Thursday, 7 July 2016


"Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared like the morning; and he shall come up to us like the rain, the latter and the former rain on to the earth."
-Hosea 6:3

God has sought man, with a Thirsty heart for Fellowship sake. God assembled a meeting among the Godhead and the outcome of that meeting, led to the Creation of man in God's own Image and Likeness. Even after the fall, God immediately sacrificed His only Son to restore man to Fellowship. This act of love demonstrated by God is a seeking act, an act borne out of a thirst for a people to commune with.

As man evolved, he has tried to live without God, he has tried to fill himself with knowledge, all in the attempt to escape God. That's why there an emptiness in you, if you have not come to the truth of His love.

The love God demonstrated, pushes us to Him and we must come famished, acknowledging how weak and worthless our lives have been without Him, we must yearn and come to His feet willing and ready to make the throne of our hearts empty to be occupied by Him alone.

We must come to HIM thirsty like the Deer, leaping and not just bowing our heads but hearts to the well of Life, until we are filled. Remember Jesus said 'Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.' - Matthew 11:28

CENTER POINT: God has always sought for man and He has put a desire in our heart for Him.


Lord  even as you draw me to yourself, help me to develop a heart that responds to you at all times.

Gift Ndego
Content Writer (Daily Dealings)

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