Monday, 25 July 2016

Valuable Lessons From My Notes

Today I'd be sharing directly from my notes. The notes were written from Matthew 4 on the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. But the Scriptures below are from Luke 4 still on the temptations of Jesus.

Jesus was confronted three times. These confrontational conversations formed the temptations.

"If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence: For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:

And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone."

-Luke 4

What Lessons are here to learn?

1. The devil always seeks to shift the focus of the believer from His Identity in Christ to actions. He makes you believe that it is what you do that confers divine status on you, or confirms that you really are who God says you are. Many times these actions will not glorify God, rather they glorify the flesh. No matter what you do, it cannot add up to what Jesus has already accomplished for you in His death, burial and resurrection.

2. In the second temptation the devil asked Jesus to bow to him, in exchange for THINGS. The devil often seeks to make the believer concentrate on the THINGS of the world as against loving God and our fellow men. Jesus didn't fall for this. We shouldn't either. Apostle John, further buttresses this when he said "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15

3. The devil often seeks to make people use God's resources for the gratification of fleshy/personal desires. That's what leads some leaders to divert funds in their care to meet personal needs at the expense of the organization they lead. Jesus didn't fall for the temptation to use His position and power to command angels to meet his needs. He rather avoided the temptation and was victorious.

Have you gained from this? Are you in any of these situations?

Kindly share and comment.

Meditate on the scriptures and find strength today.

Oluwatobi Adesanya
For Daily Dealings

Friday, 22 July 2016


Bible verse: Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth hath fulfilled the law.
Romans .13vs8

I had an experience two days ago, in the school where I teach. A free training is ongoing and every child is given an opportunity to learn. Being a high grade school, where you see children from rich homes, they are popularly referred to as kids who are 'tush'. It is strange to find a child who does doesn't not belong to this description in the school. But, there was a girl of about a year old, not well dressed and not looking as good as the others, I felt an irritation and it became obvious through my facial expressions - it showed. Instantly, the Holy Spirit asked me why and told me to look at the child properly and I did, then I corrected my mind and smiled at her. I realized that, my mind had decided to accommodate only 'the tush' children because that was what I was exposed to.

There is no loving without giving and giving involves sharing. You can't sincerely and in truth define love, without mentioning giving and sharing. The movie and entertainment industry has succeeded in making us beleive that love involves receiving, especially as a lady. There is, this notion that as long as a person meets certain criteria and suits our expectations, they can be loved by us.

But, today let's remember our exercise on love , where we replaced love with ur name in 1 Cor.13, with all the character of love ,which we trust that we are allowing the Holy spirit birth to manifestation in us. What criteria do we think a person or people must meet before they are allowed into our lives? And before we can share with them?

The bible says we should owe no one nothing, except love. That means that we are to pour our love to everyone that comes our way. No personal preference should interface in the place of our loving people. If we are ambassadors of Christ, which means that, we are to carry the message of Christ to everyone. Let's also know that we preach in love and not in anger to people.

We must get to the point where nothing stops us from talking to people about the love of God because that love is our lifestyle. The only criteria Christ has ever set for man is love, He loved us and died for us, while we had not even thought of His love, He gave and opened a way to Himself waiting for us to come.

As people who are hungry and thirsty for God, we must allow His work so much in us to produce the fruit of Love which allows us to Open ourselves up to people and share our resources with them with the aim of blessing God's kingdom. Your personality or whatever, should not be an hinderance to the expression of God's love through you to someone, either in the family of faith or outside the family of faith.

You can only know that God is producing the fruit of love in you when you accept and open your heart to love people without setting standards that must be met in order to satisfy your self, your flesh.

CENTRAL TRUTH: Allowing God to produce the fruit of love in us by accommodating people.


Lord, I release my mind to you, do your work in me and help me to see people the way you see them.

THINK ON THIS: Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. ROM.13vs1

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

Thursday, 21 July 2016


Bible verse: Being enriched in all thing to the bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. 2Cor10vs11

Carrying a long face does not mean you are more righteous or more spiritual. Being spiritual is obeying the commandment of Jesus and not the wearing of an outward look that chases people away. As a Christian, your face should draw people to God. Your smile and disposition should be so contagious that people will want to have your kind of face and attitude.

As people who are hungry for God, we live joyfully at all times knowing that our Father is at work at everything that concerns us.
There is therefore no reason for us to wear long faces. But from our heart, we wear smiles because, OUR Father is faithful and true.

