Saturday, 30 January 2016


It's just one day left for this month to end. Have you caught light for the remaining months this year?

Yesterday we learnt about the place of Constraints. Today we'd learn about endurance.


Only those who reach the finish line are rewarded. No matter the skill level or how many medals a runner has, if he stops before he reaches the finish line he won't have any reward. Endurance means the 'ability to endure hardship; the measure of a person's stamina or persistence.' What we see when visions are unfolded by God are only images of the end, the results that would be obtained. There are Processes and the process would always involve some hardships, some trials and tests. For our Lord Jesus it is recorded in Hebrews "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he SUFFERED" -Hebrews 5:8  Jesus learnt obedience through suffering.

In the Journey of vision we must be willing to take up the cross that leadership offers and bear it with Grace. Jesus endured the cross, despised the shame and now is seated at the right hand of the Father. Before the crown there always comes a cross. Endurance is a virtue that is needed by the visionary. An equivalent to endurance in Galatians 5 is longsuffering.

We can only see and get results when we hold on to the vision long enough. What makes a seed to sprout through the hard ground to the surface is its endurance. It may take months, days, weeks but its stamina and persistence will eventually yield fruits. Joseph, Moses, Elijah, The Israelites in Egypt, and many other persons in scripture are examples for us to follow.


1. Know that God would always be with you in times of trials and temptations.

Don't forget to send in your stories in this

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Friday, 29 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt about the place of God providing resources for the vision. Today we'd learn about how vision contains/constrains you.


As free moral agents one quality we have is the ability to make choices freely. Paul confirmed this statement when he said "ALL things are lawful for me". Yes! We can do whatever we decide. We can choose to follow the example of Solomon who didn't withold everything his eyes desired, but you know the end result. Paul said "All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any"- 1 Corinthians 6:12

We are free to make choices to do everything we want to do in life, but having a Vision will contrain you. Constrain means:"To keep within close bounds, to confine". Vision will limit your choices, put a restraint on the kinds of people you associate with. Vision helps determine your relationships, your conversation, your appearance, virtually every aspect of your life is affected by Vision.

Recently, I had a conversation with some young men. They recounted about their escapades with sex, in fact one of them was boasting that if he stayed in a particular area(name withheld) all the ladies there will be in trouble. I rebuffed immediately and began speaking about understanding the purpose of manhood and the reason why God made us as men.

When vision is lacking people indeed cast off restraint(Proverbs 29:18).No thought is given to the consequences of Every action they take, words they speak or People they associate with. It is vision that constrains me to a life of Sexual Purity, it is Vision that contrains me to Read the Word everyday, To Fellowship with God everyday, to read books Everyday, to inspire and to lead  others. It is vision that contrains me to think, speak and act positively when others are doing otherwise.

Vision constrained the options of Joseph, Jesus, The three Hebrew Boys, Daniel, and it should also contrain you.

Have you been living carelessly? Nothing Kills a Vision and the visionary more than carelessness.


1. Identify areas you've been careless in your life.
2. Make a decision today, NOW, to take charge and make changes in those areas.
3. Ask for Grace to maintain the discipline needed to keep the lifestyle you've chosen.

Pray: Lord help me to recognise the areas of life where I'm being careless and grant me grace to be disciplined as I make changes in Jesus Name.

Don't forget to send in your stories in this

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Thursday, 28 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt that Vision is all about others. Today we'd learn about Resources and Vision.


One of the factors that stop many in going forth with Vision is perceived lack of resources. In the natural things may be scarce but in the Spirit, there's an Abundance. When I take a look at the creation of the earth I'm amazed at the detail and the necessary steps God took before He put man in the earth to manage it.

When a baby is to be born, several months before the child arrives the parents usually buy the clothes, baby court, feeding bottles and other things. When the baby is born, the baby finds a comfortable environment to stay in right from the mother's arms. In like manner, when God was to make man, He created Light, Vegetation, animals, etc to enable the environment to support the continual existence of His most Prized possession -Man.

Everything was set before man ever came on the scene to receive the instruction "to tend and to keep the garden". I first heard these words as an undergraduate in the university, the Preacher said "There is Pro-Vision for every Vision". At that time I scarcely understood it, but I still took notes. Today, I have a little more understanding and I've also experienced personally.

The provision for the Visions God has placed in your Heart are already there waiting for you to tap into it. So long as its not your ambitious projects but divinely inspired projects be sure that the resources will arrive in due time. God never made you a beggar. The scripture says "All things are yours". Your Father in Heaven owns everything- both the visible and invisible. He can give you all that you'd ever need, exceeding abundantly above your requests are granted to those who walk in Vision.

For you as a Visionary be faithful to God in your tithes, offerings, giving to the poor etc. Kingdom service is a key to accessing the resources you need for the Vision.


1. Keep your trust in God always. He will Surely Supply ALL your Needs.

2. Be Faithful in your Givings.

For information on the story format, please follow this link

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya


Dear Reader,

If you're reading this, it means you followed the link in today's devotional. Thanks for following. Your Life is bound to make a difference in your World. I'm glad to have you here.

It's been an awesome Journey so far, right? God has been faithful and I also believe you also have.

Here is a list of steps to take in the crafting of your message. Stories have already come in. This story would be published in the upcoming
Ebook for the Month of January.

