage through social Media even so you and I can liberate people through our presence online. That's why Daily Dealings exists.
Lead people unto Christ and not into Sin.
Action Point:
1. Consider your online activities, how does it help others, how do your posts lift people up and draw people to God?
2. Examine your natural conduct with people offline.
Lord, help me to make the most of the immense opportunity the online community affords in Jesus Name.
Youth Devotional
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