For some of us, wearing long faces might not be as a result of being worried, but our default look. That's not an excuse to let our face remain that way. The Holy spirit is not a dormant person, He's always active, He has a personality, if God was to walk on the earth as a man, trust me, He will be smiling with a beautiful disposition.

As we hunger and thirst after God, He shows forth Himself through us and in us and He is not a sad looking God, neither is He ugly. His glory radiates and it is captivating. That's why our beauty is not outward, but spreads right from our inside.

CENTRAL POINT: Let your beauty be seen through your attitude and your smile.


Father help me to rediate your glory in truth and at all times.

THINK ON THIS: Rejoice in the Lord, alway: and again I say , Rejoice. Philip. 4vs4

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


Sam Adeyemi once said "The Proof of Desire is Pursuit". What you chase after in the confines of your mind and in life reveals where your Heart really is and what it is after.

The Proverbs says - As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man (Proverbs 27:19). Your life is a Reflection of your most Dominant Pursuit.

The Second Most difficult thing we would have to deal with in life, the first being Identity Crisis, is Balance in Life. We must not be like THE RICH FOOL who succeeded in 'Getting his name into the Forbes List of the Rich' and neglected God. Neither must we be like LAZARUS who died as a Saint but lived a Poor Life despite the Prosperity he had access to in God.

Today, the Charge is to Live a Life that Puts God at the Center, the center which holds all things. The Word says God upholds all things by the Word of His Power (Hebrews 1:3). Let God be the Centre of ALL your pursuits in life.

Job was a Perfect Example of this. Read the First three (3) verses of the Book of Job. It shows us something Profound. Job's stand with God was First described when the Word says 'He was Perfect and Upright and Eschewed Evil' , then the Writer proceeded to describing his Family and then his wealth. Read Job 1:1-3

This shows a Powerful Principle we must follow. Put God First and Every other thing will find Proper Alignment.

When Job lost all he didn't loose his Faith in God. That Faith RESTORED ALL he lost in DOUBLE FOLD.

Guard Your Heart. Seek For Balance. Let God be the Center.

Central Truth: A Life of Balance is Important. Let God be the Center that holds all things.



Lord, be the Centre of my Life.

Oluwatobi Adesanya
For Daily Dealings

Monday, 18 July 2016


Bible verse:

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life , which the Lord has promised to them that love him James 1vs12.

At a time, this song 'I give myself away ' by Mali music was really making wave. I was still on campus then and no fellowship day ends with without this song being sung in almost all fellowship venues.

After singing this song on Sunday, on Monday and other days of the week,the lifestyle we see seem very contrary to the true meaning of the song. We see brethren who have 'given themselves away: still having their way and blaspheming the Church of Christ.

Giving up self of course, is not a Day's Job, it is a result of the continual workings of the Holy Spirit in us. However, we must make sure when we desire the workings of the Holy Spirit, we are truly sincere and are willing to accept who we are in Christ.

The truth is, we will continually encounter situations and people that are intentionally set on our path to bring to manifestation our ''Real Self'' in Christ.

One other thing we should always ask God for is the Patience to Learn and Mature through the Circumstances and People He has intentionally positioned in our lives. Our trial of Faith works out Patience and Patience works out Experience and experience works out hope.(Roms. 5vs 3-4).

So,  before you pray for God to take you out of a situation or remove certain people from your life, make sure you have prayed enough for patience to allow the work of God through that situation or person.

Sincerely, this is not easy, I  mean who likes to stay in the heat when you can just jump out to receive fresh air?  But sometimes, staying in the heat for the approved time is neccesary for you to appreciate the fresh air when you get out.

Let's not forget, that we are ambassadors of Christ, as an ambassador, you can't dictate your conduct, by the reason of the appointment of an ambassador, he/she assumes certain responsibilities and code of conduct. Our Father has called us and we resemble Him in all things. Let's not forget that Jesus endured the suffering of the cross, He did not jump and pass the suffering to get the glory. And God in the self same way is begetting us unto Himself.

If we are truly Thirsty for Him, then we must understand and accept that we are dead, crucified with Him and alive unto Him.

CENTRAL POINT: We are to stay patiently in order to allow the trial of our faith to achieve its full work in us.