Here are the Guidelines:

So you are to write on:

1. The instincts you had while growing up which you thought would have been your overall Purpose.

2. The point of the discovery of the Vision.

3. How God took you from discovery to Manifestation.

4. Challenges (at least one) you faced in some areas and how you overcame them.

5. Responsibilities you've been assigned to in the past and presently...

6. A charge and encouragement for those who are yet to commence the Journey to discover Purpose.

7. An encouragement to those who are just starting in the Journey of Purpose.

Other Details:

1. Not more than 200 words.

2. Deadline: 31st January, 2016, 6pm

3. Send your stories to

If you've read up to this point.... I say Thank You again....

You're a Visionary on Assignment. I celebrate You!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Wednesday, 27 January 2016


We've been learning about vision through the month of January. It's been superb, a growing process even for me. Today we'd learn something new. That is. ..


When God gives you a vision he doesn't just have you in mind, he has countless people in mind when he gave you the vision. The vision you receive and accept is an invitation to responsibility. You do not exist for your own self. You exist to add value to others. The Scriptures say "Where there is no VISION, the PEOPLE perish"- Proverbs 29:18
The emphasis is deliberately added to make you see the reason why God takes Vision so seriously. 

So has God given you a burden? Has he impressed an area of need in your heart? What cross has God given you to carry? Know that God has given you a vision not only to affect your community but your Generation. Take Charge of the Vision. Take ownership of it. Care for People. Love them. Today, I returned from a speaking session with some Students at a school and I was saying to someone in the office that "I have an incurable belief in people". I believe if God can get a hold of any one the story would be different and have a happier ending. I see people as they could be and not as they are.

Know that: The vision is not given to you to build a name for yourself, or draw recognition. Don't exploit people in the name of helping them. Rather Value people. Pray for them. Intercede. Your vision is meant to affect your Generation positively.

Are you Self Focused or People Focused?


1. Consciously begin to Love others. Go out of your way to help someone today and henceforth.
Shift attention from yourself to others.

May the Lord pour upon us afresh a desire to reach out to others and to affect our generation positively in Jesus Name. Amen!

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Just as God seeks to capture our hearts with a vision in our youth, the enemy also seeks to engage the youths in his agenda. The devil is constantly seeking for whom to devour, from the beginning he has sought to consistently steal, kill and to destroy. Just as light could be switched off and disconnected from its source, even so the devil seeks to cloud our lives with Sin while also disconnecting us from fellowship with God.

Only in eternity would we fully know the magnitude of destinies that never found expression, talents that died, visions that were never actualized. Death is a Law on earth that was activated when Sin came into the world.

In every young person there is a drive to explore, to do new things. Every one of us abhor any act of our parents to confine or restrict our activities and external engagements. Many times our parents put these laws and restrictions in place to guide us.

There are many lessons to learn from Samson. His birth was announced by an angel. He had a great destiny to fulfil. Yet, what destroyed and limited the expression of his Divine Destiny was his own lust. The Scriptures say: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. But EVERY man is tempted, when he is DRAWN AWAY of HIS OWN LUST, and enticed."

What could make you fall is known to you.  It could be as simple as surfing mindlessly on the internet, connecting with old friends, meeting with someone with whom you were in a wrong relationship, dirty thoughts in the heart, watching pornography, getting drunk etc. Everyone has HIS OWN LUST. I'm sure you are aware of yours by now. You Know! The fact that your Own Lust is known to you makes it all the way easier to overcome. Once you, through the power of Gods Word and constant fellowship, can overcome your own lusts, then you would not be enticed, neither will Sin come into play.

Samson's lust was for women, he didn't check it and it eventually sunk him. Bishop Oyedepo once said "Sin is a Destiny Sinker" truly it is. Your chances of fulfilling purpose with a baggage of sinful habits are very minimal.

Submit yourself to God. Be honest with yourself. Everything is open before God. He will give you the strength always to overcome. Remember the Scripture says "Sin shall not have dominion over you". Sin may have thrived in your life up till now, but you can be sure that it would not have dominion over you.


1. Identify the besetting sins, the things that cause you to fall easily.
2. Ask God for Grace to drop them.
3. Create plans to stay away from sin inducing avenues. Avoid the wrong company, associate with the right people. In the case of bad habits, have an accountability partner.

Your destiny is bright, but you can loose your light when Sin rules your life.

Send in your stories to

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Monday, 25 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt about the place of Vision and Exposure. Today we'd learn about Diligence.


What keeps a car moving is motion. That motion connotes Diligence. Albert Einstein said of himself at one time that "I don't consider myself a genius, I just stick to a problem long enough". Through his stick-ability which is just another expression for Diligence he was able to solve great scientific problems and provided the theory that led to the birth of the Aviation industry.

His Diligence and staying power led to great discoveries that still baffle the world of science today. In the journey of Vision you can't afford to be Shallow. Be ready to dig deep. You can't strike oil on the surface but only deep beneath. Consistency, Diligence in your approach will lead to the expected end. The distance between the Revelation of Vision and its Manifestation may be 5, 15,20 or more years. Such a distance can only be covered by choosing to remain diligent.

The book of Proverbs of Solomon has many things to say about the Diligent. In one it says."Seest thou a man diligent in his business,he will stand before kings and not mere men". It also says " The hand of the Diligent shall bear rule". Again it says "The thoughts of the Diligent leads to plenteousness".

