Monday, 15 February 2016

Casual Sex??

In one of the quotes which I recently coined, I said 'There's nothing Casual about Sex. You can have Causal Friends but you can't have Casual Sex'. As long as you do not see the hidden dimensions to the physical acts of sex, you'd underestimate its impact in your life. There's nothing on earth that bonds people together like sex does. Sex bonds, ties and unites people together at the soul level which is the strongest bond ever. In one movie I watched, sex was referred to as the Covenant of Blood and Sweat. That's really what it is.

I don't have to give it a try before I know. The Bible says so, experiences of others around us says so. Sex is a gift, God created it.

In the Songs of Solomon it says "I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye STIR NOT UP, NOR AWAKE MY LOVE, TILL HE PLEASE." Till the fiancee/fiance or girlfriend/boyfriend becomes your wife/husband, don't go under the sheets.

Perhaps you've been under the sheets before now, you can come out and get dressed today. There's nothing Causal about Sex. It's a covenant, one that is hardest to break. Bless God the day I found out this rendition of the Bible in the Message Translation. It says "There's More to Sex than Skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual maturity mystery as physical fact"- 1 Corinthians 6. That's the Truth! Nothing More!

1. Are you under the sheets or about to? Consider today's word and make a change of decision. Your Future depends on it.

Lord, help me to realise the need to wait while I get busy on activities that would be profitable to your purpose for my life in Jesus Name.


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