Bible verse: And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of life freely. Rev, 21vs6
If there is any currency that is well sought after now, it is the Dollars. Everybody wants to be in possession of the Dollars. If you really want to be involved in Real Trade, then Dollars must be involved and you will be referred to as an International Business Person (lol).
The currency of this world, can only buy as much as one can afford and its all perishes here, no matter what we buy. Now imagine, you need a twin duplex , decorated and furnished to suit your taste, you have been searching for this house and finally it is found and you are told the amount and its far exceeds your budget and your entire savings, What Exactly Can You Do?
Now, also imagine that for the house, the only Cost you are to incure is just YOUR DESIRE, YES YOUR THIRST. As in, you just desire this kind of house and you get. That means that your price, the price for the house is simply DESIRE.
God offers you eternity in a city built with gold and other precious stones, He offers you a life built upon the Rock, His Son, a life totally guaranteed and dependent upon His ability.
And, do you know the price?
ONLY YOUR DESIRE, Yes your desire and consistent thirst is what is required.
With this said, Wouldn't you instantly tune your heart to start desiring such houses and other Great things?
It's so Amazing to realize that God has offered something much more valuable than Dollars (Eternal Life With Him). Our part is to consistently desire to become like Son. Trading with and in God's currency, makes us an Eternal Business People.
CENTRAL POINT: Our Desire is the only Price we Pay in order to be filled with God.
Lord help me to consistently come to you hungry and thirsty.
THINK ON THIS: Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; come ye, buy, and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Isaiah55vs1.
Gift Chika
Content Writer - Daily Dealings
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