There's always great benefit in being Diligent in your 'Business' I.e. your Purpose, God's assignment for your life.

1. Take time out to study all what the book of Proverbs has to say about Diligence.
2. Identify key areas where you've been lacking behind and choose to be steadfast Diligent in those areas.

Do forward your stories to I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Friday, 22 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt that Vision Demands Time and Process. Yes it does. Today we learn about the place of Energy.


Since I returned from NYSC last year we added about four other leaders to the Leaders Team of the Youth Organization. With every new person on board there was a need to connect with them personally. Over the years I had built a relationship with the other leaders such that it's easy to work with them in getting things done. In connecting with the new Leaders I got the direction to reach out to them personally, send writen documents to them to get them in tune with the vision. Some stay far from where I stay. It required visiting them at home, office. The relationship is still being built. During our programs we'd have to a lot of logistics and plan execution that would require a number of activities. These we do not just because of passion but because the  energy is readily available.

Youth connotes energy, strength, capacity. No wonder it is young men that God gives Vision to. The energy of the Youth is expected to be spent in the pursuit of Vision.  The men that built the Tower of Babel couldn't have been aged, they must have been young and vibrant men ready to take a go at bringing dreams to pass. The truth is, certain noble and impactful causes would loose their appeal as we age. Not because they are evil, but because the energy to pursue them would have been depleted. This brings to mind what the Preacher said "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them"- Ecclesiastes 12:1

Sadly, many young people, some I've met and some I'm sure you've met personally, spend their energy on sex, drinks, hard drugs, gambling, scamming and cheating others etc. You would find young men at the root of vices and the many problems we face as a nation and in the church circles. The Sons of Eli depleted their strength fornicating with the women in the temple and also handling the sacrifices with contempt. You know their end...

John wrote "I have written unto you, young men, because ye are STRONG, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one."- 1 John 2:14. The Preacher also says "The glory of young men is their STRENGTH"- Proverbs 20:29. When you use this strength in the building of the kingdom and adding value to the Lives of men, you're using your strength for its true purpose. It's an investment. Using it to gratify the desires of the flesh not only depletes you but has the ability to disconnect you from God eternally.

Turn ON that energy. Direct it fully in the direction of Vision.

The question is: What are you doing with your Youthful Energy?

For Further Study: Proverbs 31:1-9, 1 Timothy 6

1. What are the things you're presently engaged in that drains you of energy?
2. Identify and eliminate them.
3. Channel your energy into your Purpose on a Daily Basis.

Looking forward to receiving your comments and questions again. Send your stories of visionaries(Yours or someone you know) to

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Thursday, 21 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt that Vision Demands Surrender. Today we'd learn about time and process.


The men of Babel had decided to engage in a project that eyes have not seen nor ears heard. From yesterday we realised that the only mistake they made was in not involving God in the whole process of planning and building. Nevertheless, there's still a lot to learn from them.

They made Bricks, made Fire, they had a game plan, they must have divided themselves into groups and teams for effective productivity. A typical house may use just over a thousand blocks, but these men didn't have stones, they were to make bricks for a Tower that would reach the heaven and a City that will house them. How many bricks would that be? Considering the level of development in technology at that time it would have taken longer time to get things done. Nevertheless the gave their time to the whole process and they started off building.

As Visionaries it is necessary to understand that there's a Process to everything in Life. Joseph had to wait 13years for the dream to be fulfilled. God also didn't send Jesus immediately after man fell in the garden, he waited thousands of years before sending Jesus at the Right time. We've said previously that waiting doesn't mean Idleness, it rather refers to consistent and daily activity that leads to the end that God has revealed.

Scripture says "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven" -Ecclesiastes 3:1

My Prayer is that God gives each one of us an  understanding of the times and seasons of life and help us to stick to the process till the very end.

1. Don't Hurry to get things done. Give yourself time. As you keep on in your fellowship with God you'd learn how to take one step at a time.

If you have any stories to share on Vision, it could be yours or that of someone you know. Pls do share with me, there is a space for live stories in the Ebook that would be given to every reader. You can send your stories to

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt that Vision  Demands Communication. Today we'd learn about surrender.


This word doesn't come across frequently in daily conversations. It's not a Word that people love to use or like to be associated with them. I do not like it either. But if as a Visionary I'm to succeed in God's purpose for me, I'd always have to surrender, to submit to God ALWAYS. It cannot be different for you. It's not in the human nature to want to relinquish power to another. But Vision demands Surrender. You cannot run it without the Divine Hand. Abraham Lincoln once said "My concern is not whether God is on our side. My greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right". When you Surrender your Vision it positions you on God's side, and whatever God is Involved in can never Fail. Leke Alder wrote "God wants us to submit to him, he  doesn't want to subject us"

This was where the men of Babel failed. There was no record of prayer to God on this massive project. They sought to "Make a name for themselves". According to Jesus when our light so shines before men, the glory is meant to come back to God. But these men were out make a name for themselves. They sought to glory in their achievements, in their creativity, in their teamwork.

David intended to build the Temple of God to which he was stopped and had to transfer the vision to his son Solomon. He must have surrendered the vision to God for him to know he would have to direct his son to act on it.
Surrender increases the potential and power of your Vision. You may be in charge but let God be in control.

The feeding of the 5000 was an awesome testimony of this. The little boy surrendered his 5 loaves and 2 fishes and in the end over 5000 people were fed with remnants left over.