Father, help me to wait Patiently so to allow your Dealings take its full course in my life in Jesus Name.


Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that he may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James1vs4-5.

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

Thursday, 14 July 2016

The Only Currency You Need

Bible verse: And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of life freely. Rev, 21vs6

If there is any currency that is well sought after now, it is the Dollars. Everybody wants to be in possession of the Dollars. If you really want to be involved in Real Trade, then Dollars must be involved and you will be referred to as an International Business Person (lol).

The currency of this world, can only buy as much as one can afford and its all perishes here, no  matter what we buy. Now imagine, you need a twin duplex , decorated and furnished to suit your taste, you have been searching for this house and finally it is found and you are told the amount and its far exceeds your budget and your entire savings, What Exactly Can You Do?

Now, also imagine that for the house, the only Cost you are to incure is just  YOUR DESIRE, YES YOUR THIRST. As in, you just desire this kind of house and you get. That means that your price, the price for the house is simply DESIRE.

God offers you eternity in a city built with gold and other precious stones, He offers you a life built upon the Rock, His Son, a life totally guaranteed and dependent upon His ability.

And, do you know the price?

ONLY YOUR DESIRE, Yes your desire and consistent thirst is what is required.
With this said, Wouldn't you instantly tune your heart to start desiring such houses and other Great things?

It's so Amazing to realize that God has offered something much more valuable than Dollars (Eternal Life With Him). Our part is to consistently desire to become like Son. Trading with and in God's currency, makes us an Eternal Business People.

CENTRAL POINT:  Our Desire is the only Price we Pay in order to be filled with God.


Lord help me to consistently come to you hungry and thirsty.

THINK ON THIS: Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; come ye, buy, and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.  Isaiah55vs1.

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

Wednesday, 13 July 2016


Bible verse:
The response of the Samaritan woman Jesus met by the well is not surprising because it is very natural. Imagine someone you don't know, sitting by a well and he says he can give you water. Your natural mind will run through his personality, at least with your eyes since you don't know. Of course, you will notice he does not have anything to draw water with. So you will just conclude that he needs help, instead of offering you help.

The Samaritan woman, only took the words of Jesus serious when He began to speak to her personally. That's what happens to us, when we come to the well of life, we see ourselves clearly, our nature is X-rayed right before our eyes and some of us rather  than respond like the Samaritan woman we run away. Immediately the Samaritan woman saw herself!, saw her weakness as exposed by the word, she accepted her flaws in awe and ran to testify immediately, she accepted the water and the life Jesus offered her.  Some of us have been running away from our exposed nature. Do we go to church? YES, Do we pay our tithes and observe other religious activities? YES, but we know deep down that in truth, we are far apart from the requirements of the WORD.

Jesus told this beloved woman by the well, that the water He will give her will well up in her unto everlasting life. The water has to keep flowing consistently for it to last as long as eternity and we have to keep getting filled .

As transparent as a clean water, that's how transparent our lives are before the word. The word does not reflect our lives that much for the fun of it or to embarrass us ,rather, it is done for us to accept the dictate of the word, we must run to the well and fountain of life and accept our New Self as revealed in the Word.

Our level of receptivity to the water that flows from the well of Life, shows shows how Thirsty we are for God.

CENTRAL POINT: Running to the Word to receive instructions and our level of obedience is a show of how Thirsty we are for God.

PRAYER: Father, I ask for insight of your word and the heart to see myself with your eyes.

THINK ON THIS: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14)

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

Tuesday, 12 July 2016


Bible verse:

But the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance against such there is no Law.
-Galatians 5:22-23


Flip over to 1 Cor 13: 4-8 (The Famous Chapter on LOVE) put your name in ALL the places where  LOVE is mentioned.

Pay attention to what happens within you. (Kindly Share your Experience with this Exercise)


What Fruits are evident in your Life? Are they Fruit of the Spirit or Works of the Flesh?

The focus for this month has been Developing a Thirst for God. Truly, as we draw near in fellowship, we would realize that we Automatically bear fruits and the works of the Flesh would die gradually as the Fruits begin to manifest.

One thing with God is that He never leaves us Hungry or Thirsty. He would satisfy us. His promise is that 'We will be Filled' (Paraphrase) . As you Desire much more of His presence, expect a Natural Exhibition of the Fruit of the Spirit.

