Monday, 18 July 2016


Bible verse:

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life , which the Lord has promised to them that love him James 1vs12.

At a time, this song 'I give myself away ' by Mali music was really making wave. I was still on campus then and no fellowship day ends with without this song being sung in almost all fellowship venues.

After singing this song on Sunday, on Monday and other days of the week,the lifestyle we see seem very contrary to the true meaning of the song. We see brethren who have 'given themselves away: still having their way and blaspheming the Church of Christ.

Giving up self of course, is not a Day's Job, it is a result of the continual workings of the Holy Spirit in us. However, we must make sure when we desire the workings of the Holy Spirit, we are truly sincere and are willing to accept who we are in Christ.

The truth is, we will continually encounter situations and people that are intentionally set on our path to bring to manifestation our ''Real Self'' in Christ.

One other thing we should always ask God for is the Patience to Learn and Mature through the Circumstances and People He has intentionally positioned in our lives. Our trial of Faith works out Patience and Patience works out Experience and experience works out hope.(Roms. 5vs 3-4).

So,  before you pray for God to take you out of a situation or remove certain people from your life, make sure you have prayed enough for patience to allow the work of God through that situation or person.

Sincerely, this is not easy, I  mean who likes to stay in the heat when you can just jump out to receive fresh air?  But sometimes, staying in the heat for the approved time is neccesary for you to appreciate the fresh air when you get out.

Let's not forget, that we are ambassadors of Christ, as an ambassador, you can't dictate your conduct, by the reason of the appointment of an ambassador, he/she assumes certain responsibilities and code of conduct. Our Father has called us and we resemble Him in all things. Let's not forget that Jesus endured the suffering of the cross, He did not jump and pass the suffering to get the glory. And God in the self same way is begetting us unto Himself.

If we are truly Thirsty for Him, then we must understand and accept that we are dead, crucified with Him and alive unto Him.

CENTRAL POINT: We are to stay patiently in order to allow the trial of our faith to achieve its full work in us.


Father, help me to wait Patiently so to allow your Dealings take its full course in my life in Jesus Name.


Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that he may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James1vs4-5.

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

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