I remember some years ago while the vision for the Youth Organization was still starting up, I did everything alone, I went on evangelism alone, prayed all alone, was overly weighed down, it got to a point I had to surrender it all to God and that day I got a Word in my Spirit. He said to me "from today you'd experience EASE". EASE was just the Word that kept coming to me. There have been challenges so far to surmount but I trust God's grace and Word so much that I cannot be stranded in the Journey of Destiny.

1. Intentionally Surrender to God the vision for your life. If the men of Babel had done that they would have seen the bigger picture God had in mind for them which was to Subdue and have Dominion on the Earth.
2. Let God be in control while you be in charge. Let God give directions while you execute as directed.

Your questions and comments have been helpful. Keep them coming.

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Yesterday we learnt about the fact that Vision  demands creativity. Today we'd learn about Communication.

The men of Babel had decided to engage their creativity to make the vision a reality. In the LOGOS Version of the Bible in Genesis 11 it says "And a man said to his neighbor, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them with fire.” And the brick was to them for stone, and their mortar was asphalt." - Genesis 11:3.
Look at that it says "A man SAID to his neighbor.." This man must have caught the vision, most likely it was Nimrod. It is recorded thus "And Cush fathered Nimrod: he began to be a giant upon the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord God; therefore they said, “Like Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.”AND THE BEGINNING OF HIS KINGDOM WAS the Land of Shinar."- Genesis 10: 8-10 He caught the vision and communicated it so well that the others caught it and ran with it, so much so that God noticed.

Communication is vital in Vision. Your creativity would be greatly short-circuited if you cannot communicate the vision to others. It has nothing to do with Public Speaking. People like Helen Keller who impacted the world despite the fact that she couldn't speak, was blind and deaf are examples of the fact that communicating your vision is far more than words. The bottom line is Passion, Clarity of Vision, and Actions on the part of the Visionary.

Joseph communicated his vision so vividly that his brothers and Father caught the vision, though they didn't have the correct interpretation. Every visionary in history and up till now have always been great communicators.

Many times what kills or delays Vision is that the receiver doesn't talk about them.
Transfer the visions from the paper to your  heart and from your heart to your lips. Under the old covenant the stone was used for writing the laws of God, in the new covenant its our hearts. Store up God's Words there, create a  gallery, a museum of the visions God has revealed to you in your heart then speak about them constantly. The power of Life and Death is in your mouth. Give Life to your Dreams by giving a voice to it.

1. Look and review the things you've written down in your notes.
2. Meditate on them and keep them in your heart.
3. In the next 3-days ensure to talk to at least one person about your Life Vision.

Keep your comments and questions coming. The EBook will soon be ready.

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Monday, 18 January 2016


For a number of days now we have  consistently spoken about Vision, we have proceeded from one point to another on the Journey. Now for the next couple of days we would focus on the FACTS every Youth MUST know about VISION.


"It's not what you don't have that limits you but what you have but don't know how to use". That quote was by Steve Harris, it was a Life-Changer for me years ago. It was a time when I felt limited in my thinking, I thought it would be near impossible to realise the dreams in my heart. Things have changed since then....

Vision isn't a product of what's available, the burden of Vision usually leads to the creation or Invention of something that otherwise wasn't available but needed for the success of the vision. Many times what limits people is the fact that there is a lack of one thing or another. Sometimes it's money, time, people to help, knowledge gap or some other circumstance beyond control or present capacity.

Let's take a cue from the building of the Tower of Babel. It's an amazing story full of principles/facts of Vision. It is written: "And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter."

The men intended to build a tower and a city which before then wasn't in existence anywhere on earth, but they followed the picture they had in mind. Secondly they didn't have any ready made stones, they only had sand. In the making of bricks clay is needed and the clay used isn't gotten from the surface but by digging the ground. They got this clay together and also created fire to burn them 'thoroughly' due to the unavailability of stones. In end they had bricks. They also had to get slime from pits in place of morter.

God was impressed by their Mindset and creativity that in the end he came down to observe what they did.

Today, I'd like you to know that the unavailability of a particular thing cannot restrain the Manifestation of your Vision. Leverage what you do have, and turn it into a resource for your Vision. I want you to understand that You've got the creator's gene, his nature inside you as long as you're His Child. 11 Peter 1:3 says "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these we might be PARTAKERS of his DIVINE NATURE".

1. Identify in your note the things you need for your vision to succeed but which you do not have at the moment.
2. Identify the things that you have at the moment which can be maximized for your vision.

Remember "It's not what you do not have that limits you but what you have and don't know how to use"

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Today, I had the privilege of meeting Pastor Temioluwa Ola who came to Lagos for a ministration together with his wife. He was accompanied by another great friend of mine, another visionary. He is the founder of The Overcomers League based in Eruwa Oyo State. From the time God Sent him to the town where I served, we connected, I was on the Leaders Team for his ministry right until I left the town to continue with my vision in Lagos.

Connecting to other Visionaries is crucial in the Journey of Vision. Listening to the testimonies of other Visionaries challenges you and helps you maintain your focus. God wouldn't have connected Aaron to Moses if he wasn't also a man of Vision. Aaron ended up being the High Priest of Israel while Moses led the people out of Egypt with great signs and wonders. The scripture says "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man SHARPENETH the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 17:17
The conversation with was so intriguing that it would have continued for longer, but we had to stop. He shared about the impact of his vision which has brought many teenagers to Christ and some of them getting baptized in the Holy Spirit, he also talked about future prospects. Victor's visionary journey so far would  be shared in the EBook for the month.

