Monday, 8 February 2016

Your Eggs in One Basket

Funke and I got talking the day she came to drop the write ups for the month (February), she was speaking about how it is difficult for men to stay faithful in relationships, she made a statement, referring to men "why can't they just keep their eggs in one basket" to this I laughed not because I heard it for the first time but because as she said it a picture appeared in my mind.. So funny it is that I don't know how to explain it without losing its meaning.

Biologically a man has a scrotal sac and there are two eggs there right? Now you get the point... By putting your eggs in one basket as a man it means been loyal to one woman, who may at the moment be your fiancé. I guess she was right, one major quality the book of Proverbs identifies for men is Faithfulness. See what Solomon said "Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a FAITHFUL man who can find?"- Proverbs 20:6. Faithfulness is the key.

Faithfulness is not only limited to our Sexual Lives, but also being faithful in our daily lives, faithful to the vision that you've shared with others, faithful in the management of your finances and that of others that are under your care and control,  faithful in your relationship with God.

So where are your eggs? In one basket or in several baskets. What scares people about keeping all in One Basket is the loss of ALL if the basket gets damaged. When Love is the driving force in any relationship, and like we've learnt about giving yesterday, it would be practically impossible for the basket to break or fall as to damage the eggs. 

Don't be afraid to put your eggs in one basket.... Just Take care of your baskets! This cuts across every area of life.

Today's Word looks more like a Word to the guys and the ladies who love them.

Note: God is Love and He has put all his Eggs(Jesus) in one Basket (Mankind) he never regretted his decision, even you are a product of this great gift of God!


1. As a youth are you already concerned and afraid that you won't be able to keep the Fidelity of marriage? Identify the reasons tonight and deal with then accordingly under God and through the help of an accountability partner.

2. In handling the cares of your life and your family affairs are you putting your whole hope in God or in people and things? Consider and make changes appropriately. Trust God and Him Alone!

Lord, help me to faithful in all things in Jesus Name.

Content generated from Funke & Tobi's Conversation!


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