Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What are you Thinking About?

Lust is a part of the reality of our world. As a matter of fact, there are a number of industries that have built flourishing businesses on this weakness of man. The Mind is a world in itself, a universe if you may. Every thought is a Living thing, a Living organism, in that universe called the Mind. I don't believe evolution is the explanation for creation, but in the universe of the Mind evolution is a Fact, it is the principle that controls all things (More on this later)

At one point or another we have engaged this mind in creating fantasies that no one knew about, even if they were seating by your side, pressed against you, like in a bus. The lust of the Flesh and the Eyes is not tied to any age, we as youths are often prey to it.

Today I used a Projector in the office trying to set it up in preparation for a program tomorrow. One thing about a Projector is that immediately its plugged in, it reflects on the wall or wherever it's positioned to display. You know, Many times I ask myself, when sex thoughts storm my mind. I ask 'If a cable were to be plugged into my brain now to display what I'm thinking via a Projector would I like people to see what I'm thinking?' That kills the desire for lust in my mind. More important than people seeing what we think, God is well informed and aware about our deepest desires and thoughts.

Why should I use my mind negatively, when in Napoleon Hill's words I can Think and Grow Rich, or in James Allen's words I can improve my circumstances by engaging the power of my Thoughts.

Here's a verse to Help to guide you as you think Daily: " Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE, THINK on these things"- Philippians 4:8

Purity begins in the mind. That's why your thoughts are powerful.

What are you thinking about today, right now? Are you spending that tremendous thought-power in lust or in creative and productive ventures?


1. Examine your thought life. Play by the Rules of Philippians 4:8

Lord, let the thoughts and meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight in Jesus Name.


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