How many people do you have in your life that are really making a huge difference in the Lives of others? Are you associating with 'Plastics' , with'woods'? Find 'metals' to associate with today!

1. Make plans today to identify Visionaries, people who are making a difference in the Lives of others and make a choose to associate with them. Those conversations will challenge you and align you to what's important while also giving you a glimpse of the future that is waiting to be Seized!

Your comments and questions have been helpful so far. Keep them coming. Do have a Fruitful Week Ahead!

Your Friend in the Journey of Vision,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Saturday, 16 January 2016


Today we had an Outreach in Church, we partnered with an NGO called PainCare. They are involved in the advancement of the  Kingdom of God, while also providing Free Medical Consultations, Free Drugs, Free Food, counselling while the Host Church would be responsible for the Follow Up of the Converts. I couldn't make it early to the venue of the Outreach.

I got there just after they had ended and the workers were resting. Few minutes after many dispersed leaving only a few of us left. We began to clean up the whole environment, the street was used as the venue for the Outreach. It was a task in itself. While working, a thought breezed through my mind, saying I was only going to have the remnants of God's Blessings, I tried to dismiss the thought, settling in my mind that I'd be involved in the Follow-Up. While these thoughts went on, a parable of Jesus came up in my heart. The parable of Jesus where he told about labourers who were paid the same wages as the same that came at the 11th Hour. It is written:
"And about the eleventh hour he went out,....
And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny." Matthew 20:6,9. God is the rewarder, He determines the wages. He doesn't work by man's perspective of remuneration. It's His Blessings Anyway!

I sense God wants to speak to someone tonight, perhaps you think you've passed the age of Vision, or you've missed some opportunities in Life and you seem your life is a waste. DONT THINK SO! Those workers were recruited at the last hour and still made a difference in the work of the master. As long as you have Life in You, know that God can use you from Now. He will restore the wasted Years and Efforts, bring back lost Opportunities your way.

PICTURE THIS: As long as a particular product has not passed its expiry date (in this case- Death), it is still USEFUL, VERY USEFUL. If you're reading this, it means you're Alive. That's great!  Turn To God tonight. You are still very much in use. You can be that 11th Hour Visionary.

1. Take a moment to give Praise to God tonight for the Gift of Life.
2. Ask that God retrace your Footsteps back to His Purpose for your life.

*I encourage you to read Matthew 20. The whole chapter.

Do share your testimonies with us on this platform. Your comments has been helpful.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Friday, 15 January 2016


Yesterday, we spoke about Mentoring. The goal of Mentoring is not only to boast in association but to learn, grow and Succeed even much more than the mentor. That's always the desire of every True Mentor.
It's been said that the secret of great men are in their stories. The stories they share either verbally or through books are often inspiring, they motivate others and their success reveals the capacity of humans to achieve greatness despite the odds they might be faced with.

When you read about or listen to someone who has succeeded in his visionary walk, it is important not just to get excited but to reflect and deduce the Principles and the sacrifices those people paid to reach their current level. If you're ever going to go far in your journey of Vision, you're going to have to practice the same principles they did to get the same or better results than they did. One thing you must note is that the experiences would always differ but success would always be achieved provided you engage the Principles and secrets you learnt from their stories.


1. Start from the Scriptures! It is written: "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." -Romans 15:4
The scriptures were written for our learning not for story telling. From Father Abraham to Bro. Paul, From the First Adam to the Last Adam, each one has something to tell us, the scripture calls them "Cloud of witnesses" I recommend a book by John C. Maxwell titled Running with the Giants.

2. LISTEN TO YOUR MENTORS: as they share their experiences deduce from them the Principles they Daily Engage, their sacrifices. Ask Questions! Pastor Temi will always talk about his Origins in ministry how he left his promising career and dream as a Lawyer to pursue Full Time Ministry just after Youth Service, today the proofs are there. That tells me Purpose is Supreme. He submits to the authority of his Fathers in the Faith. That tells me Mentoring is very important.

1. Are you learning something today? What questions are you asking?

Please do drop your questions and comments. They indeed helpful. I believe the Journey has been great. I Celebrate You! Yes You!

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Thursday, 14 January 2016


The story of Samuel comes to mind here. Before his birth he had been sold out to God by his mother. Now after he had been  weaned, he was brought to the temple to be taught under Eli. Having heard the voice of God calling, he chose to run to Eli. Eli the Priest gave him directions/instructions on how to respond. His obedience to that instruction changed his life forever.

Mentors show us the way to go, they guide, correct and sometimes mete out disciplinary actions when necessary. I believe that the greatest legacy we can leave on earth with our lives is to make the next generation better. You should be ashamed to die until you've done something significant in your world. Having mentors helps us find the right path to the Vision God has given to us and they also help us replicate the same in others.

A true mentor will always comes down to your level and then take you up to his level.

See what Paul said "Those things,which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." -Philippians 4:9. He highlighted four things here:Learning, Receiving, Hearing, and Seeing. These are the ways we benefit from mentors. In any mentoring Relationship, endeavour to learn from them, receive whatever they give to you, listen to them, and observe their lifestyle.

