Monday 24 August 2015

Who are you looking for? Helpers or Destiny Helpers.

Today's word was inspired by the thoughts that came into my heart some days ago. I realised that many people are seeking and praying for Helpers in different areas of their lives. It is a good thing to desire, unfortunately many may never get the answers to their prayers, this is not because God doesn't love them but because they've got it all muddled up.

God has promised us a sure Help. Jesus said to his Disciples "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever". In other words, the Holy Ghost is our primary helper. He resides in us as believers and communicates the mind of God to us when we are opened to His leading in our lives.

However, we need people around us to assist, and help us in different areas. But I realised that God arranges people to help us on the journey to destiny. So, true Helpers come to those who are walking in destiny. That's why they are called Destiny Helpers. Paul met Barnabas who helped him to be accepted in the fold of the believers in his day. Moses met Aaron who stood by him. Gideon was able to raise an army to fight the battle God had prepared him for.

It happens that we often think that people will complete us, other times we expect someone to show up out of the Blues to make things happen in our lives. It may occur this way but it doesn't always happen like that. Be about what God has called you to do and you can be sure that the right people who come your way.

Your destiny carries an attraction with it. It attracts those who will build,  benefit and brighten your destiny.
We've been running our youth organization for almost two years now. Just last week we added a new leader to the Leaders' Team. He's been extremely contributive and supportive.

You'd meet destiny Helpers but be committed to your destiny.

Central Truth: God has already planned it all out. All the things that you'd ever need are provided in your destiny. As you walk in it, helpers will come in contact with you.


LORD, help me to stay on the path of my destiny and let me not miss the helpers you're sending my way in a Jesus Name. Amen.
Today's Bible Reading is from Proverbs 24.
Yesterday's gathering was a huge success. God took control. The Impact is speaking. Thanks for your prayers and support. God Bless You.

Youth Devotional
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