CENTRAL TRUTH: When God truly Fills us His Nature (Fruits) Finds Full Expression in and through us.


Father, help me to remain connected in you so as to bear fruits in Jesus Name.

He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk even as He walked. 1John2vs6

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

Monday, 11 July 2016

How Is Your Heart?

Bible verse:

And I will pray the father. And He will give you another comforter, that he may abide with you.

John 14vs16

It is recommended medically that we have a routine checkup at regular intervals, for a sound physical health. The same thing is neccesary for us spiritually. We need to pay attention to what is going on consistently in our heart.

Kenneth E. Hagin shared a story about how he was led by the Holy Spirit to check on his heart as a new convert in his book 'how you can be led by the Spirit of God'. He said, at the time when he just got saved, he was moving with a group of teenagers about his age and he used an inappropriate language, like the 'F' word. As he said the word nobody noticed anything but immediately the Holy spirit cautioned him and he had to apologize.

Some of the things we are comfortable with , if we pay keen attention to our spirit, we will hear the Holy spirit shedding His light and asking us to desist from them. A little leaven, leaventh the whole lump. This shedding might be more personal than it is general. It might have to do with courtesy, being more respectful. For you ,it might be an attitude display towards someone or a group of people or your attitude towards work. For someone else, it might be how to speak to people in a better manner. These things might look trivial, but God pays attention to them and in order to maintain a sensitive, tender heart towards God, we must pay attention to them as well, and obey the workings of the Holy spirit in us. These little promptings, are the works of the Holy spirit.

Why do we need to obey? obeying and allowing the workings of the Holy spirit shows our level of thirst for God. A thirsty heart is always ready to be filled at all times and we can not be filled
if we don't create empty spaces in our heart.

The bible says, ''As we behold as in a glass the image of the son, we are into the same image from one degree of glory to another even as by the Spirit of God'' (2 Cor3:18). Our transformation is a changing, a filling up, a putting off of self and taking in of a new personality, the personality of Christ. Only a thirsty hearts can behold long enough for a change, a filling up.

In the words of Kenneth E Haggin, unless you keep a tender conscience, Spiritual things will be indistinct to you. Keeping a tender conscience means paying attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit and taking corrections IMMEDIATELY.

Maintaining a tender heart is an attitude of staying FAMISHED and THIRSTY which in turn aids our sensitivity. A heart that  is ready to be filled at all times is very important to our growth as God's children especially, if we desire to be more and more like Him.

CENTRAL TRUTH: Paying attention to the continuous work of the Holy spirit in us as an attitude of being thirsty .


Father help me to receive and allow your work in me even as you change me to become more like you.

THINK ON THIS: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.Phil.4vs13

Gift Chika
Content Writer -  Daily Dealings

Saturday, 9 July 2016


As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby.1Peter2vs2

I have a younger brother and he never gets tired of eating. He eats anything and at anytime, he is just never satisfied. Probably some of us are like my brother. But is it a good habit to always be hungry? Well ,yes if that hunger is toward spiritual things.

Apostle Paul in 1Peter 2vs2 admonishes us to 'Desire the sincere milk of the Word that we may grow thereby. Desiring the sincere milk of the word implies a consistent, unwavering thirst for the Word. Who is the Word? Christ is!  and we are admonished to look up to God with a hungry and open heart to be filled with Him.

Apostle Paul admonishes us to desire the sincere milk, he says the sincere milk will make us grow.

Asking us to desire the sincere milk, doesn't mean that the Word in Himself is not sincere, but we must come not with mind already made up and conceived notions, but with hearts that are teachable and ready to be molded.

After Salvation, there is a response to the drawing of God that we must follow. As our walk with God must not end at a first encounter. Several and consistent encounters must follow, panting daily and consistently after God's word must be our story.

Most of us stop at our Salvation Experience forgetting that our Salvation is the first step in our walk with God. The Love of God has been shed abroad in our heart and the Holy spirit is at work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

How do I know what His good pleasures are if I don't study His Word? Therefore, the working of the Holy Spirit draws us to God through His Word.

We must consistently embrace the engrafted word with meekness, rendering our hearts bare to the Holy spirit. Anything that does not agree with the Word of God, no matter what they are and how long we have indulged in them, must be accepted as a weakness and we must embrace instantly the teaching of Grace, as exposed by the Holy spirit .