Don't just have a mentor from a distance, it would only profit you little. Some of the mentors that have influenced my life the most have been those I had a personal relationship with. Those I ate with, laughed with, could call at any time, could chat with online. They not only gave me their words, principles or books,they gave me their Presence. That's what Jesus did for over three years, he gave his disciples his presence. Mentorship is key in destiny Fulfilment.

1. Locate a Mentor Prayerfully.

I'd share briefly on my little experience with mentors later at night. Do share yours as well. I appreciate those who have dropped comments, questions. Keep it coming. Your response is invaluable.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Life is always in motion. Preparation for Manifestation is always a matter of process. For every phase you get to in life, there is an expected result or product that should come from your life. You don't sit at home waiting for the vision to speak. Counting the cost like we talked about yesterday is very important, it prepares your mind for what is to come. But it doesn't end there. If all you do is counting the cost then when would  you start spending?

Little steps must be taken everyday to reach the Future that you see. Yesterday, while listening to one of the  messages of Pastor Sam Adeyemi, he made a remarkable statement he said "Vision requires Exposure". You can't have Vision and stay silent, you can't have Vision and stay indoors. In preparation you have to first commit to a Life of Constant and Never Ending Improvement. You have to commit to exposing yourself to great books, messages, attending conferences, identifying mentors and following them closely, make a commitment of times to pray and to fast, to go on prayer retreats, to read the bible through etc.

Every one has the capacity to  dream, but the extent of your fulfilment is determined by the level of your Preparation. So therefore preparation doesn't mean sitting and doing nothing, but taking Actions, little Actions on a daily basis.

The Word says "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."- Ecclesiastes 9:10
It also says "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.....And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." - Galatians 6:7,9

1. Make a commitment to do at least one thing Daily that would advance you, and make you fit for the purpose you've already discovered.

The Journey is getting better and clearer by the day. Kindly send in your questions, some of my mentors may be coming on board to give guided answers and counsel to us on this visionary Journey.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


At the time your Vision comes you are not ready to make it happen. You may have a Vision to own a university, to establish a business, to give constantly to orphanages or to take the Gospel to remote areas. Irrespective of what the vision is, know that you're not yet ready to execute. A friend of mine (Leke Ademo) wrote a book titled: Vision: the Way Up!

The thought of going up, of achieving greatness can be very exciting and fill your heart with great excitement, but that's not all. The Revelation of your Purpose is not first for manifestation but Preparation. Pastor Adam Adeyemi the Presiding Pastor of First Born Faith Ministries once Ministered at one of our Fellowship Camp programs while in the University. He was to speak to us about 'Manifestation of the Sons of God' when he came up he adjusted the topic a little, he spoke instead on 'Preparation for the Manifestation of the Sons of God'. Truly, Preparation is what gives birth to Manifestation.

Think of your Vision as a God Given project. See yourself as a Project Manager, or A Contractor. When a Project Manager is given a task by a client he doesn't act out immediately, he drafts a Project Breakdown Structure, identifies resources needed, creates a Work Breakdown structure and goes on and on until the closure of the Project.

Remember God said to Habakkuk 'make it PLAIN upon tables'. Now let's Look at this scripture in different translations:

Luke 14:28
KJVLite: For which of you, intending to build a tower, SITTETH NOT DOWN FIRST, and COUNTETH the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

LOGOS: For which of you, intending to build a tower, DOES NOT FIRST SIT DOWN AND COUNT UP THE COST,whether he has the resources to complete it?

Wesley: And which of you intending to build a tower, SITTETH NOT DOWN FIRST, and COMPUTETH the cost, whether he hath sufficient to finish it?

1. Sit down and count the cost. To do that ask yourself these questions:

*What must I give up to go up?
*What habits do I need to imbibe to meet the requirements of my vision?
*What kind of people must I  begin to associate with that would give me a chance of succeeding?....and lastly
*What kind of person do I need to become to fit into the Purpose of God for my life?

Remember to share your thoughts, reflections, ask questions, give your suggestions

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Monday, 11 January 2016


"Your Purpose is not necessarily something spectacular but it is always Significant" that was my response while speaking with someone recently on Discovering Purpose.

The challenge for most people in the search of a Life Purpose is the expectation of something spectacular. The dictionary defines the Word 'Spectacular' as "amazing or worthy of special notice". This view is no doubt amplified by the talent shows and competitions on the media. When we get to heaven,we would realize that a lot of people who would be highly rewarded, are those whose name may not even come up on the Google search engine. Purpose is not about getting noticed but meeting the needs for which God created you. Purpose is not a passport to fame, however, Fame may come with fulfilling Purpose.

The armor bearer is just as important as the Goliath, the President's guards are just as important as the President. For the fact that they don't give National Speeches or Sign bills into Law doesn't make them less important. Everyone has his place in Destiny and many times Purpose is intertwined with that of others. Be proud of what God has showed you about yourself. You may have One Talent or Ten Talents. The key is to Maximise not criticize or criminalize the volition of God.

From the outset we began with talking about Your Instincts, then moved to Handling your Instincts, then Instincts to Insight. I believe you've been Following and getting blessed. You could still go ahead and carry out the previous action points if you've not done so. Today is meant for you to take RECORDS of what God gave you INSIGHT into about your PURPOSE and POTENTIALS.

Habakkuk was told " WRITE the Vision, make it PLAIN upon TABLES that he may RUN that READETH it".

