It takes only the Wisdom that Only God possesses to craft a body such as ours from something as insignificant as dust. God gathered dust together to create the human body. The Word says "God formed man from the dust of the earth". So wonderful was this to David that he wrote: "I am wonderfully and fearfully made, wonderful are your works and this my soul knoweth very well". In another place he wrote that "The Spirit of God hath made me". We are truly Precious and wonderful, from the inside-out.
Your Vessel-body, is extremely Precious. I'm amazed when I imagine that within each man lies the capacity to create another life. Within each woman lies the ability to carry a new being from conception to Delivery. We've learnt in biology that a man typically releases about 300 million sperms in one ejaculate. If those were to be distributed to 300 million women, those babies would almost double the present population of Nigeria. They would be a nation.
Can I say to the guys, you're carrying a nation. The seeds of generations are within you, you've got the seed to create another human being. God isn't in the business of making man anymore, you are. To the ladies, you're that portal through which new life comes to the Earth. That's something to be cherished.
Inasmuch as this is freely given to us of God, God has endowed us with Wisdom and insight not to spill our seeds as men or to give our vessels away to ignoble purposes.
Think of a typical Farmer. Would a Farmer go plant seeds in a land that isn't his or a land to which he has no right? He dares not. It would cause a fight and in the end he'd loose his seeds. So as guys, why plant your seeds in the lands(woman) that you haven't bought? Why spread your seeds everywhere creating bonds that will hurt your soul? Haven't you read:"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which WAR against the soul"- 1 Peter 2:11
To the ladies, you're a portal through which destinies would be born. Don't compromise!
1. One of the Fruit of the Spirit is Self Control. You can access that Grace tonight. I still need it, we all do.
Lord, help me to preserve myself and to use my body for its true purpose in Jesus Name.
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