The rate of your desire is expressed in the rate of your growth and love. The more you grow, the more you will grow thirsty for God, because God can never be exhausted.

Central point: After salvation, we must desire God more through the study of His word.

THINK ON THIS: Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2Tim.2vs15)


Lord fill my heart with an unending love and desire for your word in Jesus Name.

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

Friday, 8 July 2016


And he shall seek me and find me, when he shall search with all your heart. JER .29VS13

Have you ever felt frustrated in the place of prayer? A time when it seems every attempt you make is an effort in Futility. You try to sing, No Way. You try to utter a word , No Way. It seems like the Heaven is literarily shut against you, in fact, you can see the Gates of Heaven shut through your roof.

Praying sometimes can seem frustrating to us, especially at those times when it seems like God is some thousand miles away. One of the major reasons we feel this way sometimes, is because we approach God with a Religious Attitude. We Pray like its a Burden, a Responsibility. Probably it's because we want to be able to give a Positive answer when asked,  'have you had your your Quiet Time?'

But really, how Quiet is our Quiet Time? Many of us have Quiet Time with our flesh loudly glorified. We just devote that time to either please men or ourselves.

Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman by the well, said God is a spirit and He seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Our TIME of Prayer IS MEANT to be a TIME WHEN WE COMMUNICATE WITH GOD and not COMMUNICATE TO GOD.
It is a time when we come to Him in the undstanding of who He is and behold Him in awe. Our flesh sacrificed and silenced we pour our all, we open our cistern, our heart hungry for Him , to see His face.

The Truth of God must be able to take the seat in your heart when you seek Him in Prayer. Without this truth, your prayer time, no matter how lengthy and loud you sound will only be a Religious Exercise.

CENTRAL POINT: Prayer is Communication with God and not Communicating to God.


Father help me to stay in the Place of Prayer long enough to get a response from you.


Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. (Micah 7:7)

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings. 

Thursday, 7 July 2016


"Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared like the morning; and he shall come up to us like the rain, the latter and the former rain on to the earth."
-Hosea 6:3

God has sought man, with a Thirsty heart for Fellowship sake. God assembled a meeting among the Godhead and the outcome of that meeting, led to the Creation of man in God's own Image and Likeness. Even after the fall, God immediately sacrificed His only Son to restore man to Fellowship. This act of love demonstrated by God is a seeking act, an act borne out of a thirst for a people to commune with.

As man evolved, he has tried to live without God, he has tried to fill himself with knowledge, all in the attempt to escape God. That's why there an emptiness in you, if you have not come to the truth of His love.

The love God demonstrated, pushes us to Him and we must come famished, acknowledging how weak and worthless our lives have been without Him, we must yearn and come to His feet willing and ready to make the throne of our hearts empty to be occupied by Him alone.

We must come to HIM thirsty like the Deer, leaping and not just bowing our heads but hearts to the well of Life, until we are filled. Remember Jesus said 'Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.' - Matthew 11:28

CENTER POINT: God has always sought for man and He has put a desire in our heart for Him.


Lord  even as you draw me to yourself, help me to develop a heart that responds to you at all times.

Gift Ndego
Content Writer (Daily Dealings)

Tuesday, 5 July 2016



How's the Holidays started out for you? I trust you've been making the most of it?

We had our First Meeting today for Daily Dealings Team.

4 out of 5 of us were in attendance.

The Team Members are:

1. Olasunkanmi Oloyede

2. Gift Chika Nnego

3. John Mawuton

4. Aminat Akanbi

5. Oluwatobi Adesanya

We had a great time in God's Presence as He taught us His Word and gave us strategies to Influence lives for Him through the Daily Dealings Platform.

Some of the Upcoming Details include:

1. A New Website.

2. Attending Events to Promote the Vision.

3. Having Monthly Physical MEET-UP with all our Readers Close by.

....and Much More...

You would be duly informed as progress is made...

Your comments, contributions and Suggestions are Extremely Valuable at this point.

The Monthly Broadcast for May will commence later this week. The Theme would be announced tomorrow, it would be Managed by The Daily Dealings Team.

Also, expect the Daily Dealings Classic for the Month of April and May.

Keep on Impacting Your World.


'The Room for Impact is Always Under Construction.'

-Oluwatobi Adesanya

Enjoy the Rest of the Holiday Season!

Be Blessed!

Oluwatobi Adesanya
For Daily Dealings.