Remember, Purpose is not always Spectacular but it must and is ALWAYS SIGNIFICANT.

1. Get the special note for this month as stated earlier. WRITE out the things that have been revealed to you. Your Purpose and the Talents or gifts you've been able to discover.
2. Study Romans 12. It talks about the need to see each part of the 'Body' representing the church; as important.

Feel free to share with me what you've discovered. Also do well to invite others on this journey to become Visionaries.

I'd share my meditations later in the evening.  I apologize for not doing so yesterday.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya
@_tobiadesanya, @Dailydealings

Sunday, 10 January 2016

INSIGHT: How it comes

It is necessary to understand how Insight comes to you in the Journey of Vision. We have  learnt about the place of understanding INSTINCT and INSIGHT, now you would need to know how Insight would come to you.

Personally, over the years I've realised that when I worship God and sing praises to him,  and pray in the Holy Ghost, pictures burst out in my imagination, other times the inward voice of the Holy Spirit begins to give specific directions to issues of life,even things I may not have prayed about.

Principally, God engages our EYES and our EARS. That's why scriptures says "Let him that hath an EAR, ear what the Spirit is saying". Scripture also says "Your young men shall SEE Visions". Now, God may speak to you through dreams like Joseph, Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, etc, he might show an open vision or simply reveal some things in your heart and you'd know it came from God.

More importantly, ask God to speak to you in
the manner you would understand because proper interpretation is vital in understanding Vision. Many times, what the devil does is to blind the inner eyes (2 Corinthians 4:7) because he knows when God shows you a Vision, its as good as done.

Remember that God is committed to bringing to pass whatever He shows to you.

1. Repeat the process of yesterday by praying for at least 30 minutes today on the same areas we prayed on yesterday. Be expectant that God will speak to you as you wait on Him.

Your comments, praise report across all our Social Media platforms is well appreciated. Please keep it coming. Looking forward to hearing your testimonies.

I'd share my meditations later. Your questions, reflections, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya

Saturday, 9 January 2016


I've consistently told the teenagers that attend Teens Frank Talk with Tobi that they're SPECIAL. Indeed we all are. In fact so wonderful that GOD made us also wonderful.
If I could ask: How much would you sell your heart or your brain or your kidneys? What price can you put on them? I'm sure you can't find a price in your mind. However, the organs in the body are not what God referred to when he said we have this treasure in earthen vessels. That scripture can be likened to what David said when he exclaimed " I am WONDERFULLY and FEARFULLY made, marvelous are thy works and this my soul knows very well". A wonderful person would be attractive and extremely valuable. A person that is feared would be one that has authority.

Imagine a basket overflowing with all kinds of groceries and gift items that it ends up littering the entire place because the basket is Full. You're literally dripping with wonders, such as the world as never seen.

You were not created to erase the mistake of another neither were you created to repeat what others have done. You're different, Unique and indeed special.

To discover your Purpose, it is necessary for you to move from Instincts, as we've previously discussed, to Insight. Insight comes from two words In- Sight. That is, seeing what is on the inside. The greatest Journey and adventure is not the one taken to the Caribbean islands or to the attractive Eifel Towers neither is it a trip to explore Hollywood. The greatest and most adventurous trip is that which you take on the inside. Every thing you see around you, was once inside of some one but now its manifest. However, what you were created to do "Eyes have not seen not ears heard, neither has it entered the heart of man"

Samuel had been in the temple from a child he had instincts, infact when God called him, his instincts told him to run to Eli. This he did thrice until Eli realised that it was God. That night after God had revealed his purpose and what will happen in Israel.
Samuel moved from having INSTINCTS to having INSIGHT about his purpose in life. He ended up becoming one of the greatest prophets to lead Israel. His words never fell to the ground as God honored and expanded his influence in the land of Israel. It all happened when he moved from Instincts to Insight.

Today, God wants you to have INSIGHT, to see within yourself, to see what he kept inside of you.

Why do we need insight? Its because God has trapped your Purpose inside you and only you can remove the seal thereof. As you gain Insight about yourself, expect to see wonders, expect to see your true worth. I don't know if you've been battered by abuse and insultive words from people around you. Drop that right now and take up your place in prayer as you WATCH.  It's time to catch Insight.

Lastly, remember Habakkuk stood on a tower, some other translations say ROCK. The rock represents God and the Word is God. So take your stand today upon these words from the scripture as you pray:

1. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions"- Joel 2:
2. "Call unto me and I will answer and I will show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not."- Jeremiah 33:3
3. "Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you"- Matthew 7:7
4. "He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given."- Matthew 13:11
5. "My sheep hear my voice."

1. Pray for at least 30 minutes today. Using the scriptures above and ask God to give you insight into what He has kept inside you. This prayer would reveal your Purpose and your Potentials. Don't take it lightly.
Pray that: " Lord take me from Instincts to Insight, help me to discover the treasure, wonders that you've kept inside of me in Jesus Name"
2. Listen to the song: "There is a King in You"

Looking forward to hearing your testimonies, reflections, meditations, questions etc.

Your Friend in the Journey of Purpose,

Oluwatobi Adesanya.

Friday, 8 January 2016


It was impressed in my heart to still speak on instinct today. Having written down your instincts and promptings its time to know more about how to handle them. Remember, INSTINCTS are the raw materials of purpose while VISION is the Revealer of PURPOSE.

