Tuesday 8 December 2015


I sat to eat today and I thought to myself how come we trust those who make the food so much. We just see an eatery and we walk in to order whatever we want as it relates to what they offer. Then we consume what is laid before us. That's trust. Real Trust. With No questions asked we let our tummy enjoy the delicacies that slide down the throat.

It's really time to trust God more. The heart of man is said to be desperately wicked. In other words, we can't always tell what someone is planning. But God has said in His word that His thoughts towards us are good and not of evil. Certainly, when God asks you to jump, he would catch you. He cannot deny his word because denying His Word is like Denying Himself. God is God and His Word is the same as Himself.

What has God said to you? Perhaps it's yet to come to pass. Wait on Him. More importantly TRUST him to bring His Word to pass. It is written "They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever"

Central Truth: Trust God more. He is more than able to bring His Word to pass in your life.


LORD, help me to continually keep my heart set on you, let me not be weary in waiting in Jesus Name
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