Saturday, 9 July 2016


As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby.1Peter2vs2

I have a younger brother and he never gets tired of eating. He eats anything and at anytime, he is just never satisfied. Probably some of us are like my brother. But is it a good habit to always be hungry? Well ,yes if that hunger is toward spiritual things.

Apostle Paul in 1Peter 2vs2 admonishes us to 'Desire the sincere milk of the Word that we may grow thereby. Desiring the sincere milk of the word implies a consistent, unwavering thirst for the Word. Who is the Word? Christ is!  and we are admonished to look up to God with a hungry and open heart to be filled with Him.

Apostle Paul admonishes us to desire the sincere milk, he says the sincere milk will make us grow.

Asking us to desire the sincere milk, doesn't mean that the Word in Himself is not sincere, but we must come not with mind already made up and conceived notions, but with hearts that are teachable and ready to be molded.

After Salvation, there is a response to the drawing of God that we must follow. As our walk with God must not end at a first encounter. Several and consistent encounters must follow, panting daily and consistently after God's word must be our story.

Most of us stop at our Salvation Experience forgetting that our Salvation is the first step in our walk with God. The Love of God has been shed abroad in our heart and the Holy spirit is at work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

How do I know what His good pleasures are if I don't study His Word? Therefore, the working of the Holy Spirit draws us to God through His Word.

We must consistently embrace the engrafted word with meekness, rendering our hearts bare to the Holy spirit. Anything that does not agree with the Word of God, no matter what they are and how long we have indulged in them, must be accepted as a weakness and we must embrace instantly the teaching of Grace, as exposed by the Holy spirit .

The rate of your desire is expressed in the rate of your growth and love. The more you grow, the more you will grow thirsty for God, because God can never be exhausted.

Central point: After salvation, we must desire God more through the study of His word.

THINK ON THIS: Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2Tim.2vs15)


Lord fill my heart with an unending love and desire for your word in Jesus Name.

Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings

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