In 2014, before we had the first Annual Conference called INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TERTIARY (IFT 2014) I had continually had  leadings, promptings, pictures flash in my mind about the conference, but didn't really know how to go about it. IFT is a conference focused on equipping and  preparing Secondary School leavers and Prospective university students and Freshers in the University with instructions that would position them to live Purposefully on campus. The instructions come in four areas:Academic Excellence, Financial Empowerment, Staying Sexually Pure, and Spirituality(Having a Relationship with God)
When the year(2014) was to begin as I submitted the instincts to God in prayer, I was directed to begin to pray at least one hour in the Spirit towards the program.

From January to May of that same year God helped me to be faithful in this area, though I might have missed out some days. In the course of the prayers specific details were revealed, what to do was made plain before me. I didn't have all that was needed but God made them available. The Conference held, the hall was given free of charge, financial support came, all Speakers showed up, the students showed up before we even commenced the program, souls were saved.

One of my mentors, P. Mavis Orji said "Gaining Admission without a Vision will lead to Frustration in the Higher Institution." IFT 2016 is set to hold this year again. When you let God direct you on what you perceive, expect to have testimonies. When you see great things happen know that it is not chance, but that it is a product of the contribution of God based on submission.

To handle your instincts you have to:
1. VERIFY them: Scripture says "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God"-1 John 4:1

2. CLARIFY the concepts revealed.  Ask God, Seek for the Full Knowledge of His Will. Paul wrote..."For this cause we also..... do not cease to pray.......and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" - Colossians 1:9

3. ASSIMILATE. Make it a mindset. What God shows you is reality only that it hasn't happened yet. Believe It. "Now Faith is the Substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen" - Hebrews 11:1

Lastly, I want you to know that God wants to engage you in a conversation to reveal your vision to you. Don't just pray all the way and fail to listen to God. Prayer is conversation between God and You. Choose to Listen!

Spend a few minutes in prayer on today's word, then
1. LISTEN TO GOD. - James 1:19
2. WATCH. -Habakkuk 2:1-3

Study for the Day: Exodus 3, Jeremiah 1, Acts 9
NB: You can share your Meditations and reflections across any of the Online Platforms. I would share mine also.
Pray: Lord help me to be attentive to what you're saying about my Purpose in Jesus Name.

Thursday, 7 January 2016


The cry of the newly born baby is sweeter than the sound of music. By instinct the baby cries out even without being taught to. Everything God created was created with Instinct. Speaking with a teenager in church she began to say 'I don't really know God's plan for me, I don't know if its being a Doctor having my own hospital or music'. She has instincts.

Instinct refers to a natural or inherent impulse of behaviour, it also means an intuitive reaction that isn't a product of rational thinking. Instinct are also promptings of the heart. It is instinct that tells a bird it was meant to travel the skies, instinct tells the lion to roar and rule the jungle. Instinct is what informs the ants "to prepare its supplies in summer and gathers her food in the harvest"- Proverbs 6:6-8. SIMPLY PUT: Instincts are the raw materials of Purpose while Vision is the Revelation of Purpose.

Mankind is no different, just as the baby  cries without any prior knowledge of being taught, announcing his presence on earth even so God has planted his purpose for our lives within us and through many unconscious Actions we point to our Purpose. From the first Adam to the Last Adam instinct was at work. Jesus at 12 said to his parents, I must be "about my Father's business" -Luke 2. Paul must have had the instinct, intuitive knowledge he was to serve God, he submitted to the teachings of Gamaliel and became zealous in the wrong direction at first till he submitted saying " Lord what will you have me do?"

You remember while growing up a number of things you could do, the things you said. Things like "I want to be a scientist"" I want to be a nurse" etc. You sang like a mass choir and wouldn't let the house have rest for a moment, or dismantled electrical appliances looking for ways to fix them. These were instincts. Instinct is not purpose, but the pointer to Purpose.

Instinct is like the sound of the doorbell, for the fact that you hear the bell doesn't mean you know who is there. It could well be a robber out to steal from you.

Many young people are bewildered and confused because of failure to locate their purpose. I've often spoken to young people about Discovering God's vision for life. I had those instincts as well. I played the drums, then switched to Bass Guitar, then to the Lead Guitar, and finally to the keyboard, and gave my heart to it thinking I was going to be the best Pianist in the world. Now I know better.

I'd like to say to you today, if you'd like to discover God's vision for your life, the first step is to accumulate all of the instincts you've always had and the ones you presently have, and then like Paul, submit them to God. What are those things you tell yourself 'I am going to do this!' 'What's your heart cry?' There's something your heart beats for.

Finally, know that Purpose is revealed when instincts are submitted to God in Prayer. Habakkuk shows us the way. In verse 1 its written " The burden which Habakkuk the Prophet did see". And later he began to pray then in chapter two God began to say "Write the Vision and make it plain"

Key Points
1. Your instincts are pointers to your Purpose.
2. Accumulate all your instincts.
3. Submit them to God in prayer.

1. TAKE A NOTE AND PEN and write down your instincts from way back as you could remember till now.
2. Spend quality time in prayer today as you submit that burden, those instincts to God.

NB: Please its advisable that you get a notebook for this month, kept specially to track your progress.

STUDY FOR THE DAY: Habakkuk Chapter 1 & 2

*Meditations of the day would shared in the Evening*