Bible verse:
And I will pray the father. And He will give you another comforter, that he may abide with you.
John 14vs16
It is recommended medically that we have a routine checkup at regular intervals, for a sound physical health. The same thing is neccesary for us spiritually. We need to pay attention to what is going on consistently in our heart.
Kenneth E. Hagin shared a story about how he was led by the Holy Spirit to check on his heart as a new convert in his book 'how you can be led by the Spirit of God'. He said, at the time when he just got saved, he was moving with a group of teenagers about his age and he used an inappropriate language, like the 'F' word. As he said the word nobody noticed anything but immediately the Holy spirit cautioned him and he had to apologize.
Some of the things we are comfortable with , if we pay keen attention to our spirit, we will hear the Holy spirit shedding His light and asking us to desist from them. A little leaven, leaventh the whole lump. This shedding might be more personal than it is general. It might have to do with courtesy, being more respectful. For you ,it might be an attitude display towards someone or a group of people or your attitude towards work. For someone else, it might be how to speak to people in a better manner. These things might look trivial, but God pays attention to them and in order to maintain a sensitive, tender heart towards God, we must pay attention to them as well, and obey the workings of the Holy spirit in us. These little promptings, are the works of the Holy spirit.
Why do we need to obey? obeying and allowing the workings of the Holy spirit shows our level of thirst for God. A thirsty heart is always ready to be filled at all times and we can not be filled
if we don't create empty spaces in our heart.
The bible says, ''As we behold as in a glass the image of the son, we are into the same image from one degree of glory to another even as by the Spirit of God'' (2 Cor3:18). Our transformation is a changing, a filling up, a putting off of self and taking in of a new personality, the personality of Christ. Only a thirsty hearts can behold long enough for a change, a filling up.
In the words of Kenneth E Haggin, unless you keep a tender conscience, Spiritual things will be indistinct to you. Keeping a tender conscience means paying attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit and taking corrections IMMEDIATELY.
Maintaining a tender heart is an attitude of staying FAMISHED and THIRSTY which in turn aids our sensitivity. A heart that is ready to be filled at all times is very important to our growth as God's children especially, if we desire to be more and more like Him.
CENTRAL TRUTH: Paying attention to the continuous work of the Holy spirit in us as an attitude of being thirsty .
Father help me to receive and allow your work in me even as you change me to become more like you.
THINK ON THIS: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.Phil.4vs13
Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings
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